B2101 - RPV Level Instrumentation Flashcards
What are the immediate operator actions for pressure control malfunction
- Pressure can’t be maintained < 1050 psig
- Throttle pressure can’t be maintained > 900 psig
- Control System malfunction and APRMs oscillating peak to peak > 10% rated thermal power
- Cooldown rate can’t be maintained < 90 deg F/Hr
Take mode switch to shutdown
What range does the remote shutdown panel show?
Wide range -160” to + 140”
Where can each range be read in the control room?
- Shutdown P601
- Upset P680
- Narrow P680
- Wide P680, P601, RSDP
- Fuel Zone P601
What are the Cal conditions for upset range?
CTMT 80 deg F
DW 135 deg F
Pressure 1025 psig
What are the cal conditions for wide range?
CTMT 80 deg F DW 135 deg F Rx Press 1025 psig No recirc Flow 20 BTU/lbm FW subcooling
what are the cal conditions for fuel zone range?
DW 212 deg F
Rx press 0 psig
Rx temp 212 deg F
No jet pump flow
what are the cal conditions for shutdown range?
CTMT 80 deg F
DW 80 deg F
Rx press 0 psig
Rx temp 120 deg F
Where are the fuel zone level taps located?
Jet pumps #6 and #18
How will level read in the fuel zone range at full jet pump flow?
What 2 ranges share the same reference leg?
Will it indicate in mode 5?
Upset and shutdown
What is used for reference leg of the fuel zone range?
the variable leg of narrow range is the reference leg for fuel zone
What are the 9 levels of the RPV? and what happens on each level?
- 58” RFPT trip and Turbine trip
- 53.5” HPCS wide, RCIC narrow isolate. Rx Scram
- 40.7” High level alarm
- 38” Normal
- 36” Normal
- 32.7” Low level alarm, FCV runback if feed pump
tripped - 11.4” P - Post accident recorder to fast
R - Recirc pumps to slow
A - ADS lvl 3 confirmation
N - NSSSS group 2 & 3 isolation
S - Setpoint setdown - <11.4”, lvl set to 54”.
After 10s or when >12.4”, sets lvl to 4” - -41.6” E - ECCS initiations - HPCS and RCIC
D - Div III DG start
R - Recirc pumps trip
N - NSSSS group 6,7,8, & 10 isolation
S - SBGT initiation signal
S - SPMU initiation signal
S - SBFA starts - -150.3” D - Div 1/2 DG start
E - ECCS initiations - LPCS/RHR A,B,C
A - ADS initiation signal
N - NSSSS group 1 & 5 isolation
S - SPMU initiation signal
What are the cal conditions for narrow range?
CTMT 80 deg F
DW 135 deg F
Rx 1025 psig
What ranges have density compensation?
Upset and Fuel Zone (PDS and SPDS)
What provides back-up signal to feedwater level control?
What’s the indicator # for shutdown and upset range?
What’s the indicator # for Narrow and fuel zone?
What’s the purpose for reference leg purge?
Ensure condensing pots remain full of liquid during normal ops and minor transients
What system provides reference leg purge?
What is the flow rate for the reference leg purge?
2-6 lbm/hr from CRD
When does RCIC initiate?
-41.6” WIDE range
When does RCIC isolate?
53.5” NARROW range
When does HPCS initiate?
-41.6” WIDE range
When does HPCS isolate?
53.5” WIDE range
What are the 5 level ranges of the RPV?
- Shutdown 0-400”
- Upset 0-180”
- Narrow 0-60”
- Wide -160 - +60”
- Fuel Zone -320 to -20”
What’s the purpose of the condensing pot?
condenses steam from the Rx to water in reference leg
What is the high pressure and low pressure sides?
High pressure - Reference
Low pressure - Variable
How does wide range read in reference to narrow range?
15” lower than narrow range
purpose of rpv level instrumentation?
monitors rpv level during normal ops, start-up, shutdown, and post-accident conditions
explain how indicated level respond to DP changes
DP up - level down
DP down - level up