Lord of the files Flashcards
What does the Quote ‘The Long scar smashed the Jungle’ suggest?
The choice of the noun jungle suggests wild and untamed, scar suggest permanent damage to the island. The word smashed shows the place has been violently harmed. This could show man as harmful with nature, there is a religious allegory of the perfect place, like the garden of Eden, being harmed by man: Post colonial critic may link it to the harm the British did to countries during the empire.
What does the quote ‘ We’ll want to know their names, we’ll ought to have a chief to decide things’
Piggy and Ralph have a desire to organise things and control, this is a laughable democratic vote on who should be leader. It is a mockery of the current political situation for the time of the book. There is an inherent sense to organise things, this is juxtaposed when the savagery over takes them. Golding believes the need for political organsiation, to stop people from being savage as people are inherently evil, it is our native instinct to be evil.
What does the quote ‘ He had taken off his sweater’ suggest’
Clothing is a constant symbol in this book. This would have been unacceptable taking of their clothes in public. This again links to Adam and eve and the rules of life, Adam and Eve were naked to begin with, but felt shameful for sinning and started clothing themselves, there is a sense that they go from organised to savage, uncivilized and barbaric, as their clothes are torn off.
What does the quote ‘Shut up, fatty suggest?
Jack is immediately rude and nasty to piggy, backing up the idea that man is inherently bad, his tone is straightforward and brutal than Ralph’s boyish laughter. Jack is nasty and violent. Piggy is clearly intelligent and is mocked and laughed at and scorned and bullied, suggesting that in politics and control their is a big difference between who should be leader and who is a leader, again mocking the political democracy.
What does the Quote ‘Why should i be jack? I’m merridew?
Jack sees that Ralph is a threat to him, and he quickly indicates that he is an individual with his own sense of what is right and wrong. He is doing 2 things here he is re defying what his position is in the group and he is adapting to the freedom on the Island.
What does the Quote ‘You might make a boxer,as far as the width and heaviness in his shoulders went’
Ralph has an attractive appearance, making him a likeable character, he is physically strong and a leader, his appearance is clearly a major factor in the other boys in seeing someone to follow. This is contrasted to Piggy, he is athletic and matured child.
What does the quote ‘We’ll have to have hands up, like at school, we’ll have rules, he cried excitedly, lots of rules’ suggest?
There is an inherent desire for rules, there is an excitement to have rules, this mirrors early human development on earth to having a government and that the government is almost developed with the conch shell, which is a symbol of democratic freedom and equality. This is undermined though as Ralph decides who gets to hold the conch and therefore freedom on the island is described as an authority. Golding’s message is that democracy depends on its leaders.
What does the Quote Sam’n’eric’ suggest?
The words sam and eric are now shortened and will become one long word, the vocabulary f the boys is becoming more and more primitive, to symbols how slowly the boys are losing their civilized behavior, despite desire for rules.
What does the quote ‘Jack snatched the glasses of his face suggest’?
There is an innate savagery when Jack takes the glasses of his face. As Piggy is the most intelligent boy on the Island the fact that he is temporarily blinded from the lack of glasses represents the temporary blindess to reason of the boys, losing their civilized behaviors. Piggy is physically weak by the lack of glasses and the very first time he loses them shows the total decadence of the boys.
What does the Quote ‘the boys layed like painted dogs suggest’?
The use of the animistic imagery is used to highlight how the boys are becoming savage and Golding believes humans are animistic and will revert to a ananlimastic behaviour without control in their life.
What does the Quote ‘We haven’t made a fire yet’ suggest
Fire is a extended metaphor as a symbol to represent the connection between the boys and human civilisation, as the fire goes out, and not important, the connection with civilisation sweeps away. It is a symbol of their desire to be rescued and in that a metaphor they are still civivilised.
What does the Quote ‘Treasure island… Swallows of amazon, coral island’ suggest?
