Kidney. Adrenals. UB. Urethra Flashcards
Most anterior within renal sinus
Renal vein
Level of kidneys
Msc close contact with kidney
Psoas major
3 coverings of kidney
Perirenal fat
Renacl fascia/Gerota
Para renal fat
True capsule kf kidney
Fibrous capsule
Divided jnto 2 or 3 major calyces and 2 or 3 minor calyces
Renal pelvis
BS of kidney
Renal artery from L2
Venous of kidney
Renal vein to IVC
Lymph drainage of kidney
Lateral aortic lymph nodes
Nutcracker syndrome is vascular disorder from compression of left renal vein bet
Sma and aorta
Structures of adrenal hypertrophic from elevated ACTH
Zona fasciculata and reticularis
Shape of right suprarenal
Shape of left suprarenal
Cresent (lunar)
Embryo of cortex and medulla
Cor- mesoderm
Med- ncc
Blood supply of suprarenal
Superio- from inferior phrenic
Middle from aa
Inferior from renal
Venous of suprarenal
Right adrenal vein to IVC
left adrenal to left renal to ivc
Lymph of suprarenal
Lateral aortic
Ureter enters bladder at what level
Ischial spines
Ureters crossed by
Vas deferens
Ureters turn forward medially beneath broad lig crossed by
Uterine artery
Msc Posterior of ureter
Ureterix constrictions
Renal pelvis joins ureter
Crosses pelvic brim and external iliac artery
Pierces bladder wall
Blood supply of ureters
Upper- renal art
Middle- gonadal art
Lower- superior vesical art
Branches of common iliac
External and internal iliac
Pyramidal in shape and lies entirely within pelvis
Empty bladder
Muscular organ (smooth msc) of UB
Epith of UB
True ligs of UB
False lig of bladder
Medial umbilical lig
Median umbilical lig
Sympathetic supply of UB
Hypogastric plexus
Parasympathetic of UB
Pelvic splanchnic
Primordium of ureter, renal pelvis, renal calices, collecting tubules
Ureteric bud/ metanephric duct
Forms nephron
Metanephric tubule
Widest and most dilated part of urethra
Narrowest and least distensible urethra
Longest and most mobile urethra