Lower Limb Muscles and Innervations Flashcards
Gluteal Muscles (and innervation)
Gluteus Maximus - thigh extensor at hip (inferior gluteal nerve)
Gluteus Medius - thigh abductor at hip (superior gluteal nerve)
Gluteus Minimus - “
Thigh Extensors at the Hip (and innervation)
Long Head of Biceps Femoris - Tibial nerve
Semitendinosus - “
Semimembrinosus - “
Lateral Thigh Rotators at Hip (and innervation)
Piriformis - Ventral Rami (L5-S2)
Gemellus Superior - Obturator Internus Nerve
Obturator Internus - Obturator Internus Nerve
Gemellus Inferior - “
Quadratus Femoris - “
Short Head of Biceps Femoris (action and innervation)
Extends the thigh + Flexes the leg
Common Fibular Nerve
Superior Muscles of Posterior Leg (action and innervation)
Gastrocnemius - Plantar Flexion of the foot, Tibial Nerve
Soleus - “
Plantaris - “
Deep Muscles of the Posterior Leg (action and innervation)
Popliteus - unlocks the knee
Flexor Hallicus Longus - flexes “curls” big toe
Tibial Posterior - inversion and plantar flexion of foot
Flexor Digitorum Longus - flexes lateral 4 digits of foot
All innervated by Tibial nerve
Thigh Flexors at the Hip (and innervation)
Rectus Femoris Vastus Lateralis Vastus Intermedius Vastus Medialis Sartorial - also laterally rotates and abducts thigh at hip *All innervated by Femoral Nerve*
Pectineus muscle (location, action and innervation)
Location: floor of the femoral triangle
Adducts and flexes the thigh
Innervated by Femoral nerve and Obturator Nerve
Thigh Adductors at the Hip (innervation)
Gracilis - adducts + flexes the thigh Adductor Longus - adducts Adductor Brevis - “ Adductor Magnus - “ *All innervated by the Obturator Nerve*
Obturator Externus (action and innervation)
Laterally rotates the thigh
Innervated by Obturator nerve
Illiopsoas (action and innervation)
Flexion and lateral rotation of thigh at the hip
Innervated by Femoral nerve
What is the function of the Popliteus muscle?
To unlock the knee
A gluteal intramuscular injection would best be placed at the…
Upper lateral quadrant of the gluteal region, so as to avoid directly damaging the Sciatic nerve (L4-S3)
A positive result of the Anterior Drawer’s Sign indicates damage to what ligament?
Anterior Cruciate ligament (ACL) - normally prevents hyperextension of the knee joint. Damage to the ACL allows the tibia to move anteriorly to the femur, like pulling out a drawer.
Damage to the Common Fibular Nerve causes what abnormality during the gait cycle?
Foot Drop = common from lateral valgus stress injury such as splicing someone’s knees in football.
What muscle of the lower limb flexes the leg at the knee joint and plantar flexes the ankle?
What muscle causes dorsiflexion at the ankle and inverts the foot?
What is it innervated by?
Tibialis Anterior;
Deep Fibular Nerve
What nerve provides cutaneous sensation to the web space between the 1st and 2nd toe?
Deep Fibular Nerve
In regards to blood supply, the ________ artery supplies the medial thigh. The deep femoral artery supplies the _________ thigh. The gluteal region is supplied by the ________/______ ______ arteries.
Obturator artery = medial thigh;
Deep Femoral artery = posterior thigh;
Superior/Inferior Gluteal arteries = gluteal region
What nerve supplies cutaneous sensation to the medial side of the leg and ankle?
Saphenous nerve
A lesion of the S1 ventral root would present as a loss in what reflex?
Achilles’ tendon Reflex is tested when the calcaneous tendon is knocked leading to plantar flexion at the foot from muscles innervated by Tibial nerve.