Liver Disease in Pregnancy - Franco Flashcards
Name two skin findings associated with liver disease during pregnancy.
- Spider angiomas
- Palmar erythema
Why are pregnant women at a higher risk of gallstones?
Reduced gallbladder activity
What hematologic / liver panel findings are seen in pregnant women?
- Increased:
- Alk Phos (From placenta & bone)
- Decreased:
- HCt
- Serum Urea
- Uric Acid
- Albumin
- Total protein
- What is Hyperemesis Gravidarum?
- When does it occur?
- How common is it?
Intractable vomiting during pregnancy
- Dehydration
- Electrolyte abnormalities
- Cause unknown
- First trimester
- ~0.4/1000 deliveries
- What liver abnormalities can result from Hyperemesis Gravidarum?
- How is HG treated?
- 2x to 20x increase in ALT
- Treat with rehydration and antiemetics
- What is Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (IHCP)?
- When during pregnancy does it typically occur?
- How does it present?
- Cholestasis (bile cannot flow into duodenum) during pregnancy, as the name suggests. Etiology is unclear.
- Third trimester, but can occur anytime during pregnancy
- Pruritis
How common is Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy?
What risks to the fetus are associated with IHCP?
0.1% of all pregnancies
Increased risk of:
- Prematurity
- Perinatal death
- Fetal distress
- What lab findings are noted in Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy?
- How is IHCP treated? Name two drugs.
- Labs:
- Up to 4x increase in AST/ALT
- Serum bile acids increased 30x-100x
- Jaundice in 25% of women with IHCP
- Treatment:
- Binds bile acids
Ursodeoxycholic Acid
- Modifies bile acid pool
- Inhibits absorption of more hydrophobic bile acids
- What is Preeclampsia/Eclampsia?
- What does it present with?
- A disorder of pregnancy with unknown etiology.
- Preeclampsia presents with:
- Hypertension
- Proteinuria
- Edema
- Eclampsia = Preeclampsia + Seizures
- How common is preeclampsia?
- Eclampsia?
- When during pregnancy does preeclampsia typically occur?
- Preeclampsia is common: 5-7% of all pregnancies
- Eclampsia: 0.1-0.2% of pregnancies
- Usually occurs after 20 weeks (most commonly after 32 weeks - Wiki)
How is preeclampsia/eclampsia treated?
Delivery of the baby and placenta is the only definitive treatment / cure.
As you might expect, preeclampsia that begins earlier in pregnancy is associated with increased morbidity.
What is Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy?
Explain the pathophysiology.
(Etiology is actually known for this one!)
Caused by LCHAD **Deficiency **in the fetus (Long-Chain 3-HydroxyAcyl coenzyme Dehydrogenase Deficiency)
- tl;dr: Fatty acid oxidation defect in fetus; leads to fatty liver in mother
How common is Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy?
When in pregnancy does it occur?
What other disorder of pregnancy is AFLP associated with?
1 in 7,000-15,000 pregnancies
Third trimester
Preeclampsia occurs in 20-40% of AFLP pts
How does AFLP present?
How is it treated?
Presentation varies:
- Mild: liver test abnormalities
- Severe: Jaundice, coagulopathy, encephalopathy
Urgent Delivery Indicated
What life-threatening condition is associated with preeclampsia/eclampsia, AFLP, or both?
How does it present?
HELLP Syndrome
- Hemolytic anemia
- _E_levated _L_iver tests
- _L_ow _P_latelets
When in pregnancy is HELLP syndrome seen?
What is the treatment?
Similar to preeclampsia/eclampsia and AFLP alone:
Third trimester
Urgent delivery indicated
How common is HELLP syndrome?
0.2-0.6% of pregnancies
4-12% in women with (pre)eclampsia