LUTS and BPH Flashcards
nonspecific term for symptoms which may be attributable to lower urinary tract dysfunction
luts (used to be known as prostatism)
Name the 2 main groups of LUTS and the previous used terminology for both
– Storage LUTS (previously called irritative symptoms)
– Voiding LUTS (previously called obstructive symptoms)
a delay between the voluntary attempt to void and the actual initiation of urination
poor urinary flow ,common symptom of BPH
weak stream
linked to weak urinary stream and frequently
accompanied by straining of abdominal muscles upon urination
prolonged voiding
involuntary disruption of the urinary stream during voiding
may be accompanied by the continued desire to void or by pain or discomfort in the bladder area
incomplete emptying
inability to effectively terminate voiding
terminal dribbling
relaxation of sphincter, which u can’t do when I’m being my literal self in the bathroom stalls
associated with bladder irritation that presents as a need to void repeatedly during the day,more than 7 times
urinary frequency
What might be a cause of urinary freq?
the need to void during sleeping hours more than once
the need to urinate immediately
involuntary loss of urine preceded by strong desire to urinate
urge incontinence
Name the 4 storage LUTS symtoms
urinary frequency, urge, urge incontinence, nocturia
Name the 6 symptoms of voiding LUTS
Hesitancy, weak urinary stream, prolonged voiding, intermittency, incomplete emptying, terminal dribbling
What are stirctly female causes of LUTS
Uterine prolaspe, cytocele, local extension of cancer of the cervix