Lyme Disease Flashcards
What is Lyme disease ?
a bacterial (vector-born) disease caused by Borrelia species (Borrelia burgdoferi)
Basic characteristics (3)
spiral shaped (Spirochete)
Transmission (3)
TRANSMITTED by bite of blacklegged tick (DEER TICK)
Tick is infected by Borrelia burgdorferi and RARELY by Borrelia mayonii
TRANSMISSION OCCURS after an infected tick has been attached for AT LEAST 24-36 hours (most transmission occurs after 36-48 hours)
Removing the tick (within 24 hours) after it is ATTACHED greatly reduces the chances of getting Lyme disease.
Geographic distribution of Borrelia species
B. burgdorferi
North America, Europe
B. mayonii
Upper Midwestern USA
B. afzelii AND B. garinii,
Europe, Asia
Lyme disease vectors
Ixodes scapularis - EASTERN and NORTH central regions of North America
Ixodes pacificus - WESTERN North America (eg, northern California and Oregon)
Ixodes persulcatus - Asia and Eastern Europe
Ixodes ricinus - Europe and Western Asia
Life Cycle
Blacklegged ticks have a 2 - 3 YEARS OF LIFE CYCLE
FOUR life stages: EGG, LARVA, NYMPH, and ADULT.
The LARVA and NYMPH each must take a blood meal to develop to another stage of their life (female need blood to produce eggs)
LARVA AND NYMPHAL TICKS might get infected with Borrelia burgdorferi when feeding on an infected wildlife host, usually a RODENT such as mice.
The bacteria are passed along to the next life stage.
Deer are important sources of blood for ticks and are important for tick ‘s survival and movement to new areas but are NOT INFECTED by Borrelia burgdorferi . Other mammals e.g., dogs, and sheep (Europe) can be host for Borrelia
Symptoms (MOST COMMON)
Lyme disease —> MULTIPHASE & MULTISYSTEM disease
1) Fever/chills. All tickborne diseases can cause fever.
2) Aches and pains (JOINT PAIN)
3) RASH —> Lyme disease, Southern tick associated rash illness (STAR), Rocky mountain spotted fever (RMSF), ehrlichiosis and tularemia can cause DISTINCTIVE rashes
4) Tick paralysis —> caused by a toxin in the saliva of an attached tick. (PARALYSIS MOVES UP THE BODY) also resembles Guillain-Barré syndrome or botulism. (patients gain movement if removed tick within 24 hours)
Clinical manifestations (3)
Early Localized Disease — STAGE 1
The bacteria have not yet spread throughout the body.
Early Disseminated Disease — STAGE 2
The bacteria have begun to spread throughout the body.
Late Disseminated Disease — STAGE 3
The bacteria have spread to distant sites such as the joints and nerves.
Types of rashes
Check the slides it’s better
Erythema migrans (EM) rash
Occurs in 70 to 80 PERCENT of infected persons
• Begins at the site of a tick bite after 3 to 30 days (average is about 7 days)
• Expands gradually over several days reaching up to 12 inches or more (30 cm) across
• May feel warm to the touch but is rarely itchy or painful
• May appear on any area of the body
• Does not always appear as a “classic” erythema migrans rash
Stage 2: Early disseminated Lyme disease
• MAY OCCUR weeks to months after the tick bite
• Numbness or pain in the distribution of a nerve
• Paralysis or weakness in the muscles of the face, especially a facial nerve palsy
• Meningitis, characterized by severe headache, stiff neck, fever
• Heart problems, such as skipped heartbeats, which can cause light headedness or fainting.
Stage 3: Late disseminated Lyme disease
OCCURS when treatment was either not successful or never started (usually occurring many months after the initial bite).
Usually associated with intermittent or persistent arthritis
Joint inflammation (arthritis), typically in the knees, occurs and may become chronic.
Abnormal nervous system sensation develops because of disease of peripheral nerves (peripheral neuropathy), and confusion.
Heart problems including inflammation of the heart muscle and an irregular beat may occur .
Paralysis or weakness in the muscles of the face, especially a facial nerve palsy.
Meningitis, characterized by severe headache, stiff neck, fever.
Cycle after transmission
• B. burgdorferi enters the skin at the site of the tick bite.
