Lorenz's Goslings Flashcards
Form of attachment where birds attach and follow the first moving object they see.
Has to take place in critical period
Can lead to sexual imprinting-similar mate chosen to that of object they imprinted on
Investigate mechanisms of imprinting where youngesters follow and form attachment to first large moving object met
- Split multiple goose eggs into 2 - one hatched naturally by mother other hatched in incubator making sure he was first moving object they see.
- Marked all goslings so could tell natural/incubator apart + placed them under upturned box. Box removed + behaviour recorded
- after birth: natural followed mother, incubator followed him
- released from box: natural to mother, incubator to Lorenz. Showing no bond with natural mother.
- bonds irreversible
- imprinting occurred within critical period (4-24 hours after hatching). If not= no attachment
- imprinting is form of atttachment
- attachments are innate + must occur within window of time
Sluckin 1966 critical period
Questioned whether here was critical period. Replicated Lorenz’s research using ducklings. Kept one duckling isolated beyond Lorenz’s critical period and found still possible to imprint. Suggests critical period is actually sensitive period- more likely to happen, best time to form
- Difficult to extrapolate to humans- human brain more larger with more connections as birds brain has less folds. Attachment system is diff. Lacks external validity as can’t apply. C- harlows monkeys easier to gen as monkeys have mammal brain
Animal studies strengths
- Human benefits which couldn’t be obtained by using other methods
- Influenced bowlbys study
- Similarity in basic physiology and nervous system of nearly all mammals
Animal studies limitations
- Causes suffering to animals, animals have right to be treated with respect and not be harmed
- Humans diff to other species (more complex brain/emotions) so extrapolation is harder
- Research provides limited insights
What Lorenz investigated in sexual imprinting
- relationship between imprinting + adult male preferences
- found birds who imprinted on humans displayed courtship behaviour towards humans in adulthood
- case study where peacock imprinted on giant tortoises.
- this is sexual imprinting
How does sexual imprinting show the importance of early attachments on future relationships?
Attachments formed influenced their mating preference/later attachment
Limitations of sexual imprinting research
- case study= unique
- observations= researcher bias, exaggerated behaviours to make evidence fit with what saying
- can’t apply to humans
- unethical- separating from mothers
Supporting evidence for sexual imprinting
Guitons- chickens imprinting on yellow rubber gloves would try to mate with them as adults. However chicks eventually learned to mate with other chickens
Supporting research strengt/limitation for Lorenz
- doesn’t support as attachment is irrevisable and permanent according to Lorenz.
- does support as they imprinted and tried to mate with rubber glove