M&M Academy Guitar Beginner Level 4 Flashcards
What is a finger exercise?
A finger exercise is an activity like a warm up before sports. These help warm your fingers up, makes them stronger and faster, and teaches you good finger/fret placement and pressure.
During the riff My Girl, how are the fingers supposed to work?
You begin with your 1st finger on fret 3, then move your 1st finger up to fret 5 to get into a 3 finger-3 fret postion (3rd finger on fret 7).
(This riff repeats this pattern for the second half too).
Explain what a ‘flat finger’ is.
A flat finger is when you hold your finger over multiple strings to play 2 or more notes with ease and in quick succesion.
During the riff Enter Sandman, what does ‘let ring’ mean?
It means the ‘0’ that you strike at the beginning rings out through the whole bar.
How do you play A major?

How do you play A minor?

How do you play C major?

How do you play D major?

How do you play D minor?

How do you play E major?

How do you play E minor?

How do you play C major?

How do you play G major?

How many semibreves can fit in one bar?
How many minims can fit in one bar?
How many crotchets can fit in one bar?
How many quavers can fit in one bar?
How many semiquavers can fit in one bar?
Name all the strings.
E A D G B E.
What is an octave?
An octave is the interval between one music pitch and another.
(For example open string E up to the E on the 12th fret)
What is the definition of a scale?
A scale is a set of notes that move up or down in order, in pitch.
What are scales used for?
Scales are used primarily for solos and improvisation. They can also be used to create melodies and embellish chords.
What are the two primary scales?
The Major and the Minor scale.
What letter is on fret 1 of the A string?
A# or Bb
What letter is on fret 6 of the A string?
D# or Eb
What letter is on fret 9 of the A string?
F# or Gb
Identify the letter D on BOTH your E and A strings.
Fret 10 on the E string
Fret 5 on the A string
Identify the letter G on BOTH your E and A strings.
Fret 3 on your E string
Fret 10 on your A string
Identify the letter C# on BOTH your E and A strings.
Fret 9 on your E string.
Fret 4 on your A string.
Identify the letter Fb on BOTH your E and A strings.
Fret 0 (open string) on your E string
Fret 7 on your A string
This is also the letter E