Localize the Lesion Flashcards
Absent reflexes, fasciculations, muscular atrophy (Where is the lesion?)
Lower motor neuron
Hyperreflexia, muscular rigidity (Where is the lesion?)
Upper motor neuron
Emotional lability, personality changes, apathy, inattention, disinhibition (Where is the lesion?)
Frontal lobes
Expressive aphasia (Where is the lesion?)
Broca’s area (dominant frontal lobe)
Receptive aphasia (Where is the lesion?)
Wernicke’s area (dominant temporal/ parietal lobe)
Inability to repeat with intact speech and comprehension (Where is the lesion?)
Arcuate fasciculus
Decreased memory, hyperaggression, hypersexuality (Where is the lesion?)
Temporal lobes (amygdala)
Anomia, alexia, agraphia, acalculia (Where is the lesion?)
Dominant parietal lobe
Hemineglect (ignoring one side of the body) (Where is the lesion?)
Nondominant parietal lobe
Visual hallucinations (Where is the lesion?)
Occipital lobes
Cranial nerve III, IV dysfunction (Where is the lesion?)
Cranial nerve V, VI, VII, VIII dysfunction (Where is the lesion?)
Cranial nerve IX, X, XI, XII dysfunction (Where is the lesion?)
Ataxia, dysarthria, nystagmus, dysmetria, intention tremor (Where is the lesion?)
Protruding tongue deviating to the right side (Where is the lesion?)
CN XII (hypoglossal nerve) on the right side
Deafness, tinnitus, and/or vertigo (Where is the lesion?)
CN VIII (vestibulocochlear nerve)
Anosmia (inability to smell) (Where is the lesion?)
CN I (olfactory nerve)
Absent corneal reflex (Where is the lesion?)
CN V (trigeminal nerve)
Absent gag reflex (Where is the lesion?)
CN IX (glossopharyngeal nerve) or CN X (vagus nerve)
Difficulty turning head to the left (Where is the lesion?)
CN XI (spinal accessory nerve) on the left
Dilated and nonreactive pupil (Where is the lesion?)
CN III (oculomotor nerve)
Loss of taste in the anterior two-thirds of the tongue (Where is the lesion?)
CN VII (facial nerve)
Loss of taste in the posterior one-third of the tongue (Where is the lesion?)
CN IX (glossopharyngeal nerve)
Right shoulder droop (Where is the lesion?)
CN XI (spinal accessory nerve) on the right
Unilateral shooting pains in the face (tic doulorueux) (Where is the lesion?)
CN V (trigeminal nerve)
Hyperacusis (Where is the lesion?)
CN VII (facial nerve)
Hoarseness (Where is the lesion?)
CN X (vagus nerve)
Inability to close eyes (Where is the lesion?)
CN VII (facial nerve)