Lit test unit 3 Flashcards
Edmund Spenser did not advance in government service for why?
for his association with the wrong people
What launched Spenser’s career and composed of 12 pastoral poems corresponding to the 12 months?
The Shepherd’s Calendar
Established Spenser’s superiority over all English poets since Chaucer
The Shepherds Calendar
Spenser entitled his epic what?
The Faerie Queen
In 1594 Spenser presented his second bride with what?
A sonnet sequence called Amoretti. They ended with a marriage song
The Faerie Queen has been credited for teaching what?
the love of virtue and the hatred of vice
Sonnet 68
Has only 2 sentences, is an Easter prayer
Sonnet 79
stresses good advice to those considering marriage. the beauty of character
Spenser;s stated plan was to,,,
write 12 books, but only wrote 6
The faerie queen is what…
a romance and an allegory
an extended metaphor with two levels of meaning, the literal and the symbolic
Spenserian Stanza
8 lines of iambic pentameter and 1 line of iambic hexameter, for 9 lines total
an example of the ideal gentle man warrior
the story presents his career before he became king
the queen of fairyland (queen elizabeth)
Represents truth and faith
travels with red cross knight
red cross knight
undertaking a mission given to him by gloriana
immature, asspiring christian capable of either success or failure and depentdant on divine grace
Half woman half serpent
lives in the wandering wood
represnts reason
Sir Thomas Wyatt
Published posthumously
wrote the best lyric poetry of the early Tudor period
14 line poem written in iambic pentameter (octave, sestet)
strained and elaborate comparisons
used conciets
sir thomas wyatt
Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey
published posthumosly
invented blank verse
blank verse
unrymed iambic pentameter
Wrote “love that liveth and reigneth in my thought”
Henry Howard
who wrote Arcadia, the best prose fiction of his time?
Sir Phillip Sidney
wrote Astrophil and Stella (the first sonnet sequence in enlish
sir phillip sidney
Sir walter Raleigh
a sea farer. known for his naval heroics
tried twice without success to plant a settlement Roanoke island
Sir walter raleigh
put to death for treason by king james 1
walter raleigh
wrote ‘what is our life’: an example of a cenceipt
who wrote Utopia
Sir Thomas More
He is the man usually regarded as the greatest humanist of the english renaissance
Sir Thomas More
The Book Of Common Prayer
gives order and structure to worship service and daily life
contributed the mos to the book of common prayer
thomas cranmier
provides public prayers, exhortations, and scripture readings for regular weekday and sunday services, for holy days in the church calendar, and for personal events
The Book Of Common Prayer
The marriage rite indicates…
the seriousnessof matrimony
the man and woman address their vows to eachother, not…
the congregation or minister. the marriage rite emphasizes the finality of the covenant
also emphasizes mutal submission and positional subordination of the woman to the man in the divine order of the family
the marriage rite
indicates the public sealing of the contract
the rings
John Foxe
gave money to the poor.
liked to write in latin
the book of martyrs
its purpose was to make englnd protestant forever. it detailed the cruilty of catholic oppression
wrote the acts and monuments aka the book of martyrs
John Foxe
begane the tudor line of kings
Henry 7th
Edward 6th brought…
protistantism reformation to england
William Tindale produced the first english new testament from the greek, and…
miles coverdale translated the entire scripture
when elizabeth 1 came to the throne she…
reestablished protantism in england
followed a more moderate/middle policy religiously and politically
the puritans wanted to…
purify the english protistant church of any signs of cathilicism
Elizabeth 1
politically shrewd,
proficiant with languages
excommunicated by the pope
moder english began…
duri ng the rign of the tudor family
the greatest change in lanquage was…
the pronunciation of the long vowels (shakespear)
tudor writers purposed to have literature that…
delights in order to teach
tudor poets and prose writers taught…
moral precets in their works
4 scriptural references used to verify that marriage os sanctioned by God
the miracle that He wrought in cana of galilee
matrimony instituded of God in Garden of eden
pauls commendation of marriage
Christ and the church
3 purposes of marriage
to procreate
as a remedy against sin
for the mutual society, help and comfort
words that emphasize the finality of the marriage covenant
till death do us part
so long as you both shall live
biblical couple reffered to at the end of the marriage ceremony
Issac and Rebecca
idea mentioned to reiterate the final paragraph of the wedding ceremony
takes place not only in the presence of man, but in the presence of God
Ridley and latimer;s speeches
latimer: homley and eloquant
ridley: had a learned speech because of his education
disposition of worldy goods
latimer: gave nothing
ridely: gave different random thongs that he had
manner of death:
latimer: died quickly and painlessly
ridley: suffered a long painful death