Lipset, Trow and Coleman Flashcards
Lipset, Trow and Coleman
analyzes why the union did not suffer from the ILO
union type steelers which disappeared once technological change made them obsolete
Two-party system
unique to the ITU
vital for democracy bc it promotes competition
Active union associational life
associations promoted the two-party system
ITU members very active in occupational associations
associational activities increase interest in union affairs, thereby promote participation in union politcs
Information and associations
associations are influential means of spreading views and information
prevents leader strangle-hold over information
associations provide the opportunity for leaders to gain leadership skills
promotes effective opposition, therefore, a two party system
Rules and associatialism
associtalinailsm promotes broader knowledge of organizational rules
Direct: promoting engagement in union politics, people learn the rules
Indirect: in promoting a 2 power system, forces elites from both parties to learn the rules
Hierarchical organizations
associations are an organizational form with limited hierarchy
equal participation
depend on member particpation