M2S6 Macro-enviromental Factors Flashcards
What do macro environments consider
-country’s governance structures
-whether there is war or conflict in a country or region
-whether people have experienced natural disasters
-and the ever present or growing impacts of climate change
What are natural disasters
-defined by World Health Organization “any occurrence that causes damage, ecological disruption, loss of human life or deterioration of health and services on a scale sufficient to warrant an extraordinary response from outside the affected community or area”
Complex humanitarian emergencies (CHEs)
-typically characterized by extensive violence and loss of life, displacement of populations, widespread damage to societies and economics, and the need for large-scale, multi-faceted humanitarian assistance
Factors affecting Managing CHEs
Because of multiplicity and other factors like
-population migration
-disruption of supply chains
-collapse of state or national level institution
-breakdown of law and order
CHEs: climate change
-according to who, single biggest health threat facing humanity
-extensive data on climate shows a clear trend towards a heating planet beyond what can be attributed to natural variation in climate patterns
- check goodnotes for graph
Climate change threatens health
- refer to goodnotes for climate change threatens health
Most significant impacts from
-rising temperatures
-more extreme weather
-rising sea levels
-increasing CO2 levels
Extent of climate change unknown, but climate change have significant impact on global health
-vector-borne diseases
Whether people live in villages, big cities, or islands or coastal towns, their health is threatened by climate change
Impact of climate change on health
-globally, health professionals already responding to health impacts from climate change crises
-diseases never seen in new areas ex. Lymedisease
-more cases as increase number of days above zero, so longer to wander into new territories
-more west and north Canada wildfires, bad air quality, lots of asthma, quality pf life sad
-longer and more severe allergy seasons
Take action feels better than anxiety to make greener world
Economic impacts of climate change
- view goodnotes for graph on economic impacts of climate change
-natural disasters occurring more frequently over time
-as number and magnitude of natural disasters increase, total cost of damages they cause also increases
-as more economic resources are allocated to relief programs, less become available to allocate towards supporting health systems
Number of disasters reported world wide (check map on goodnotes)
How to minimize environmental health threats
- list not exhaustive: just a few examples
Indoor air pollution
-indoor air pollution can be reduced through use of indoor stoves with efficient fuels and by a reduction of chemical use in household products (off gasses)
-can be reduced globally by implementing low-cost sanitation systems and encouraging lifestyle modifications to improve sanitation on an individual level
Climate change
-encouraging major reductions in greenhouse gas emission through transition to clean energy sources and supporting changes in social norms towards a reduction in overconsumption of materials and natural resources
Outdoor air pollution
-minimizing automobile usage, or if that’s not an option, adopting cleaner transportation options
-implementing lifestyle modifications like using less energy and material goods and avoid the burning of garbage also help
Water supply and hygiene
-global implementation of appropriate water systems and promotion of proper-hand washing practices will help decrease health risks; ensuring the resources to support this is essential
-encouraging the construction of homes that are well suited to the climate of an area
-includes ensuring appropriate construction approaches and components, avoiding the use of harmful chemical in material goods or cleaning products
Governance impact on health
-country’s political system has direct relationship to availability, number, and type of services that are available to populations and that could influence health
Ex. Health system is an extension of political structures and decision making about resources allocation
-governments determine levels and types of taxation, benefits, older age pensions etc.
-peoples physical, mental, emotional health can be affected by countries where freedom of movement or expression limited or where specific members of population not given equal freedoms or opportunities (ex. Women, people from ethnic, sexual, or gender minority groups)
Connect democracy, life expectancy and mortality
- check goodnotes for chart
-whether country democratic or not affects health of citizens
-direct relationship between democracy and life expectancy, infant mortality or maternal mortality does vary slightly by the income level of a country
-overall, most likely for high mortality and lower life expectancy in countries without free democracy
War definition
State of armed conflict between different nations or states or different groups within a nation or state
War and its effects on health
-war impacts physical health (safety, mortality rates) as well as mental and emotional health (psychological stress, anxiety, etc)
-security of a person is at the base of mallows hierarchy of needs and is a basic human right
Maslows hierarchy of needs review on goodnotes
Trauma, stress and wars impact on health
-can have immediate, medium-term, and long-term health impacts
-post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) one type of negative health impact
-people can also face increased risk of heart disease, heart attack, high blood pressure and stroke, sleep problems, weight gain, and memory and concentration impairment due to long-term impact of stress on a person over time
How are Environmental factors Food insecurity in Northern Canada
-environment elements which work together to create multi-layered barriers
-grocery prices over amount make and pay for rent in nunavant
-travel to Ottawa to stock up on groceries and use amazon as cheaper
-helps to be parter with a good hunter
-federal government needs to do more to lower foods costs, so revamped to Nutrition North Program with new grants to help hunters pay for their harvesting, higher subsidies for more food products and even a few non-food items like diapers
-not enough to solve food insecurity tho cause in Canada, nutritious food seems like a basic right