Cold War 8.1
Def: A conflict between the USSR and the USA, that did not have any direct military battle between one another. They had tensions after WWll and the conflict between their philosophies (UUSR - communism, USA - democratic/capitalism) and desires for both of them to be the powerhouse nation that runs the world also aided to this war. Throughout this was both side fought on opposite ends of many proxy wars but never held any direct conflict. Throughout this war nuclear weapons, propaganda, and campaigns were used.
LO: After World War everyone was in a complex situation and both the USSR and USA planned to provide a more dominant figure in the face of it all. This led to much tension between both nations, but since the world just experienced two world wars many were very apprehensive against an all out war which leads to no real direct battle.
Non-Aligned Movement 8.2
Def: A formation of small Asian and African countries that formed together for protection and have a seperate foundation of nations that isn’t dominated by superpower nations. Many of these revolutionary members banded together to form an international framework.
Lo: Due to the power struggle between the USSR and the USA many other smaller countries worried for their standing amongst these powerful nations. These led to said nations banding together to form an organization that helps their advancement and a way for small nations to have international politics away from the Soviet Union and the United States dynamic.
Kwame Nkrumah 8.2 & 8.5
Def: Kwame Nkrumah was a main factor in bringing Ghana independence from Great Britain and one of the leaders for the Non-Aligned Movement. He nationalized and built Ghana’s strength during decolonization. Nkrumah also unified Africans through the creation of the Organization of African Unity. However he also made a one-party state and became a dictator for Ghana once he lost support during a election.
LO: As a member of the Non-Aligned Movement he created a independent way for smaller nations to band together due to the Cold War. Kwame Nkrumah was able to strengthen Ghana after finding independence through negotiations, however once he realized the power was slipping away from him he became a dictator.
Proxy Wars (Korean War and Angolan Civil War) 8.3
Def: A series of wars for local issues, reform, and decolonization in smaller countries in Asia, Africa, etc.. These wars had the USSR and USA support sides of each conflict. These wars were stand-in conflicts for the Soviet Union and United States and their allies. In the Korean War, there was a conflict in the division of Korea, of the North and South due to WWll. The North attempted to invade the South to unify the nation under their leadership. The USA and its allies supported South Korea and sent troops through the UN. While the USSR and its allies supported North Korea and sent money, weapons, and resources to them. The war ended with the UN and South Korea pushing the North back and the sides remaining seperate by a demiliterized zone. In Angola after winning independence from colonization they made muddled territories due to the colonizers. This led to conflict and tension forming between rival ethnic tribes resulting in a civil war. The USSR and Cuba supported the Mbunda tribe, South Africa supported the Ovimbundu tribe, and the USA supported the Bakongo tribe. The War lasted 27 years before a cease-fire occured but the tensions remained.
LO: Both the Soviet Union and the United States maintained influence by involving themselves in important wars and forming allies through them. By doing this there is a underlying power battle through these proxy wars but with a refusal to actually go through with battle against each other directly.
Communist Revolution in China 8.4
Def: After WWll the Civil War between the Communist Party and Nationalist Party remained. The War resulted in the Communist Party’s victory due to them coming back from the WWll faster and defending China against Japan, gaining public favor and support. Mao Zedong enacted many policies after coming to office, he created land reforms and put China through something called the Great Leap Forward. In this the government collected land and formed comunes expelling privately owned land. Mao Zedong also enacted a Cultural Revolution that destroyed China’s history and implemented a new culture for China under Zedong’s tutelage. Any who disobeyed his policies were brutally torchered in reeducation camps and possibly killed.
LO: Lots of China’s history and culture was destroyed in the Cultural Revolution as well as many killed due to disobeying the harsh policies of Zedong. China also ended up going through a famine and to an upwards of 20 million people died of starvation due to food shortages. However Zedong and the government fought to put up a front for the world showing China’s might.
