LSA - Survival Craft & Rescue Boats Flashcards
In what publications can information regarding lifeboats and rescue craft be found?
SOLAS Chapter 3 and LSA Code Chapters IV/V/VI
What standards is the painter attached to the life raft required to meet?
Painter must be 10 metres in length from stowage position to the waterline in the lightest seagoing condition, or 15 metres whichever is greater.
What standards is the painter attached to lifeboat/rescue boat required to meet?
Painter must be at least twice the distance from the stowage position of the lifeboat to the waterline with vessel in lightest seagoing condition,
or 15 metres whichever is greater.
What should be the minimum speed of the rescue boat?
6 knots
How many thermal protective aids must a survival craft carry?
Minimum 2 or 10% of the survival craft or life raft
Where can information regarding fall preventer devices be found?
What normal equipment is every rescue boat required to carry?
Sufficient Buoyant Oars or paddles.
A Buoyant bailer
A binnacle with illuminated compass
A sea anchor with hawser minumum 10m.
A painter of sufficient length and strength.
One buoyant line not less than 50m in length.
One waterproof electric torch with one set of spare batteries and bulb in waterproof container.
One whistle or equivalent sound signal.
One first aid kit in waterproof casing.
2 buoyant rescue quoits attached to no less than 30m buoyant line.
A searchlight with continous use capacity of 3h.
An efficient radar reflector.
TPA’s 10% of number on board or 2 whichever is larger.
Portable FFA approved for oil fires.
In addition to that required by every rescue boat, what must every rigid inflated rescue boat carry?
A boat hook.
A bucket.
A knife or hatchet.
In addition to that required by every rescue boat, what must every inflated rescue boat carry?
A buoyant safety knife. 2 sponges. Efficiently operated bellows or pump. Repair kit in suitable container for repairing punctures. A safety boat hook
For what period must inflated rescue boats be capable of survival?
For 30 days afloat in all sea conditions
How long should you test the lifeboat engines ahead/astern every week?
3 minutes
Are the crew required to be in the lifeboat during drills?
No (SOLAS Regulation III/
Which ships require a forward/aft life raft?
A ship whose extreme end of the stem or stern to the nearest end of survival craft is greater than 100m.
A lifeboat should be capable of being launched when making headway at what speed?
5 knots
At what interval must lifeboats be tested by launching and manoeuvred in the water?
At least once every 3 months
In what chapter of what publication will you find information regarding lifeboat testing?
SOLAS Chapter 3
How often must inspection checks be carried out for the lifeboats?
Both weekly and monthly
At what intervals must lifeboats be turned out from their stowed position
At what interval must load tests be conducted on the lifeboats?
5 yearly with a weight being 1.1 times the total of the boat and persons fully loaded.
Describe how you would take a ship’s boat away from the vessels side when the parent vessel is underway
and making way through the water at four (4) knots.
Ensure that the boats painter is secured well forward on the parent vessel. Lower the boat to the surface with the crew wearing suitable clothing and lifejackets.
Have the boats engine operational, but in neutral gear and have bowman and crew standing by to slip and clear the falls.
Once at the surface and the falls are clear, the coxswain should use the tiller (wheel/rudder angle) to sheer the boat away from
What is the construction of the wire falls lowering the ship’s lifeboats?
Lifeboat falls are constructed in Extra Flexible Steel Wire Rope (EFSWR) of 6 36 w.p.s.
Alternatives, include stainless steel manufactured falls, or a ‘wirex’ lay which has a multi-plat construction which has anti-rotational properties.
What is the purpose of ‘tricing pendants’ fitted to lifeboats?
To bring the lifeboat alongside the ship during launching, when the parent vessel has an adverse list.
In what conditions must lifeboats/rescue boats/FRB’s/LIferafts be capable of being launched?
In adverse conditions with a trim of upto 10 degrees and a list of upto 20 degrees either way.
At what speeds must an FRB be capable of being deployed/retrieved?
Deployed with a full complement of crew and equipment at a speed no less than 1/ms and retrieved in the same condition at no less than 0.8m/s
What are the general requirements for FRB’s?
- Capable of being launched in adverse condions.
- Hull length not less than 6m and not more than 8.5m.
- Self righting or ability to be righted by 2 crew members.
- Self bailing or capability of being rapidly bailed.
- Minimum speed of 20 knots for 4 hours with 3 crew members, 8 knots with full crew and equipment.
- Hands free, watertight VHF installed.
- Emergency release switch installed.
- Fittee with a single point suspension arrangement.
- Rigid FRB to withstand 4 times it mass fully loaded when lifted.
What are the general requirements for Rescue Boats?
- No less than 3.5m and no more than 8.5m.
- Capable of carrying 5 seated persons + 1 injured party on stretcher + helmsman.
- Minimum speed of at least 6 knots for at least 4 hours full loaded.
- Capable to retrieve persons from the water, marshal liferafts and tow the ships largest liferaft.
- Weathertight stowage for protection of equipment
- Provided with effective means of bailing or be self bailing.
How must the launching appliances for lifeboats, liferafts, rescue boats etc be powered?
From either stored mechanical supply or gravitational force completely independent of ships power.
How must embarkation ladders be constructed?
Steps shall be made of hardwood.
Steps shall be provided with a non slip surface.
Steps not less than 480mm long, 115 mm wide and 25mm in depth.
Equally spaced not less than 300mm or more than 380mm apart.
Ropes must be made of two uncovered manilla ropes that no less than 65mm each.
Ropes may be made of other material which holds the equivalent properties of manilla.