M71 - CTMT/DW Instrumentation Flashcards
How many temperature indicators are there for CTMT, DW, CRD cavity?
DW 12
CRD cavity 4
What division powers signals for inboard/outboard valves
Div 1 outboard
Div 2 inboard
“IN 2”
What is the time critical action with this?
- Ensure that a control room isolation occurs within 20 minutes of any of the following:
-41.6” level, 1.23# DW, 4.5 mr/hr control building air intake
MSL rad 3.0 times full power background
MSL Tunnel ambient temp high 185 deg F
What are the immediate operator actions?
ISB may be used
If signal is valid, and dampers did not isolate, then attempt to close
Attachment III may be used to identify valves on -41.6” or 1.23#
What is the purpose of CTMT and DW pressure instrumentation?
Provide sufficient indication to effectively monitor CTMT and DW conditions
How do air operated valves fail?
CLOSED, no signal can interrupt motive power to both closure devices
What’s the site radiation boundary limit?
25 REM
What’s the purpose of the CTMT isolation system?
- Prevents release of radioactive materials to the environment by closing CTMT, DW, and Aux bldg isolation valves
- Provides signal to control room ventilation and suppression pool make-up logic in a LOCA
What powers MSIVs?
RPS A and B
What’s the purpose of CTMT and Drywell temperature monitoring system?
Assist in determining leakage, ensure atmosphere cooling systems are working properly, and determine CTMT, DW temps, during accident
What’s the purpose of suppression pool temp monitoring?
monitors supp pool temps during SRV blowdown and normal plant conditions
what powers CTMT, DW, and Aux isolation valves?
Div 1 - 1Y87
Div 2 - 1Y88
When does the high CRD cavity temp alarm come in?
145 deg F
What is the NSSS logic?
A and D for Div 1
B and C for Div 2
What’s the design max pressure for CTMT?
15 psig
What’s the design max pressure for Drywell?
30 psig
What’s the max design temp for CTMT?
195 deg F
What’s the max design temp for Drywell?
330 deg F
What’s the purpose of the CTMT monitoring system?
- Monitor CTMT and DW pressure and temp
- Suppression pool temp
- DW airborne radiation level
What’s the purpose of Drywell product monitor?
Samples drywell atmosphere for particulate, and noble gas radioactivity
What is Group 1 isolations?
MSIV and MSL drains
M NSSSS Manual isolation T 185 deg F main steam tunnel temp V 9" condenser vacuum, in RUN P <849 psig turbine inlet L Level 1 -150.3" F MSL flow high 140% (252.5 psid)
What is Group 2 isolations?
RHR to Radwaste
M NSSSS Manual isolation
T RHR equipment rm area high temp (E31/bp) 165 deg
L Level 3, 11.4”
D DW press hi 1.23 psig
Although a group 3 valve, E12-F037 uses group 2 isolation signals
What is group 3 isolations?
RHR Shutdown Cooling
M NSSSS Manual Isolation
P Reactor pressure high (NOT F037A/B) > 135 psig
T RHR Eq room area high temp (E31/bp) 165 deg F
L Level 3 11.4”
D DW pressure high (F037 A/B only!) 1.23 psig
What are group 4 isolations?
Steam Supply to RHR and RCIC (RCIC STEAM)
M Manual Div 1 initiation
P RCIC steam supply pressure low 60 psig
E RCIC exhaust diaphragm pressure hi 10 psig
T RCIC rm ambient temp high (E31/bp) 185 deg F
RHR rm ambient temp high (E31/bp) 165 deg F
MSL tunnel temp high (E31/bp) 185 deg F (30 min TD!)
S RCIC steam line flow high/low various
What are group 5 isolations?
RHR and LPCS Test Line
M Manual initiation
L Level 1 -150.3”
D Drywell pressure high 1.39 psig
What are group 6 isolations?
CTMT and Drywell
M NSSSS manual isolation
L Level 2 -41.6”
D Drywell pressure high 1.23 psig
What are group 7 isolations?
CTMT Cooling
M NSSSS manual isolation
L Level 2 -41.6”
D Drywell pressure high 1.23 psig
R CTMT and DW Vent Exhaust rad high 3.6 mr/hr
What are group 8 isolations?
M NSSSS Manual Isolation
S SLC system actuation, Div 1 - F004 / Div 2 -
T High MSL tunnel temp (E31/bp) 185 deg F
High RWCU area temps: (E31/bp) Pump - 170
Valve - 135
Hx - 120
D High RWCU differential flow (E31/bp) 79 gpm for 45 sec
L Level 2 -41.6”
L Loss of Control power to LDS Logic (E31/bp)
N Non regen outlet temp (FD inlet temp) High 140 F
What are group 9 isolations?
RCIC Exhaust Vacuum Breakers
PRESS RCIC steam supply press low 60 psig
DRY Drywell pressure high 1.39 psig
What are group 10 isolations?
Reactor Sample Line
L Level 2 -41.6”
R MSL Rad High 3 X FPB (Full Power Background)
I MSL Rad Monitor INOP
M NSSSS Manual isolation
What are the Aux Building Isolations?
Aux Building Ventilation
Level 2 -41.6”
DW press high 1.23 psig
FHA Vent Exh Rad high 3.6 mr/hr
Fuel Pool Sweep Exh Rad high 30 mr/hr
What groups isolate on Rx water level 11.4” ?
2, 3
What groups isolate on Rx water level -41.6” ?
6, 7, 8, 10
What groups isolate on Rx water level -150.3” ?
1, 5
What groups isolate on 1.39 psig DW pressure?
5 and 9
What groups isolate on 1.23 psig DW pressure?
2, 3, 6, 7