Limitations Flashcards
What is the Ramp weight
What is the max take-off weight
Max landing weight
Max zero fuel weight
Manuevering load limit with flaps retracted
+ 2.5 g and - 1 g
Manuevering load limit with flaps extended
+ 2 g and 0 g
Maximum operating altitude
25,000 ft ASL
Maximum operating altitude for take-off and landing
10,000 ft ASL
Maximum runway slope
+ 2% uphill and -2% downhill
Maximum tailwind component
10 kts
Maximum crosswind component
36 kts
Ambient temperature limits
+48.9 C or ISA +35 C whichever is lower Max and -54 C minimum
Manuevering speed Va
164 KIAS
Flap Extended Speed Vfe
5 and 15 Flaps 148 KIAS 35 Flaps 130 KIAS
Maximum operating speed Vmo
SL 242 KIAS to 25,000’ 207 KIAS
Landing gear extended speed Vle
172 KIAS
Landing gear operating speed Vlo - can extend the gear
158 KIAS
Rough Air Speed
180 KIAS
Alternate gear extension speed
140 KIAS
Maximum altitude for airstart
Automatic take-off power control system (uptrim)
MTOP - Max take-off power
111% TQ (5 min), 800 C T6, 102.7 Nh, 1212 Np, 55-65 PSI Oil, 45-115 C Oil temp
NTOP - Normal take-off power
99.5%, 770 C T6, 101 Nh, 1212 Np, 55-65 PSI Oil, 45-115 C Oil temp
MCP - Max continuous power
97.5%/1212 Np or 114.2% 1024 Np, 800 C T6, 102.7 Nh, 55-65 PSI Oil, 45-115 C Oil temp
Engine start temperature limits
840-900 C for 12 seconds, 900-950 5 for 5 seconds
Engine start max oil pressure
200 PSI
Engine start min oil temperature
-40 C
Max transient conditions which are limited to 20 seconds
125% TQ, 840 C T6, 103.7 Nh, 1320 Np, 200 PSI Oil, 125 C Oil temp
Max Torque for reverse
Max Np for reverse
1212 RPM
Max Nh for reverse
101 RPM
What is propellor prohibited range
500-780 RPM
Maximum tire speed
165 KIAS
Maximum altitude with landing gear and flaps extended
15,000’ ASL
Normal cabin pressure differential limit
5.5 +/- .3 PSI
Maximum cabin pressure differential
5.95 PSI
Maximum cabin altitude