Great Leap Forward 8.4
Def: A policy in which Mao Zedong and the government collected land from peasants and commoners and created comunes, therefore expelling all privately owned land. The people who protested got put into “reeducation camps”. After a severe famine that killed 20 million people the policy was revoked.
LO: A major consequence is the killing of millions of people and and destroying Chinese history and culture that cannot be undone. The cause of this policy is Zedong’s belief that a communist society of having state owned land is absolutely nesscesary.
Communist Revolution for Vietnamese Independence 8.4
Def: In order to gain independence from Japan and France, and due to the US going back on their promise to aide Vietnam in their fight war independence after WWll, Vietnam turned towards communism to become independant. Communism first hit the north and spread slowly spread slowly south, as land reform was a unpopular policy in the south.
LO: For land reform the north adapted pretty easily, but the south did not have such a smooth transition. The idea of land collectivization and redistribution of land was extremely unpopular and took awhile to be adapted to.
Decolonization 8.5
Def: The release of colonization and the fight for independence for colonized nations after WWll. Due to many nations weakening after the world wars, many colonized countries took this as an oppurtunity to demand their independence through diplomacy or battle.
LO: As stated above many nations demanded their independence through negotiations and diplomacy such as, Ghana with Kwame Nkrumah. However many nations also had brutal battles in order to gain independence such as Algeria, Vietnam, etc.
Indian National Congress 8.5
Def: An organization of Hindu and Muslim groups that banded together to push the British out of India and supported independence movements across Southeast Asia, they were founded in the 19th century. Their leader was Mohandes Ghandi who advocated for peaceful protesting and so the National Congress used civil disobedience as their main tactic.
LO: Due to Mohandes Ghandi and his ideals the Indian National Congress used more peaceful methods for independence. They used civil disobedience and peaceful protesting such as the infamous Salt March.
Muslim League 8.5
Def: An organization in India that advocated for a seperate nation for Indian Muslims. They were founded in 1906 after the Indian National Congress. They also helped push for Indian Independence from British control.
LO: The Muslim League advocated for a seperate nation for Indian Muslims and to preserve their rights in a Hindu dominated country. Their methods of advocation seemed peaceful but their end goal of the Partition of India was a bloody, brutal, moment in history.
Partition of India 8.6
Def: The British empire’s seperation of India into two independent nations. A mostly Hindu India and a mostly Muslim Pakistan. This partition was extremely chaotic and brutal with an upwards of 500,000 to 1 million casualties. This was due to around 10 million people moving, Hindus and Sikhs fled from Pakistan to India and Muslims fled from India to Pakistan. After this transition their were still much tension between India and Pakistan, one such major example is the Kashmir Conflict. Which was a city that both countries claim to own.
LO: Due to the Muslim League’s efforts a nation for Muslims were formed. Due to the Partition of India one nation became two, India and Pakistan. India was a mainly Hindu state while Pakistan became a mainly Muslim state. India became the world’s largest democracy and Pakistan became an authoritarian military rule.
Creation of Israel 8.6
Def: Many Jews and Zionists desired for their to be a country formed for Jews in order to gave protection. After WWll and the Holocaust Jewish sympathy grew and the British announced that Palestine would be a safe haven for them. However, Palestine was formerly apart of the Ottoman Empire and mainly inhabited by Arabs who practiced Islam. Not to mention that said Arabs were promised an independent state as well. Palestine was then split into seperate territories, Israel and Palestine. This led to many conflicts among the nation as Arabs felt their land and culture was being overturned.
LO: Due to WWll and the Holocaust the world became very sympathetic towards Jews thus their desire to have an independent state was granted. Israel was born inside Palestine, seperating the prexisting nation into two seperate areas. There was the Jewish Israel and the Muslim Palestine. Tensions arose between both parties as culture and lands were constantly fought over. Both nations were supported by a number of other nations and this anomosity and hostility still exist today.
Metropole 8.6
Def: A big city of a former nation that used to be a colonial power. These cities typically attracted many refugees and immigrants, where many migrants found work in menial labor, medical field, railroads, foundries, airports, etc..
