Linstead Flashcards
What is in a formal letter?
- clear statement of purpose
- clear paragraphs which sustain arguement/persuade/advise
- a topic paragraph which acknowledges the opposing view
- forceful conclusion
- appropriate language
- opinions disguised as facts
- quotations
- statistics!
Layout of a formal letter?
- your address, top right
- date beneath it
- recipients address on the left
- salutation (dear sir, twonk face etc)
- first paragraph
- three middle paragraphs
- closing paragraphs
- yours faithfully (if we dont know them)/ yours sincerely (if we know them)
Layout of an informal letter?
- address, top right corner
- date underneath
- salutation, on the left
- short intro
- 3/4 paragraphs
- final paragraphs
- informal closure (love, cheers mate)
- your first name!
structure of a feature article?
- heading
- introduction (anecdotal lead? must be engaging)
- nutgraf (explaining the subject matter, focuses on major points (3/4 paragraphs)
- main body
(eye witnesses, further anecdotes, contrary and oppositional views) - CONC
end with a memorable phrase
how to write a conclusion?
- should be punchy, short and deliver a quick summary of what has been discussed in the article and end with a memorable catch phrase or idea that’ll stay with the reader
How to introduce a person and their quote
- Introduce the person “such and such of minnesota university says…”
- when asked if duh duh duh, Zizek said …
- start with an actual quote, after the quote introduce them, gives credibility
What is PALL?
- Purpose, why it has been written
- Audience, Who is it for?
- Language, How does the language persuade the audience and tell us who they are?
- Layout, Why the format as it is-audience/purpose?
What is PEE and PEEL?
- Point
- Evidence (quotations)
- Expand/explain
(- Link, when making comparisons)
What aspects of writing must we evaluate?
- Complex, technical or simple
- Formal or informal, abbreviations/slang
- Literal or poetic
- Factual/objective or opinion based or emotive
- Choice of words
- Highlight phrases and words that stick out
What might you be asked in Unit 2 (Section A)?
- locating and retrieving information
- impressions and images
- viewpoint and attitude
- intended audience
- analysis of writers techniques
- comparison and evaluation of texts
What does the first question usually entail? section A
- Picking out and sometimes commenting on specific details.
- if the question says “list”, then bullet points are fine
- question is common in foundation
What does the second question usually entail? Section A
- “What do we learn about…” and “how does the writer…”
- When the question says HOW then you must use PEE/PEEL
What does the third question entail? Section A
- This will ask to make comparisons between 2 sources
What should someone consider during Section A?
- "The Big Picture" Understand: - What it is about - What it was written for - Why it was written - How it was written
What must you do to achieve even a C grade?
- Punctuate correctly, use commas, semi colons, apostrophes and full stops
- use paragraphs to organise your ideas
- write clearly
- you must entertain and interest the reader
What to consider when planning?
What? Where? Who? When? Why? How? Audience? make sure the story makes sense
What can you use when writing an article?
“How to succeed in longer writing tasks?”
1) . plan your ideas, quick bullet points
2) . Add in detail, try to show off sophistication, where needed
3) . Check paragraphs and spellings, read through
4) . Don’t get too nervous in the exam,
When proof reading your work what do you need to look out for?
- check paragraphs
- commas and full stops
- capital letters
- missing words
What problems do we have to tackle before the exam?
- Misreading the question
- not looking at the number of marks available
- picking out the wrong piece of information
- using subject language inaccurately
- repeating the question
- poor paragraphing, spelling and punctuation
- not revising or preparing properly