These are books about being on a deserted Island, but Golding is criticizing these set of books as he felt it was too idealistic and sweet, Golding message is that it isn’t reality, he believes if you put boys on the Island, they will do bad things, because the only things stopping us is Government and control.
What does the Quote ‘Except for a pair of tattered shorts, held up with his knife belt, he was naked’
Again there is symbolism using clothing. The boys are reverting back to a very primitive state, the fact that the boys clothes are taken off and they are ultimately going to end up naked is a symbol of how the boys are reverting to a sinless state.
What does ‘Ape like among the trees’ suggest
This is animalistic imagery, showing that the boys are losing their moral beliefs of religion to survive is gone. Humanist suggest that there is no God and believe in survival of fittest of life, so if we take out moral beliefs, we are left with a brutal survival of the fittest, there is no need for morals.
What does the Quote ‘Simon found for them the fruit they could not reach… passed them back down to the endless, outstretched hands’ suggest?
There is a deliberate biblical image that Golding uses in Chapter 3, we have the brutal savage, analimstic evolutionary link and we have the religious image act and king generosity helping others.Putting these together suggests that Jesus figure is the better two.
What does the quote ‘Piggy discounted all this learnedly as mirages’ suggest?
Piggy is inteliigent, but is intelligence counts for so little in the book, its the case of who shouts the loudest, or who is the most dominant, aggressive male will be boss. Golding is critiquing society that ignores rational intelligent thought and is dominated by the Alpha male in society.
What does the quote ‘He smeared his face with clay’ suggest
This is a tribual, going back to a more primitive, tribual way of live which is uncivilized way of live. This is a mask over his face as a cover up, making him more savage. He speaks in short sentences, almost like he is regressed to the earlier stages of life, learning language, he is becoming more and more savage.
What does the Quote ‘Gnawled at it like a wolf’ suggest?
Animal imagery, simile here is used to compare with children. Golding again is suggesting moral beliefs are not important and should be every-man for themselves.
What does the quote ‘Maybe it is only us’ suggest
Simon says the beast could be us, trying to say the only evil in mankind is us, this makes sense in the book, it is almost like Garden of Eden setting which is ruined by humans. Simon is preaching his words like Jesus.
What does the quote ‘And you shut up? who are you anyway, sitting there telling people what to do, you can’t sing or hunt’
Jack is trying to impress everyone, and taking over the role as leader. At first he is trying to reassure there is no beast but then realiizes that the littluns are convinced there is so he decides to hunt it down and they follow. Jack is jealous of the natural authorative postition of Ralph and is doing everything he can to become one like hilter. He is using the fear of the boys, like Hilter did when he told Germans the Jews would take their jobs.
What does the quote ‘There were eyes… teeth… claws’ suggest?
This is actually a dead parachutist, showing us of an important symbol of the book, is that although the boys are so desperate for escape, the world they want to go to is ravaged by war, the dead parachutist is a reminder that the society they want to return to is infact fatally flawed itself. Golding is being ironic because he is criticizing the boys but look what the whole world is doing.
What does the Quote ‘I’am chief, i’ll go don’t argue’’ suggest?
The language of the boys are becoming more and more primitive and basic. They are regressing into caveman like behaviour. Iterating the theme that without rules and regulations the children will be innate to evil and cause destruction.
What does the Quote ‘Once, following his father from Chatnam to devenport’
Golding uses a flashback cleverly here as a we a starting to think of the boys as quick wild and savage. So Golding is clever here reminding the audience what the boys are actually like, civilized we behaved boys. Making what comes next even more shocking. The flashback makes the audience realizes in the next event how horrible things get on the Island.
What does the Quote ‘ You’ll get back alright’ suggest?
He doesn’t say we’ll get back alright, he says you’ll get back alright, so Simon knows Ralph will get back alright because he is a Jesus figure and can predict the supernatural.
What does the Quote ‘Like berengaria suggest?