LO: Due to the amount of freely moving migration and immigration the economy of many metropole cities grew rapidly through the new people settling there. Due to this many other cities having declining economies due to the freely moving migration.
Mohandas Gandhi 8.7
Def: The leader of the Indian National Congress and was a main reason for India’s Independence. Was known for his non-violent push for freedom and Satyagraha Movement. He also enacted the Salt Marches. He became a worldwide martyr for peace and independence. Gandhi pushed for independence from the British and became a national treasure becoming known as Mahatma or “the great soul” and only wore traditional Indian-made clothing as defyance against the British.
LO: Many nations resulted to warfare for independence, but Gandhi believed in a more peaceful approach. By doing so the world knew of his powerful message and one that spurred civil disobedience in India. However not all people agreed with Gandhi’s approach and wanted a more direct path to freedom and one that came with quicker results.
Martin Luther King Jr. 8.7
Def: An infamous African-American civil rights leader and activist in the USA in the 1950s and 60s. He was also an activist for peaceful protesting and civil disobedience. He fought against racial segregation in schools, boycotted public busses, enacted marches. He formed one the world’s most effective struggle for justice in the modern world. His efforts gave way to the Civil Rights Act of 1965 a monumental bill for the oppressed.
LO: King was a infamous representation of resistance to large social issues and is a major success stories. His speech of “I Had a Dream..” became infamous and his peaceful lead to justice was one that inspired the masses.
Nelson Mandela 8.7
Def: A socialist lawyer who resisted the apartheid in South Africa. The apartheid is a system of racial segregation that was put into law in the 20th century in South Africa by a white minority government. Although early in his life he supported violence he was well-known for leading a nonviolent protests. He eventually gained victory over the apartheid.
LO: The overall push against social injustice, push against racial prejudice, and push for independence inspired many social rights activists. Mandela fought for a peaceful approach to ending the apartheid and injust discrimination against Africans.
Francisco Franco 8.7
Def: A dictator that ruled over Spain from 1939 to 1975. He overthrew Spain’s leftist government and was extremely anti-communist making him an ally to the USA. His government executed, imprisoned, and sent to labor camps hundreds of thousands of political dissenters. Despite this Spanish people still opposed his rule and once he died Spain started to become a democracy.
LO: Despite being a dictator, the US still supported Franco as he was an anti-communist and the United States took every opportunity they could take for an ally in the Cold War. Also despite Franco’s treatment of political dissenters people still opposed his rule, and his governance was the reason for Spain’s shift into democracy.
Shining Path 8.7
Def: A revolutionary organization in Peru led by a man named Abimael Guzman. This organization was built off of communist ideals and led a series of bombings and assassinations for decades in order to overthrew Peru’s existing government and replace it with a communist one. This organization’s actions caused 37,000 deaths and continued after it’s leader was sent to life imprisonment. They only stopped after one of their leaders began negotiations with the Peruvian government in 2011.
LO: This is an example of a terroristic approach to an end goal that occured in this time period. Due to the power struggle of the Cold War many groups took to aggressive methods in order to achieve a victory of overtaking a nation onto their side.
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan 8.8
Def: The Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan in order to strengthen the existing communist government from Muslim fighters. During this invasion, the USSR caused around 562,000 to 2 million civilian deaths leaving many refugees to fled to Pakistan and Iran. However, the Soviet Army couldn’t defeat the Muslim fighters leading to them leaving to withdraw in 1989. This left a civil war in Afghanistan. It also undermined the USSR’s power and put a increased strain on their economy and lead to their downfall.
LO: Due to the Soviet Union, one of the two powers fighting in the Cold War, weakening and losing power it led to their eventual demise and the diffusing of the Cold War. The reason the war started was because two powerful nations butted heads over who’s government and philosophy is better and who is stronger as a nation that could lead the world. Therefore, if one nation loses the power they had at the beginning of this struggle the delicate structure of this war would break indefinetly.