M&M Academy Guitar Beginner Level 1 Flashcards
What are tuning pegs?
These are used to tune the strings on your guitar.
(When you turn a tuning peg clockwise the string should go lower in pitch and when you turn it anti-clockwise it should go higher in pitch. If this is not the case, it’s possible the guitar has been set-up or re-strung incorrectly).

What is the neck?
This is the long wooden part that comes out of your guitar. It holds the fretboard and is where you will find the frets.

What are frets?
These are metal strips that go down the guitar neck. The space in between each fret is a different note. As you move up the fretboard (towards the body of the guitar), the notes go up in pitch.

What is the output jack?
This is where you plug in your jack lead to connect to an amplifier.

What are the ‘inlays’?
These are your fret markers on your fretboard. Typically on frets 3, 5, 7, 9 and 12 (although this sometimes varies).

What are the pick-ups?
These are the components underneath the strings on the body of your guitar (usually a soundhole for an acoustic instead of pickups). These detect the vibrations of your strings using magnets to feedback a signal through an amplifier.

What is the pick-up selector and what does it do?
This is the switch on the body of your guitar. This selects which pick-up receives a signal, which in turn provides a more treble or bass sound.

Where are the volume and tone controls and what do they do?
The volume and tone controls are the knobs you can twist on the body of you guitar. The volume control adjusts how loud or quiet your guitar is, whilst the tone controls adjust the treble or bass.

What are these called?

What is a plectrum used for?
A plectrum is a small flat tool used to pluck or strum a stringed instrument.
What is tab (tablature)?
A type of music specifically written for the guitar.
What is a chord?
A chord is when you play multiple notes at the same time.
What is this chord?

What is this chord?

What is this chord?

What is this chord?

What is the definition of rhythm?
The Timing (how fast and slow the beat is) and Duration (how long and short the notes are).
How many beats are in the common time signature?
4 beats in a bar.
How many beats is a crotchet worth?
What is worth half a beat?
Quaver (s)
Name a string name Mnemonic.
Eddie Ate Dynamite, Good Bye Eddie!
Elephants And Donkeys Grow Big Ears.
Eat All Day, Get Big Easy.
Where is the letter A on your E string?
Fret 5
Where is the letter F on your E string?
Fret 1
Where is the letter B on your E string?
Fret 7
Where is the letter G on your E string?
Fret 3
Where is the letter C on your E string?
Fret 8
Where is the letter E on your E string?
Fret 12 or the open string
Where is the letter D on your E string?
Fret 10
What is the definition of a Scale?
A scale is a set of notes that move up or down in order, in pitch.
What are the two primary scales?
The Major and the Minor scale.