Lymph System Flashcards
What does liver damage do to levels of albumin in blood?
How does this affect oncotic pressure?
Decreases the levels of albumin in blood
It decreases oncotic pressure
What is oncotic pressure?
force pulling fluid back into capillaries d/t proteins
2 main functions of Lymphatic system
- ) Fluid Balance- lacteals (in capillary beds) take-up fluid from interstitium, fluid is returned to systemic circulation.
- ) Immune Surveilance- filter fluid scanning for bacteria and other pathogens
Which is higher in the blood compared to the lymph?
Total Protein
electrolytes are same in both lymph and serum
total protein greater in serum
IgG higher in serum
Cholesterol higher in serum
What are the Starling forces that cause interchange between intervascular and interstitial space?
Net hydrostatic pressure (pressure on the capillary d/t capillary hydrostatic pressure and intersitial hydrostatic pressure)
Net oncotic pressure [pressure exerted by proteins in blood plasma (capillary oncotic pressure) vs intersitium (interstitial oncotic pressure)]
Capillary filtration- how permeable the capillaries are
Factors effecting capillary permeability
fever, sepsis, infection, inflammation, burns, etc.
What is the net effect of increased intravascular hydrostatic pressure? (downstream obstruction)
increase in capillary hydrostatic pressure resulting in flitration into the interstitium. Lacteals of lymph cannot return all of excess fluid into circulation so edema/ascites results.
causes: Heart failure, cirrhotic liver disease
What is the net effect of fluid in decreased intravascular oncotic pressure (decreased protein in blood)?
decrease in capillary oncotic pressure resulting in decreased re-absorption of fluid into serum, this leads to increased fluid in interstitium leading to edema/ascites.
hypalbuminemia from;
-Malnutrition (low protein intake)
-Liver failure (not enough protein produced)
-Nephrotic syndrome (too much protein lost in urine)
When does increased capillary filtration occur?
Burns, inflamm, toxic damage: sepsis, pancreatitis, inhalation injuries
What is the net effect of fluid in lymphatic obstruction?
Lymphatic obstruction is the inability to absorb fluid from the interstitium leading to edema.
Metastatic Cancers
Surgical removal of lymph nodes
Primary lymphoid organs are?
bone marrow
secondary lymphoid organs are?
- Spleen,
- Lymph nodes
- MALT (mucosal associated lymphoid tissue, ex- tonsil, peyers patches)
What types of cells are formed in the bone marrow?
Granulocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils)
Agranulocytes; Lymphocytes (T and B), Monocytes (Mf in tissue)
Cells formed in the lymph tissue?
Lymphocytes from precursor cells that originate in marrow)
WBC found in the blood
- PMN neutrophils
- PMN eosinophils
- PMN basophils
- Monocytes
- Lymphocytes
- Plasma cells occasionally