What are the three parts in discharge of contracts
1- consent & performance
2- frustration
3- contractual breach and damages
what do you need for a discharge of consent of legal force
an accord
legal intent
what is the doctrine of exact performance
it is all the obligations that are in a contract which have to be performed
what is substantial performance
it occurs when a party fullfills their obligations under the contract, but there might be some slight deviations. this allows the performing party to claim compensation even if it falls short of completet fulfillment
what is divisible performance
this is when there are multiple obligations which can be done in stages. For example building a fence in section where they get paid by section completed
what is the minimus excption
it is similar to substantial performance. Only relatively small and insignificant changes can be accepted.
price variation clause
in contracts it helps avoid disagreements over minor changes
what is frustration
this is when something happens which makes the contract impossible to be performed, the purpose of the contract is unachievable or if the performance becomes illegal.
the doctrine of frustration
it is when an unforeseen event not caused by either party , significantly alter the contractual obligations from what was originally contemplated
self-induced events
well in this case one party’s action or decisions contribute to the circumstances which frustrate the contract
how can parties safeguard against frustration
by including conditions, terms, clauses
how does breach of contract occur
complete non-performance
defective performance
what is the repudiation of a contract
this is where a contract has been frustrated in a way where the innocent party is allowed to terminate the contract
what is causation
it is the direct link between the actions or failures of one party and the loss suffered by the other party
what is remotness
it is how distant or remote the loss or damage is from the action or the breaching oarty
what is the two limb rule
it was a rule which was established in the case of handley v Baxendale. Where 1st limb ensure that the breach occured naturally and the 2nd limb ensures that both parties must have reasonably expected the loss
what are the 4 measure of the damages
expectational loss
consequential loss
restitution loss
reliance loss