Lower Back Pain Flashcards
___ of adults in United States have had low back pain
___ only to headache as most common pain problems
___ cause of job related disability
___contributor to missed work days
Often due to ____
Musculoskeletal problems
Low back pain is common because of lumbar region
Why ? (4)
Bears most body weight
Is most flexible
Contains nerve roots
Has poor biomechinal structure
Low back pain
Risk factors
Lack of muscule tone
Excess body weight
Poor posture
Cigarette smoking
Prior compression fractures
Congenital spinal problems
Family history of back pain
Jobs that require heavy lifting
Low back pain
Health promotion
Proper body mechanics
Back school
Physical therapy
Appropriate body weight
Proper sleep positioning
Firm mattress
Stop smoking
The causes of musuloskletal low back pain is ? (5)
Acute lumbosacral strain
Instability of bony lumbosacral mechanism
Osteoarthritis of lumbar sacral vertebrae
Degenerative disc disease
Herniation of intervertabl disc
Low back pain cause either be localized or diffused which means?
Radicular or referred
Localized - certain area
Diffuse - larger area and comes from deep tissue
Radicular - irritation of nerve root
Referred - causefrom another location
Acute low back pain
Can last up to how many weeks?
Caused by (2)?
Symptoms appear within how many hours from ___ on ___or ___
What are the 3 symptoms?
4 weeks or less
Trauma or undue stress
24 hours from pressure
Nerve or edema
Muscule ache/shooting/stabbing pain
Limited flexibility/ROM
Inability to stand up right
There are very few diagnostic studies we can do however we can do two test
Define them
Straight leg raising
- positive for disc Herniation when radicular pain occurs
- trauma or suspected systemic disease
Subjective data
- past health history
( acute or chronic lumbosacral strain, osteoarthritis, defenerative disc disease )
- medications
( muscle relaxants, corticosteroids) - surgery or other treatments
( previous back or epidural injections )
Subjective data
lack of exercise
Poor posture
Muscule spams
Activity intolerance
Sleep being intreuppted
Pain in back, buttocks, legs
Occupational risk and impact on family
What is 8 red flags anagram for low back pain?
Tuna fish
What does tuna fish stand for? (8)
Unexplained weight loss
Neurologic symptoms
Age > 50
Intravenous drug use
Steroid use
History of cancer
Acute low back pain
Nursing assessment
Objective data
General is ?
Neurologic is (4) tests
Musculoskeletal (2 )
Guarded movement
Depressed Achilles tendon or patellar reflex
Positive straight leg raise test
Positive crossover straight leg test
Positive trendelenburg test
Tense tight paravertebral muscles
Decreased ROM in spine
Acute low back pain
Acute care
Treat as outpatient if not severe
Using what two meds (2)?
___the area
What type of therapy?
What 2 compresses?
If severe use what two meds?
NSAIDS, muscle relaxants
Back manipulation
Cold and hold
Corticosteroids and opioids
What could help a patient recover at home.
A brief period of rest ( days? )
But be careful and avoid ^
Avoiding activities like ?
And usually resolves within?
1-2 days
Avoiding prolonged bed rest
Lifting, bending, twisting, prolonged sitting
2 weeks