encoding and decoding of the meaning of concepts in our minds through language
to describe or depict it, to call it up in the mind by description or portrayal or imagination
what we use to represent our ideas, concepts, and feelings
signs and symbols
true or false: meaning is fixed
false, not fixed
two systems of representation
conceptual map and language
The system of thoughts, beliefs, desires, and perceptions which allow us to refer to things both inside and outside our heads.
conceptual map
help us decode signs; interpret meanings; and classify, organize, and related concepts
conceptual map
The words, sounds, images, gestures, facial expressions, etc. we use to construct and communicate meanings to other people
true or false: People who belong to the same culture (must) share a similar conceptual map
three theories of representation
reflective theory, intentional theory, and constructionist theory
Assumes that meaning exists objectively in the physical world of objects, people, and events, and that language functions as a mirror of an objective reality.
reflective theory
the following is an example of what theory of representation:
TV news programs reporting what has happened or what is happening
reflective theory
Assumes that meanings are determined by the author of texts. Authors include artists, poets, performers, writers, movie directors, and ad producers.
intentional theory
ultimate source of meaning
Claims that representation is a subjective process affected by an author’s experiences, background, and perspectives.
intentional theory
Emphasizes the active role of the reader in the process of decoding, making sense, and constructing meaning of texts.
constructionist theory
true or false: meaning is contained within an author’s intentions
false, isn’t contained
true or false: meanings are constructed by readers themselves
true or false: reality is objective and multiple
false, subjective
Allows for a critical questioning and possible subversion of a dominant reading or interpretation of a text.
constructionist theory