Literature Flashcards
When were the Norse sagas created?
Even if the authorship of the sagas in uncertain, we do know that they were intimately linked with the great period of Norse expansion that commenced in the mid-tenth century. The mythic qualities of the sagas are in some respects enhanced by the fact that their exact origins are shrouded in the mists of time.
Why don’t all poems rhyme?
Opening any compilation of popular poetry reveals that most poems have some form of rhyming structure. This is a testament to the enduring success of rhyme as part of poetic expression– it also helps to explain why we are often surprised when a poem doesn’t rhyme.
Who was Shakespeare?
The name of William Shakespeare is world-renowned and will probably remain so long into the future. A a poet and playwright he is widely acknowledged as a genius, and his works are much loved. But this is one aspect of the man. To consider who he really was, we must remember the youth, the husband and father, the gentleman, and the entrepreneur– although astonishingly few concrete facts about his life have survived the centuries.
Where does Haiku come from?
From it’s Japanese roots, haiku has become an international art form. Haiku can be found in many languages and can express a wide range of cultural perspectives. Although it has been over three hundred years since the birth of haiku it remains stylistically tied to its origins. Try writing haiku for yourself. It can be dangerously addictive.
What is stanza?
A stanza is essentially a verse that is employed to provide a break in a poem; however, it can take a huge variety of forms, which are most commonly defined by the number of lines it contains.
When did Tolstoy write was and peace?
Lev (Leo) Nikolaevich Tolstoy wrote War and Peace in the middle of the 19th century. This was a time of great change for Tolstoy., and also for Russia, the country where he was born and lived. The novel reflects many of Tolstoy’s personal experiences and the changes that were sweeping their way through Russia in the mid 19th century.
Who was Eric Arthur Blair?
Middle-class, privately educated, and firmly part of the British Establishment; a fair portrait, perhaps, of Eric Arthur Blair, Subversive, anti establishment, and true to his principles might be a better description of George Orwell.
What is Moby-Dick?
Moby-Dick is part myth, part novel, and part symbol. As a creation of Melville’s imagination, it was appreciated by few at the time of its publication, but has been dissected ever since and has become the great white whale known to all.
Why are books sometimes banned?
Books have been banned, for a host of different reasons, ever since they were first produced, and the habit doesn’t seem likely to disappear in the near future. But does it work? It is human nature to seek out those things that are forbidden, and the banning of a book gives it a sort of credibility that can work against the very reason for trying to suppress it in the first place.
Where is the world’s most comprehensive library?
The U.S. Library of Congress is the largest in the world, holding more than 138 million items. It may soon, however, be overtaken by digital libraries, such as UNESCO’s World Digital Library, which went live in April 2009.