Lower Leg Interventions Flashcards
Interventions that have strong evidence (A) for Lateral Ankle Sprains
- recommending the use of prophylactic bracing to reduce risk of a first-time sprain
- prophylactic bracing + proprioceptive and balance-focused TherEx
- TherEx including:
- AROM, stretching, Neuro re-edu, postural re-edu, and balance training
- DO NOT use ultrasound
- Manual therapy
T/F: in more severe injuries, immobilization ranging from semi-rigid bracing to below-knee casting may be indicated for up to 10 days post injury (for ankle sprains)
Interventions for Ankle Impingement Syndromes
- address acute impairments
- acute management
- balance/coordination training and other muscle performance exercises as appropriate
- surgery
when is surgery applicable for ankle impingement syndrome
- failure of positive response to conservative interventions x6 months following injury
- arthroscopic debridement common
- worse prognosis with articular lesion
- Post-operative management
- monitor/address entry site
- acute management
- address impairments as appropriate
heavy slow resistance vs eccentric exercise for Tendinopathies
Beyer et al
found 12 week eccentric exercise and heavy load slow resistance exercise program yielded improvements in tissue quality, pain, and function
what does evidence suggest pertaining to the use of modalities for treating Achilles Tendinopathies?
- B → iontophoresis
- C → night splints, stretching
- D → heel lifts, low-level laser, orthoses
- F → manual therapy, dry needling, taping
Achilles Tendon ruptures repairs
- commonly NWB with crutches x4 weeks
- with boot, passively PF and active DF (limitations 20º)
- ~20º PF with heel lift
- ROM as above once incision healed
- wean from heel lift and progress to ankle neutral at 4 weeks (gradually by 6-8 weeks)
- cycling w/o resistance at ~week 6
- walking boot until ~week 8
- with boot, passively PF and active DF (limitations 20º)
- Cast vs boot
- if casted, commonly 6-8 weeks
- boot with heel lift ~subesquent month
- NWB resistance ~week 8-10
- cycling w/o resistance at ~week8
- if casted, commonly 6-8 weeks
Tibialis Posterior Tendinopathy interventions
- Eccentrics
- Shoe insert (medial arch support) to diminish mechanical loading on TP tendon
- Address contributors to excessive pronation/LE IR
- Coordination training (other deep posterior compartment supporters of medial arch)
Interventions that have strong evidence (A) for plantar fascitis
- manual therapy
- plantar fascia-specific and gastroc/soleus stretching to provide short term pain relief
- anti-pronation taping
- use of foot orthoses
- night splint program of 1-3 months
Interventions that have weak-moderate evidence for plantar fascitis (C-D)
- low-level laser
- phonophoresis
- ultrasound
- rocker-bottom shoe
interventions for metatarsalgia
- metatarsal pads
- avoid high heels
- orthotics to address pes cavus
- address triceps surae length
CPR for manual therapy and exercise in Lower Leg
- symptoms worse when standing
- symptoms worse in evening
- navicular drop 5.0 mm
- distal tibiofibular joint hypomobility
interpretation of the CPR for manual therapy and exercise
3/4 variables
- sensitivity = 0.28
- specificity = 0.95
- +LR = 5.9
- dramatic short-term effect
effect of MWM for subjects with recurrent inversion sprains
- MWM with posterior talocrural mobs resulted in greater posterior talar translation and DF ROM
Oscillations and Sustained Hold Mobilizations for the Lower Leg
- Tibiofibular Joint
- proximal and distal joints
- A/P glides
- proximal and distal joints
- Talocrural Joint
- A/P glides
- distraction
- Subtalar Joint
- M/L glides
- MTP/IP Joint
- dorsal and plantar glides
- distraction glide
Joint Manipulations for Lower Leg
- Talocrural distraction manipulation
- Cuboid whip
Other Manual Therapy Interventions for the Lower Leg
- Posterior Talocrural Mobilization with movement (MWM)
- “Muscle Flow” soft tissue mobilization triceps surae
Pt position for cuboid whip
prone, knee flexed 70º, ankle near neutral