Liver inflammatory diseases II Flashcards
Lectures week I
Name examples of immune cell-mediated liver diseases (5)
- Chronic alcohol-induced hepatitis
- Bacterial/parasitic infection
- Acute viral infection
- Persistent viral infection
- Autoimmune hepatitis
Name examples of autoimmune hepatitis (3)
- Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH-1, 2 and 3)
- Primary biliary cholangitis (PBC)
- Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC)
What are the target cells in autoimmune hepatitis (AIH-1, 2 and 3)?
Where does primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) occur?
Small bile ducts
Where does primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) occur?
Medium bile ducts
In how many percent of the patients is AIH asymptomatic?
How many percent of AIH patients present with liver cirrhosis at presentation?
How is AIH diagnosed in the lab? (5)
- Raised serum Ig
- High titers of auto-antibodies
- Negative serum test viral hepatitis
- Compatible liver biopsy
How is PBC diagnosed? (2)
- Progressive liver disease
- Molecular mimicry
True or false: AIH and PBC mainly occur in males
What are the histopathological hallmarks of AIH? (4)
- Interface hepatitis
- Hepatocyte ballooning
- Hepatocyte necrosis
- Lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate of plasma- and T cells
What are the characteristics of AIH type 1? (3)
- Most common
- ANA+, anti SMA+ (smooth muscle antibody)
- Good response to therapy
What are the characteristics of AIH type 2? (4)
- Anti LKM1 (liver kidney microsomal), anti LC-1 (liver cytosol)
- Predominant in children
- Poor response to treatment
- Cirrhosis at time of diagnosis
What are the characteristics of AIH type 3? (2)
- Anti-SLA/LP (soluble liver antigen/liver-pancreas)
- Good response to therapy
What is the treatment plan for AIH?
Immunosuppression -> prednisone, azathioprine
What are the aims of the AIH treatment plan? (3)
- Reduce inflammation
- Reduce cholestasis
- Reduce fibrosis progression
How many percent of PSC patients are male?
With which disease is PSC associated?
How is PSC diagnosed in the lab? (3)
- Elevated alk fos
- Elevated gGT
- Elevated ALAT/ASAT
Why is there no proven therapy for PSC at this point?
Mainly due to the lack of a defined auto-antigen
What are the steps in PSC disease progression? (5)
- PSC (and IBD)
- Cirrhosis
- Decompensation, cholangiocarcinoma (colorectal cancer)
- LTx
- Death
How is PBC diagnosed in the lab? (5)
- Anti-mitochondrial antibodies (AMA) against PDC-E2
- Elevated IgM
- Lymphocytic inflammation small bile duct
- PDC-E2 specific T- and B cells
- Molecular mimicry
What are the steps in the development of autoimmune hepatitis? (4)
- Predisposition
- Initiating event
- Antigen-specific response
- Progressive tissue damage
Which factors play a role in a predisposition for autoimmune hepatitis? (4)
- Genetic susceptibility (HLA-D)
- Hormonal status
- Impaired negative selection of auto reactive T cells
- SH28B variants
Which events can initiate the development of autoimmune hepatitis? (7)
- Viral infection
- Toxic liver damage
- Molecular mimicry
- Neoantigen formation
- Bystander activation
- Epitope spreading
- Hepatic trapping of activated cells
Which autoantibodies are found in up to 50% of chronic HBV patients?
Anti-LKM-1 autoantibodies have been found in chronic HCB patients. They have been shown to correlate with..? (2)
- Disease severity
- Adverse reactions to interferon treatment
What do anti-LKM-1 autoantibodies recognize?
Linear epitopes within cytochrome CYP2D6 -> CYP2D6-specific T cells can be found
Which antigen specific responses can occur in autoimmune hepatitis? (4)
- MHC I - CD4+
- MHC II - CD8+
- Class-switched antibody mediated
- Regulatory mechanisms
Which are two examples of regulatory mechanisms in antigen specific responses during autoimmune hepatitis?
- BCL2 regulated apoptosis
- Treg Fas/FasL mediated T cell apoptosis
How can progressive tissue damage occur in autoimmune hepatitis? (5)
- Direct action of cytokines
- Direct cytotoxicity from CD8+
- Antibody-mediated tissue damage
- Fas-mediated apoptosis
- Perforin/granzyme B
Describe an example of antibody-mediated tissue damage in autoimmune hepatitis
Hepatocytes from AIH patients carrying IgG on their surface were susceptible to damage by lymphocytes from health individuals
Which treatments show the best results thus far in combating autoimmune hepatitis?
B-cell depleting antibodies (anti-CD20)
What is the main challenge when studying autoimmune hepatitis?
Multifactorial disease with genetic and environmental factors -> no good model that mimics disease
In short, the characteristics of PBC are..? (4)
- Immune-mediated
- Female
- Therapy by Urso (bile acid)
- Auto-antigen known
In short, the characteristics of PSC are ..? (4)
- Immune-mediated
- Male
- No therapy available
- PSC-IBD interaction
In short, the characteristics of AIH are..? (4)
- Immune-mediated
- Female
- Therapy by immunosuppression (typ I)
- Auto-antigen known
Why do we need alternatives besides liver transplantation? (2)
- Donor shortage
- Quality of donor organs
Which factors influence the quality of donor livers? (3)
- Obesity
- Alcohol
- Elderly
What are possible alternatives for liver transplantation? (4)
- Living donor liver transplantation
- Revive non-transplantable livers
- Tissue engineered livers/organoids
- (Stem) cell therapy
Which technique is used to revive non-transplantable livers?
Machine perfusion
Which extended donor criteria exist when dealing with a suboptimal graft? (5)
- Donor age
- > max time circulation arrest
- Increased liver enzymes
Why is graft optimalization important?
Reduction of ischemia
How can you optimalize the graft? (2)
- Static cold storage donor livers
- Dynamic liver preservation techniques
Dynamic liver preservation techniques are performed via two ways…
- Hypothermic (4-10 degrees)
- Normothermic (37 degrees)
Which dynamic liver preservation way is used in clinical trials?
Normothermic (37 degrees) -> more physiological
What is the goal of tissue engineering in the liver transplantation field?
To create new tissue/cells to heal organs or to create an entirely new organ
Which issues arise using engineered liver tissue? (4)
- Toxicological studies
- Drug testing
- Disease modeling
- Clinical applications
Which functional liver tissues are used in vitro? (4)
- Parenchymal cells
- Stromal cells
- Scaffold
- Biologicals
What can we do if the graft is in a really bad shape (as opposed to a suboptimal shape)?
Make a graft scaffold
What are the steps of making a graft scaffold? (4)
- Decellularization -> detergent perfusion
- Recellularization -> liver cell infusion
- Revascularization -> endothelial cell infusion
- Functional liver graft
Which factors are essential for decellularization? (3)
- No cells
- ECM proteins unaffected
- Liver architecture remained (vascular- and biliary system)
What is the main challenge when using a decellularized liver?
Liver does not trigger the immune system -> HLA proteins are absent
For what do you stain to determine if ECM proteins are unaffected? (2)
- Collagen
- Elastin
From which cells are organoids derived? (4)
- (Pluripotent) stem cells
- Primary cells
- Stem/progenitor cells
- Progenitor/differentiated cells
What are two important qualities of organoids?
- Self-organization
- Recapitulation of aspects of native tissue
How do organoids self organize?
- Cell-cell interactions
- Cell-matrix interactions