Lysozyme And Hexokinases Flashcards
What does a lysozyme do
Why is the subsite D distorted in this 6 residue substrate for lysozyme
What wind of conformation does subsite D adopt and why
What is the mechanism of the non enzymatic acid-catalysed hydrolysis of an acetal to a hemiacetal
How in the D-ring oxonium ion intermediate in the Phillips mechanism stabilised
What are the two possible mechanisms for how the glycosidic bond in the glycan chain (which is the 6 residue substrate of lysozyme) is cleaved
Draw and describe the Phillips mechanism
Draw and describe the koshland mechanism
What is strain in catalysis
Draw the mechanism for the first step of glycolysis
How does hexokinase prevent the competing reaction with water (and how is hexokinase an example of induced fit)
How is lactate formed from pyruvate
Write the general mechanism for the hydride reduction of carbonyl groups
What is meant by the terms achiral, prochirality, prochilarity centre, pro-R and pro-S
What are the cahn- Ingold- prelog priority rules
What are the cahn-ingold-prelog rules for trigonal planar groups
What are the structures of the coenzyme’s used in dehydrogenases
What is the general mechanism for hydride transfer from a nicotinamide ring
How are the 2 hydrogens on the nicotinamide ring labelled
Draw the reaction mechanism of lactate dehydrogenase to produce lactate from pyruvate
What experimental approaches are used to study enzyme mechanism
What factors confer substrate specificity of an enzyme