Lower Extremities Flashcards
Flexors of thigh and extensors of leg
Anterior thigh msc
Anterior thigh msc
Iliopsoas Tensor fascia lata Sartorius Pectineus Quads femoris
Strongest flexor of thigh
Medially rotates thigh
Tensor fascia lata
Lateral rotates thigh
Msc of quads femoris
Rectus femoris
Vastus lateralis
Vastus medialis
Vastus intermedius
Nerve supply of sartorius
Nerve of tensor fascia lata
Superior gluteal
Origin of sartorius and tfl
Origin of rectus femoris
Common insertion of iliacus and psoas
Lesse trochanter
Common insertion of quads femoris
Patellar tendon
Adducts thigh
Medial thigh muscles
Components of medial thigh msc
Adductor longus, brevis, magnus
Innervation of medial thigh msc
Obturator nerve
Common insertion of adductor msc
Linea asper
Adducts thigh and flex leg
Extensor of thigh and flex leg
Post thigh msc
Innervation of post thigh
Sciatic nerve
Hamstring msc
Biceps femoris
Adductor magnus
Common origin of hamstring
Ischial tuberosity
For femoral tap for ABG. what compartment of femoral sheath will aspirate
Contents of femoral triangle
Femoral nerve, sheathc artery and vein
Compartments of femoral sheath
Latera- fem art
Int- fem vein
Medial- fem canal
Most lateral within femoral sheat
Fem artery
Most lateral in femoral triangle
Fem nerve
Innervation of skin kf thigh below inguinal lig
Genitofemoral nerve
Fascial tunnel from apex of femiral triangle to adductor hiatus in tendon of adductor magnus msc
Adductor canal or hunter’s canal
Extends thighs
Gluts maximus
Abductor and medial rotator of thigh
Medius and minimus
Lateral rotator of thigh
Obt internus
Inferior gemelli
Common origin of glurs
Outer surfaces of Ilium
Common insertion of gluts excet maximus and quadratus femoris
Greater trochanter
Nerve of gluts maximus
Inferior gluteal
Nerve supply of gluts medius and minimus
Superior gluteal
Inverted Y lig
Prevents overextension during standing
Triangular lig
Limits extension and abduction
Spiral lig
Limits extension
Walks with waddling gait. What nerve
Superior gluteal
Weakness in ability to laterally rotate and extend thigh and hip
Thrust torso posteriorly
Diff climbing stairs or rising from chair
What nerve
Inferior gluteal nerve
Nerve susceptible of IM injection in lower medial quadrant of gluts
Sciatic nerve
Site of intra gluteal injections
Superolateral buttocks
Nerve damaged in pain and paresthesis in medial aspect of leg and foot
No motor
Saphenous nerve
Unable to adduct thigh st hip
Paresthesis of skin in medial thigh
Obturator nerve
Fractures of fem neck
Abduction limited
Coxa vara
Congenital disloc
Adduction is limited
Coxa valga
Artery main supply of hip joint
Medial circumflex femoral
Dorsiflexes foot at ankle joint
Tibialis ant
Anterior leg msc
Tibilis ant Ext digitorum longus Peroneus tertius Ext hallucis longus Ext digitorum brevis
Nerve kf ant leg msc
Deep peroneal nerve
Action of ant leg msc
Dorsiflexion and extension
Lateral leg msc
Peroneus longus
Peroneus brevis
Supply of nerve of lat leg
Superficial peroneal nerve
Action of lat leg msc
Eversion and weak plantarflexion
Post leg msc
Superficial: gastrocnemus, plantaris, soleus
Deep: popliteus, flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus, tibialis post
Nerve supply of post leg msc
Tibial nerve
Action of post leg msc
Plantar flexion and flexion except popliteus
gastrocnemius and soleus
Common insertion of triceps surae
Achulles tendon
Difficult in tiptoe
Achilles tendon rupture
Unlocks the knee
Evert foot and plantar flex
Peroneus msc
Invert foot and plantar flex
Tibialis msc
Boundaries of popliteal fossa
Laterally: biceps femoris above and lateral gastrocnemius below
Medial: semimembranous and semitendinous above and medial gastrocnemius below
Contents: popliteal vessels, common peroneal, post cutaneous, small saphenous veins, tibial n, genicular branc of obturator
Popliteal fossa
Spinal roots mediates achilles tendon reflex
Nerve for patellar tendon reflex
Where to palpate dorsalis pedis pulse
Medially to edl tendon
Landmard of doralis pedis
Bet malleoli or 1st intermetatsrsal
Loc of femoral artery pulse
Midway bet asis and symphysis pubis
Popliteal space fully relaxed by passively flexing knee joint
Popliteal artery
Lies bet tendons of fdl and fhl/ mid between medial malleolus and heel
Posterior tibial art
Prominent vein at ankle in front of medial malleolus
Great saphenous
Cut innervation
Lateral cutaneous from common peroneal
Superficial peroneal nerve from common peroneal
Saphenous nerve from femoral
Nerve supply skin on anteromedual surface of leg
Saphenous nerve
Nerve supply of skin lower part of posteriorlateral surface of leg
Injury in foot drop
Common peroneal nerve
Kind of joint is the knee
Synovial joint
Unhappy triad of o donoghue
Medial meniscus tears
Tibia bent laterally
Rupture of medial/tibial collateral lig
Knock knee
Genu valgum
Tibia bent medially
Rupture of lateral/ fibular collateral lig
Genu varum
Joint responsible for inversion and eversion of foot
Dorsiflex snd platarflex occur at
Ankle joint proper or
Talocrural joint
Medial longtitudinal arch depressed or collapsed
Pes planus
Flat foot
Medial longitudinal arch is high
Pes cavus
Claw foot
Lymphatic drain of lower ext eventually drain to
Deep inguinal group