Submandibular (mandibular angle)? area drained
oral cavity (Tongue, gum, cheek, lips)
Submandibular? pathology
Malignancy of oral cavity (metastasis and turmors), tonsilitis
Deep cervical (sternocleido, accompany internal jugular and carotid)? area drained
Lymph fluid drainage of all superficial lymph node groups of the HEAD and NECK + OROPHARYNX
Drain into the right lymphatic duct and thoracic duct
Deep cervical? pathology
Upper respiratory tract infections
Infectious mononucleosis
Kawasaki disease
Malignancy of the head, neck, and oropharynx
LEFT Supraclavicular (Virchow nodes)? area drained
Left thorax, Lungs, Left upper extremity
Abdomen, Pelvis
LEFT Supraclavicular (Virchow nodes)? pathology
Lung carcinoma
Left supraclavicular lymphadenopathy (Troisier sign) is usually indicative of a possible abdominopelvic malignancy (especially metastatic gastric or pancreatic carcinoma).
RIGHT Supraclavicular? area drained
Right supraclavicular nodes drain into the right lymphatic duct and collect:
Neck, Right thorax, Right upper extremity, Right mediastinum, Lungs, Esophagus
RIGHT Supraclavicular? pathology
Lung carcinoma
Mediastinal = paratracheal? area
Occurs in anterior mediastinum;
Drain structures within the mediastinum (trachea, esophagus, hila of the lungs, heart and pericardium, thymus)
Mediastinal = paratracheal? pathology
Mediastinal malignancies: Lung carcinoma; Esophageal carcinoma; Hodgkin lymphoma
Metastatic malignancies (e.g., breast carcinoma, thyroid carcinoma)
Granulomatous pulmonary diseases e.g., tuberculosis (unilateral), sarcoidosis (bilateral), histoplasmosis, pneumoconiosis, mycoplasma
Hilar? area
Occurs: Adjacent to main stem bronchus (hila of the lungs)
Drains LUNGS
Hilar? pathology
Lung carcinoma
Granulomatous pulmonary diseases e.g., tuberculosis (unilateral), sarcoidosis (bilateral), histoplasmosis, pneumoconiosis, mycoplasma
Where drains mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes?
thoracic duct
In sarcoidosis which side of lymph nodes is affected?
Sarcoidosis (bilateral hilar)
In TB which side of lymph nodes is affected?
Pulmonary TB (unilateral hilar)
Lung carcinoma, sarcoidosis and TB, pneumoconiosis, mycoplasma. What lymph nodes?
Mestastatic malignancies affect which chest lymphnodes?
Supra/Epitrochlear? location ?
Subcutaneous fat above medial epicondyle of humerus (∼ 3 cm from elbow)
Supra/Epitrochlear? area drained
Ulnar forearm and hand
Drain into the axillary lymph nodes
Supra/Epitrochlear? pathology
SECONDARY SYPHILIS Melanoma Lymphoproliferative disorders Infections of hand and forearm Tularemia
Periumbilical (Sister Mary Joseph node)? location?
Grouped around the umbilicus
Periumbilical (Sister Mary Joseph node)? drained area
Abdomen and pelvis (umbilical area)
Drain into axillary, inguinal, and para-aortic lymph nodes
Periumbilical (Sister Mary Joseph node)? pathology
metastasis of malignant cancer in the abdominopelvic region (e.g., GASTRIC cancer, pancreatic cancer, ovarian cancer)
Celiac? location
Around the origin of the celiac trunk
Celiac? area drained
Stomach, UPPER duodenum, pancreas, spleen, liver and biliary tract (foregut)
Pre-aortic lymph nodes group? 3
celiac, superior mesenteric, inferior mesenteric
Superior mesenteric? location
Around the origin of the superior mesenteric artery