anterior compartment of forearm (+ brachialis) muscles OIA Flashcards
O: distal 1/2 of anterior shaft of humerus
I: ulnar tuberosity and coronoid process of ulna
A: flexion of forearm @ elbow joint
pronator teres
O: humeral head - medial epicondyle, ulnar head - medial surface of coronoid process
I: middle 1/3 of lateral radius
A: pronation of forearm @ RU joint, weak flexion of forearm @ elbow
flexor carpi radialis
O: medial epicondyle
I: base of 2nd and 3rd metacarpals (anterior hand)
A: flexion, radial deviation of hand @ wrist, weak flexion of forearm @ elbow, weak pronation of forearm @ RU
palmaris longus
O: medial epicondyle
I: palmar aponeurosis, flexor retinaculum
A: flexion of hand @ wrist, weak flexion of forearm @ elbow, weak pronation of forearm @ RU, weak radial and ulnar deviation of hand @ wrist
flexor carpi ulnaris
O: medial epicondyle of humerus, medial margin of olecranon, proximal 2/3 of posterior ulna
I: pisiform, hook of hamate, base of 5th metacarpal (palmar hand)
A: flexion, ulnar deviation of hand @ wrist, weak flexion of forearm @elbow
flexor digitorum superficialis
O: humeroulnar head - medial epicondyle and coronoid process, radial head - proximal 1/2 of anterior shaft of radius (distal to radial tuberosity)
I: anterior surface of middle phalanx of fingers 2-5 (4 tendons turn to 2 slips)
A: flexion of fingers 2-5 @ MCP and PIP joints, flexion of hand @ wrist, weak flexion of forearm @ wrist
flexor digitorum profundus
O: proximal 1/2 of medial anterior ulna (distal to ulnar tuberosity) and interosseous membrane
I: anterior surface of fingers 2-5 (distal phalanges)
A: flexion of fingers 2-5 @ MCP, PIP, DIP. Flexion of hand @ wrist.
flexor pollicis longus
O: anterior surface (distal half) of radius and interosseous membrane, medial epicondyle of humerus, coronoid process of ulna
I: anterior aspect of base of distal phalanx of thumb
A: flexion of thumb @ CMC, IP joints, flexion of hand @ wrist, weak flexion of forearm @ elbow, weak pronation of forearm @ RU
pronator quadratus
O: anterior distal 1/4 of ulna
I: anterior distal 1/4 of radius
A: pronation of forearm @ RU