Golding is being very smart here, alluding to reference ti an important character. The name berengaria makes you think of English queens in the middle ages. Eleanor sucked the poison out of Edward’s wound, her husband. Simon is made a mistake saying the wrong name to show he is educated. English and European Christians were fighting against Muslims to get back to Israel. Golding wanted readers to see how the problems on Island are just like the problems of adults in the real world.
What does the Quote ‘He isn’t a prefect we don’t know anything about him’ suggest?
Jack isn’t able to accept a realistic side of himself and therefore turns it around in his head to get rid of Ralph. Golding is trying to say in Democratic forms of leadership are prone to this approach. Golding is criticizing Democratic society as it is easy to chuck them out and replace them. Jack is the power-hungry boy who is absorbed in his self-pride.
What does the Quote ‘He was safe from shame or self consciousness behind the mask of his paint’ suggest?
This is a symbol showing the casting of social codes, Jack is becoming naked showing he is becoming more and more savage and caveman like.
What does ‘the dark sky was shattered by a blue white scar’ suggest?
Dark is ominous and shattered is quite agressive and scar can be related to physical violence, this foreshadows what is about to happen with the pathetic fallacy of death.
What does the Quote ‘Then the clouds opened and let down the rain like a waterfall’ suggests
This is a intextual refrence, which is very similiar to the way Jesus died. Simon had the truth, like Jesus, but people didn’t want to listen and was killed. The fact that the boys have killed Simon in a ‘single organism’ shows how the boys have lost their individual identity. Golding compares Simon to Jesus, to represent the theory of religion and moral beliefs, the other hunters represent the theory of evolution and these ideas contrast with the Civilization and Savagery. This is nature’s revenge on how much damage the boys have done on the Island.
What does the Quote ‘He is going to beat Wilfred’ suggest?
Jack is an example of Totliterain power (dicator), if he wants to beat up someone, there is no argument he will do it. Golding is trying to say it is easy to misuse power when given. For no reason, he wants to beat Wilfred, this senseless violence stops the boys from challenging his authority. Jack doesn’t use his power for Good, he the fear of the boys for his control.
What does ‘Piggy’s broken glasses’ suggest?
All intelligence is gone when Glasses are gone, civilization is never going to be found again. The glasses are used for hope and now that is gone. Piggy cannot see anymore and cannot see metaphorically.
What does the Quote ‘Piggy’s arms and legs twitched a bit, like a big Just after its been killed’ suggest?
De evolution is humanity has fully taken place. There is a connection between the mother pig and Piggy, both who took care of the young and bother were killed by Jack’s tribe. Golding gives the boy with the glasses the name Piggy, to help understand how much Piggy was a mother pig.
What does the Quote ‘The conch exploded into thousand white fragments and ceased to exist’ suggest?
Piggy and the conch are both destroyed at the same time because both represent civilization. Piggy represents intelligence and reason. The conch represents order and authority. When both is destroyed it is clear that no civilized behavior remains on Island.
What does the Quote ‘ Ralph weft for the end of innocence and the weakness of man’s heart suggest’
This is Golding showing his message, the innate evil in mankind. The Island is destroyed by humans just like the Garden of Eden. Humans are inherently evil, humans have to teach each other to be good, it doesn’t come naturally.
What does the Quote ‘The trim cruiser in the distance’ suggest?
The naval officer has resuced the boys but is taking them on a war ship, the message Golding is trying to communicate is that yes this would of happened if you put a group of boys on the Island, as it is there natural innate response, but the naval officer is taking the boys to the wider world were this exact thing is happening. The Island is a Microcosm of society as a whole.
What is Superego and who represents this?
Our conscience to know what is right and wrong, when we let it control us we are like Piggy and Simon because we want to do what’s right even if we want to do something else.
What is our Id and who represents this?
A wild side that is based on instinct and feelings and when we let it control us, we are like Jack.
What is our ego and who represents this?
It allows us to make decisions based on the expected results of our decision when we let our ego control us, we are like Ralph.