lower Leg OIAN Flashcards
Rectus Femoris
O: Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine (AIIS)
I: tibial tuberosity via the patellar tendon
A: hip flexion & knee extension
N: femoral nerve
Vastus Lateralis
O: lateral lip linea aspera of the femur, gluteal tuberosity, greater trochanter
I: tibial tuberosity via the patellar tendon
A: knee extension
N: femoral nerve
Vastus Medialis
O: medial lip linea aspera of the femur
I: tibial tuberosity via the patellar tendon
A: knee extension
N: femoral nerve
Vastus Intermedius
O: anterior/lateral shaft of the femur
I: tibial tuberosity via the patellar tendon
A: knee extension
N: femoral nerve
O: Superior ramus of the pubis
I: Pectineal line of the femur
A: adduction of hip joint
N: Femoral & obturator nerve (L2, L3, L4)
O: iliacus- iliac fossa
Psoas maj/min- bodies & transverse process of lumbar vert.
I: lesser trochanter of the femur
A: Hip flexion/ ant pelvic tilt
Trunk flexion (closed chain)
N: Iliacus/Psoas Major portion: Femoral nerve (L1- L4)
Tensor Fasciae Latae (TFL)
O: Iliac crest
I: Lateral condyle of the tibia (by way of the iliotibial band)
A: Combined hip flexion, abduction, and internal rotation
N: Superior gluteal nerve (L4, L5, S1)
I: pes Anserine
A:Primary: Combination of Hip flexion, abduction and external rotation
Secondary: Assists with knee flexion and knee internal rotation
N:Femoral (L2-L4)
Adductor Longus
O: Pubic tubercle
I: Middle of the linea aspera of the femur
A: Primary: Hip adduction
Secondary: hip internal rotation, flexion
N: Obturator nerve (L2, L3, L4)
Adductor Brevis
O: Inferior ramus of pubis
I: Pectineal line, medial lip of linea aspera of the femur
A: Primary: Hip adduction
Secondary: hip internal rotation, flexion
N: Obturator nerve (L2-L4)
Adductor Magnus
O: Ischial tuberosity, inferior ramus of pubis, ramus of the ischium
I: Medial lip linea aspera of the femur & adductor tubercle
A: Ant fibers: Hip flexion and Adduction
Post fibers: Hip extension and Adduction
N: Ant: Obturator (L2-L4);
Post: Sciatic (L4-S1)
O: Inferior ramus of pubis
I: Pes Anserine
A: Hip adduction
Knee flexion, knee internal rotation
N:Obturator nerve (L2, L3)
Gluteus Maximus
O: Posterior Iliac crest, sacrum, & coccyx, sacrotuberous and sacroiliac ligaments
I: Gluteal tuberosity and to iliotibial band (ITB)
A: Hip extension, external rotation, and abduction
Posterior pelvic tilt
N: inferior gluteal nerve (L5, S1, S2)
Gluteus Medius
O: gluteal surface of the Ilium
I: Greater trochanter of the femur
A: Hip abduction,
Ant fibers: internal rotation & flexion
Post fibers: external rotation & extension
N: Superior gluteal nerve (L4, L5, S1)
Gluteus Minimus
O: gluteal surface of ilium
I: Anterior aspect of greater trochanter of the femur
A: Hip abduction, internal rotation & flexion
N: Superior gluteal nerve (L4, L5, S1)
O: Anterior surface of the sacrum
I: Greater trochanter
A: Hip external rotation
When hip flexed >90, becomes internal rotator
N: Sacral plexus (L5,S1, S2)
Hamstring Group- Biceps Femoris
O: Long head: Ischial tuberosity
Short head: lateral lip of linea aspera of the femur
I: Fibular head
A: Long Head: Hip extension, posterior pelvic tilt
All heads: Knee flexion and knee external rotation
N:Long head: Sciatic (tibial branch) (L5-S3)
Short head: Sciatic (fibular branch) (L5-S2)
Hamstring Group - Semitendinosus
O: Ischial tuberosity
I: Proximal / medial tibia or Pes anserine
A: Hip extension, posterior pelvic tilt
Knee flexion and knee internal rotation
N: Sciatic ( L4-S2)
Hamstring Group- Semimembranosus
O: Ischial tuberosity
I: Posterior surface of the medial condyle of the tibia
A: Hip extension, posterior pelvic tilt
Knee flexion
N: sciatic (L4-S2)
Tibialis Anterior
O: Lateral condyle of tibia, proximal lateral surface of tibia and interosseous membrane
I: Medial cuneiform and plantar base 1st metatarsal
A: Ankle dorsiflexion and foot inversion
N: Deep fibular (peroneal) nerve (L4, L5, S1)
Extensor Digitorum Longus
O: lateral condyle tibia, interosseous membrane, and proximal ant shaft of fibula
I: Middle and distal phalanx of toes 2-5
A: Ankle dorsiflexion, Foot eversion, MTP and DIP extension of 2-5
N: Deep peroneal nerve (L4, L5, S1)
Extensor Hallucis Longus
O: Middle ant fibula and interosseous membrane
I: Distal phalanx of the great toe
A: Great toe extension, Foot inversion and dorsiflexion
N: Deep fibular (peroneal) nerve (L4, L5, S1)
Fibularis (Peroneus) Longus
O: head of fibula and Lateral proximal fibula and interosseous membrane
I: Plantar surface of cuneiform 1 and base of the 1st metatarsal
A: Primary: Foot eversion
Secondary: Ankle plantar flexion
N: Superficial peroneal nerve (L4, L5, S1)
Fibularis (Peroneus) Brevis
O: Lateral distal ⅔ fibula
I: Tuberosity of 5th metatarsal
A: Primary: Foot eversion
Secondary: Ankle plantarflexion
N: Superficial peroneal nerve (L4, L5, S1)
O: Medial and lateral condyles of the femur
I: Calcaneus via the Achilles tendon
A: Ankle plantar flexion, Knee flexion
N: Tibial nerve (S1, S2)
O: Lateral condyle of the femur
I: Posterior surface of the medial condyle of the tibia
A: Internal rotation of knee
Knee flexion (key that unlocks the knee)
N: Tibial nerve (L4, L5, S1)
Flexor Hallucis Longus
O: Middle half of posterior fibula
I: Distal Phalanx of the great toe
A: Primary: Great toe flexion (MTP & IP)
Secondary: Ankle plantarflexion and inversion
N: Tibial nerve (L5, S1, S2)
Flexor Digitorum Longus
O: Posterior middle surface of tibia
I: Distal phalanx of digits 2-5
A: Primary: Digits 2-5 flexion MTP & IP
Secondary: Ankle inversion and plantarflexion
N: Tibial nerve (L5-S2)
Tibialis Posterior
O: Proximal posterior shaft of tibia and fibula and Interosseous membrane
I: All 5 tarsals and bases of 2nd-4th metatarsals
A: Ankle inversion and plantarflexion
N: Tibial nerve (L4,L5,S1)