Love and Relationships Flashcards
three factors for love
intimacy, passion, commitment
being in a close relationship –> better health, longer life, etc.
- general statistics
- doesn’t mean all relationships have these positive aspects
elements of being in a relationship
- giving and receiving affection (touch; reduce stress)
- provides people with support; sharing the workload of managing life
- have someone present to help you deal with bad stuff and give you support
The smell of a romantic partner: Effect on stress (Female)
- participate in Trier Social Stress Test
- spend time smelling a t-shirt before and after
(romantic partner, stranger, never worn) - stress levels measured at various times before and after
Trier Social Stress Test
- require participants to make interview-style presentation, then surprise mental arithmetic test
- in front of interview panel who do not give feedback or encouragement
Study Results:
- participants who smelled the t-shirt of their romantic partner, they experienced less anticipatory stress before, and their stress levels went down more quickly after
The smell of a romantic partner: Effect on sleep (Male and Female)
- 4 nights, sleep alone in a bed, using a t-shirt as a pillow cover
(2 nights: romantic partner t-shirt)
(other 2: control t-shirt) - sleep efficiency measured by actigraphy wristwatch
Study Results:
- For men, they did not have significant differences between the control t-shirt and partner t-shirt
- For women, they slept better on days where they slept with partner t-shirt
Romantic Attraction: Passion
- how do we find someone attractive?
- context matters!
- contrast effect
- the colour red
- misattribution of arousal
Contrast effect
- when attractive person is surrounded by even more attractive people, they will be seen as less attracted by comparison
- after looking at photographs of highly attractive women, men rate their own female romantic partners less favourably
The colour red
- people (typically women) who wear or use red colour are perceived to be more attractive
The colour red: Does this effect replicate in other cultures?
- yes, in Burkina Faso
- men given pictures of women in different coloured backgrounds
- red background = more attractive
does red make men more attracted too?
maybe (evidence is kinda mixed)
does red affect positive judgments more generally?
no (no effect on likeability, etc.)
why does red have this effect on judgments of attractiveness?
- some evidence that women in red are perceived to be more receptive to romance
- some evidence that men in red are perceived to have higher social status
are people aware of this effect on their pwn judgments?
apparently not
Misattribution of Arousal
Arousing (stressful) event or activity –> physiological arousal + encounter attractive person –> misattribute existing arousal to attractive person –> increased romantic attraction
Scary bridge Experiment
- men approached after crossing scary or boring bridge
- controlled the gender of the experimenter
- then, presented ambiguous image for them to explain in their own interpretation –> if the guy was sexually attracted to the experimenter, he may make up a sexual story
- then, gave particiapnts their number to “give them the results of the experiment”
Experiment results
- men had higher levels of sexual content in their description when the interviewer was female AND after crossing a scary bridge
- men also called the experimenter more if they were female AND if they crossed the scary bridge