Lymphagogues Flashcards
What are lymphagogues?
Agents that stimulate the movement of lymphatic fluid, thereby relieving congestion and edema, and accelerating the removal of waste products. They can help to resolve infection or inflammation They are generally cooling and stimulating Some are potentially toxic or irritating
Ceanothus americanus
(Red Root)
Indications: cough, bronchitis, pharyngitis, asthma, splenic enlargement, dysentery
Cautions/Contraindications: speculative – may antagonize anticoagulants, may accelerate coagulation
Gallium aparine
Actions: Lymphagogue, Diuretic, Nutritive, Vulnerary, Refrigerant
Indications: Lymphadenopathy, tonsillitis, nodular growths under the skin, painful urinary tract conditions, kidney and bladder inflammation.
Contraindications: none reported
Phytolacca americana
(Poke Root)
Actions: Lymphagogue, Antiviral, Emetic, Purgative, Laxative
Indications: hard, painful, glandular swellings, mastitis
Contraindications: Pregnancy
Phytolacca americana – Poke Root
Toxic Constituents and Sxs of Overdose
Toxic Constituents: phytolaccigenin, phytolaccine, phytolaccotoxin
- Toxicity is decreased with heat and drying
- of the fresh root, <2 g root is toxic to adults
- ≦10 berries fatal in children, ½ oz. of berries fatal in adults
- Root can cause dermatitis when collected
Symptoms of overdose: nausea, vomiting, tingling throughout the body, hypotension, respiratory failure, severe gastroenteritis, with vomiting, diarrhea, bone marrow depression, death from respiratory or cardiac depression
Calendula officinalis
Actions: vulnerary, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antiseptic
Indications: Lymphatic congestion with a predilection for the chest, axilla, and inguinal crease.
Contraindications: Pregnancy
Caution: Allergy to Asteraceae family
Stillingia sylvatica
(Queen’s Root)
Actions: Lymphagogue, Alterative, Emetic, Cathartic
Indications: dry, red, irritated mucous membranes of the larynx, pharynx, bronchi; croupy cough
Toxicity: sylvacrol, which is present in the fresh root tincture, may cause gastrointestinal burning, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, muscular weakness, and prostration.
Echinacea spp.
Actions: immunomodulator, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, stimulates leukocytes, inhibits hyaluronidase, enhances phagocytosis, lymphagogue, vulnerary
Indications: Infection, sepsis, pharyngitis, snake bites, ulcers
Contraindications: some practitioners avoid use with inflammatory autoimmune diseases.
Trifolium pratense
(Red Clover)
Actions: Alterative, Antitumor, Antitussive, Antispasmodic, Phytoestrogenic, Anti-inflammatory, Lymphagogue
Indications: Cancer, Cachexia, Gout, arthritis, Burns with poor healing, Acne, Ulcers of the skin or mucous membranes, Spasmodic Cough, TB or inflammation of the lungs