Lower limb PNS Flashcards
Increased tone = ?
Spasticity (clasp knife)= UMN lesion
‘Lead pipe’ rigidity= disorder of basal ganglia
What is the cog wheel rigidity in Parkinsons?
Tremor on top of lead pipe rigidity
Decreased tone =?
LMN or cerebellar lesion
Myotome of patellar reflex?
Myotome of ankle reflex?
Anormal babinski reflex indicates? And what does it look like?
UMN lesion
Extension of big toe
Ankle clonus indicates?
UMN lesion
What does a positive Rhomberg’s test indicate?
If they are unsteady with their eyes open this suggests a cerebellar lesion
If they become unsteady only when closing the eyes this suggests a sensory ataxia.
Broad based ataxic gait suggests
cerebellar lesion
Spastic gait suggests
Shuffling gait suggests
high stepping gait suggests
Foot drop
What other things can affect gait?
Pain and muscle wasting
End pieces
Rhomberg’s test and gait
What are the things you check in this examination?
Tone Power Reflexes Sensation (including vibration sense) Proprioception Co-ordination