• After 3 to 32 days, the organisms migrate locally in the skin around the bite, spread via the lymphatics to cause regional adenopathy or disseminate in blood to organs or other skin sites.
• Initially, an inflammatory reaction (erythema migrans) occurs before significant antibody response to infection (serologic conversion).
It is invasive and persistent but NOT TOXIGENIC.
Tissue pathology appears to be primarily due to host inflammatory reactions
Attachment to host membranes
B. burgdorferi possesses:
P66 (outer membrane protein of B. burgdorferi) —> functions as porin protein and, ß3-intergin binding protein that binds to host integrins, proteoglycans and glycoproteins
BBK32 (Fibronectin binding protein of B. burgdorferi) and decorin binding protein facilitates dissemination of the bacteria on entry into the bloodstream, promotes serum resistance.
B. burgdorferi binds plasmin, a serine protease, capable of digesting many extracellular matrix components to disseminate from the site of inoculation.
Evasion of antibody-mediated killing
• By using borrelial surface proteins, including outer surface protein C (OspC), and flagellin, developed very early in infection.
• Antibodies against OspC can kill the spirochete.
Evasion of complement-mediated killing
• By using outer surface protein E (OspE)- related proteins (Erps), and complement regulator-acquiring surface proteins (CRASPs) that bind complement factor H, and complement factor H-like protein 1 of the mammalian host.
Evasion of host’s immune response
• Starts the moment B. Burgdorferi enters the bloodstream via the bite of a tick. The tick saliva contains the salivary protein, Salp15.
• Salp15 suppresses the host immune response via the deactivation of T-cells
• Suppression of the immune response allows the tick to feed for a few days on the host’s blood in order to get the nutrients it needs to survive.
• An active host’s immune system at the site of attachment would prevent the attachment of the tick
• Suppression of the local immune response gives the B. Burgdorferi time to invade the host’s tissues and multiply without being detected.
!!! Laboratory diagnosis is not recommended when a patient already develops the characteristic bull’s eye rash.
The diagnosis is typically based upon physical findings :
• Bull’s eye rash in a patient who lives in an endemic area),
• Facial palsy or arthritis
• History of possible exposure to ticks.
• Other symptoms that are characteristic of Lyme disease
PCR for B. burgdorferi DNA
• in CSF or synovial fluid specimens.
•CSF PCR has low sensitivity. Thus, a negative PCR result does not exclude either neurologic Lyme disease or Lyme arthritis (after treatment)
Culture (useful for epidemiology)
B. burgdorferi has been isolated from skin biopsy specimens, blood, and CSF.
Two commonly used media are the modified Kelly-Pettenkofer and Barbour-Stoenner-Kelly II medium.
Serological testing
Current recommendations include a TWO TIERED TEST
Detects antibodies with enzyme immunoassay (EIA) or immunofluorescence assay, followed by a western immunoblot assay
Two-tier testing is interpreted using established criteria where:
• POSITIVE IgM is sufficient only during the first month symptom onset
• POSITIVE IgG is sufficient in later months of illness
Doxycycline or Amoxicillin, or Cefuroxime or Ceftriaxone
• Doses and duration depends on stage of infection and age of patients and patient’s allergy profile
• Doxycycline is NOT RECOMMENDED in pregnant or breastfeeding women.
Post exposure prophylaxis
A single dose of doxycycline can lower the risk of Lyme disease when:
1) The tick bite occurred in a state where Lyme disease incidence is high or in an area where >20% of ticks are infected with Borrelia burgdorferi.
2) The attached tick is ADULT or NYMPHAL blacklegged tick
3) The estimated time of attachment is ≥36 hours based on the degree of tick engorgement with blood or likely time of exposure to the tick
4) Prophylaxis can be started within 72 hours of tick removal.
5) The patient has no contraindication to doxycycline.
Risk Factors
OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES — gardening, hunting, or hiking, in an area where Lyme disease occurs.
Walking in HIGH GRASSES in areas where Lyme- infected nymph ticks live.
Seasonal Risk — > SUMMER
but Infection is possible throughout the year
Management of Lyme disease
1) Tick removal
2) Lyme disease prophylaxis
3) Symptom watch
4) Antibiotic therapy
5) Tick bite prevention counselling