lower extremity muscles Flashcards
EVERYTHING from MSAK lec 1 - lecture 12 notes
hip flexor muscles
iliacus and psoas major
external thigh rotators aka deep lateral rotator group (Pretty GO GO Queen)
piriformis, gemellus superior, obturator internus, gemellus inferior, obturator externus, quadratus femoris
O: iliac fossa (superior 2/3), sacral ala, AIIS)
I: lesser trochanter of femur
A: flexion of thigh @ hip, weak lat. rot. thigh @ hip.
Reverse A: anterior pelvic tilt @ hip
psoas major
O: T12 - L5 anterolateral vertebral bodies and IVD, anteriorly on the transverse processes (TP) of L1 - L5
I: lesser trochanter
A: flexion of thigh @ hip, weak lateral rotation of thigh @ hip
RA: anterior pelvic tilt @ hip
iliopsoas tendon
common tendon of psoas major and ilacus. mainly does flexion of the thigh @ hip and anterior pelvic tilt @ hip
psoas minor (absent in 40% of population)
O: anterolateral T12 - L1 bodies and IVD
I: pectineal line of pubis and iliopectineal eminence of ilium and pubis
A: VERY WEAK flexor of trunk @ lumbar spine
RA: posterior pelvic tilt
gluteus maximus
O: posterior iliac crest (posterior to post. glute line), posterolateral sacrum, coccyx (also sacrotuberus ligament and thoracolumbar fascia))
I: gluteal tuberosity & IT band
A: extension of thigh @ hip, lat. rotation of thigh @ hip, upr fibres ABD thigh @ hip, lwr fibres ADD thigh @ hip
RA: posterior pelvic tilt
which 2 muscles originate between the gluteal lines
glute med. origin is between posterior and anterior gluteal lines.
glute minimus origin is between anterior and inferior gluteal lines.
gluteus medius
O: external ilium inferior to iliac crest, between anterior and posterior gluteal lines
I: greater trochanter (lateral surface)
A: abduction of thigh @ hip. anterior fibres flex/medially rotate thigh @ hip and anteriorly tilt pelvis. posterior fibres extend/laterally rotate thigh @ hip and posteriorly tilt pelvis.
gluteus minimus
O: external ilium, inferior to glute med., between anterior and inferior gluteal lines
I: greater trochanter (anterior surface)
A: abduction of thigh @ hip. anterior fibres flex/medially rotate thigh @ hip and anterior pelvic tilt. posterior fibres extend/laterally rotate thigh @ hip and posterior pelvic tilt
which muscles laterally rotate the thigh @ the hip as a primary action (deep rotators)
piriformis, gemellus superior, obturator internus, gemellus inferior, obturator externus, quadtratus femoris
O: anterior sacrum and sacrotuberus ligament (not palpable so we show the greater sciatic notch since it passes through)
I: greater trochanter (superomedial surface)
A: laterally rotates thigh @ hip IN ANATOMICAL POSITION. when thigh is in flexion past 60 degrees, medial rotation and horizontal extension of thigh @ hip
gemellus superior
O: ischial spine
I: greater trochanter (medial surface)
A: lateral rotation of thigh @ hip, horizontal extension of FLEXED thigh @ hip
gemellus inferior
O: ischial tuberosity (superior aspect)
I: same as gemellus superior - greater trochanter (medial surface)
A: same as gemellus superior - lateral rotation of thigh @ hip, horizontal extension of FLEXED thigh @ hip
what is the only difference between gemellus superior and inferior
the origin. superior attaches to the ischial spine while inferior attaches to ischial tuberosity
obturator internus
O: internal surface of obturator foramen margin, obturator membrane, pelvic surface of ischium
I: greater trochanter (medial surface) - same as gemelli
A: laterally rotates thigh @ hip, horizontally extends flexed thigh @ hip - same as gemelli
obturator externus
O: external surface of obturator forament margin, obturator membrane
I: trochanteric fossa
A: laterally rotates thigh @ hip, horizontally extendsflexed thigh @ hip
which muscles laterally rotate the thigh @ hip and horizontally extend the FLEXED thigh @ hip
Piriformis, gemellus superior, gemellus inferior, obturator internus, obturator externus, quadratus femoris
quadratus femoris
O: ishcial tuberosity (lateral border)
I: quadrate tubercle on intertrochanteric crest of femur
A: lateral rotation of thigh @ hip, adduction of thigh @ hip, horizontally extends flexed thigh @ hip
which pelvic girdle muscles flex the hip
iliacus and psoas major
which pelvic girdle muscles extend the hip
glute max, glute med, glute min
which pelvic girdle muscles internally rotate the hip
which pelvic girdle muscles externally rotate the hip
Piriformis, gemellus superior and inferior, obturator internus and externus, quadratus femoris
which pelvic girdle muscles abduct the hip
which pelvic girdle muscles adduct the hip
tensor fasciae lata
O: ASIS & anterior iliac crest
I: IT band 1/4 of way down thigh
A: flexes, abducts, and medially rotates thigh @ hip
weakly extends leg @ knee because of insertion on IT band which attaches below the knee
IT band
strong layer of fascia. combo of the fascia lata, tendons of TFL and glute max. it acts as a sheath for the tensor fascia lata tendon and helps keep the knee extended. inserts on Gerdy’s tubercle (anterior tibia)
inguinal ligament
connects ASIS to pubic tubercle. narrow band of dense fibrous connective tissue
what is the difference between midpoint of inguinal ligament and mid-inguinal point
mid-inguinal point is on an imaginary line from ASIS to pubic symphisis
define fascia
sheet/band of fibrous connective tissue. can be superficial (just below dermis), deep (surrounding muscles, bones, and neurovascular structures) or visceral (suspends organs within cavities)
fascia lata
deep fascia of the thigh. from iliac crest and inguinal ligament to bony prominences of tibia. becomes crural fascia distal to the knee. divides thigh muscle into 3 compartments
muscles of anterior thigh
sartorius, quadriceps (rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius), articularis genu, psoas major? iliacus?
I: pes anserine tendon (SGT)
A: flexion, abduction, lateral rotation of thigh @ hip, flexion of leg @ knee
RA: anterior pelvic tilt
rectus femoris
I: tibial tuberosity (via patella and patellar ligament. also tibial condyles via retinacular fibres)
A: flexes thigh @ hip (only quad that crosses hip joint) and extension of leg @ knee
RA: anterior pelvic tilt