Limitations Flashcards
Max Tailwind
Max Altitude
Max Takeoff/Land Field Elevation
Max Differential Pressure
9.4 PSI
Max Differential Takeoff/Land Differential Pressure
0.11 PSI
Minimum AP Engagement
Minimum AP Disengagement Height
50’ below MDA
100’ AGL if on single channel
Minimum TCH for Auto-land
40 FT
Mimimum Fuel Temperature
Jet A Freezing Point
3ºC above fuel freezing point
Jet A freezing point is -40ºC
Maximum Fuel Temperature
Minimum Crew O2
Minimum Passenger O2
Minimum Portable O2 Bottles
1400 PSI
1400 PSI
1200 PSI
Main Battery Switch
Must remain on during APU use
Max Difference between Altimeter and Field Elevation
Max difference between CA & FO Altimeters
Sea Level to 5,000’ - 35’
5,000’ to 10,000’ - 40’
Max Wind Components for Normal Operations
Headwind - 25kts for auto-land
Tailwind - 15kts
Crosswind - 40kts
Max Wind Components for:
- Dry Runway?
- Wet Runway?
- Standing Water/Slush?
- Snow?
- Ice?
- Cat 1 Auto-land
- Cat II/II Auto Land
Crosswind T/O
- Dry 40kts
- Wet 25kts
- Standing Water/Slush 15kts
- Snow 15kts
- Ice 15kts
- Cat I Auto-land N/A
- Cat II/III Auto-land N/A
Max Landing Gear Extend/Retract Vlo Speed
270 KIAS / .82 M
Max Landing Gear Extended Vle Speed
320 KIAS / .82 M
Max Speed in RVSM
.90 M
Max Turbulent Air Speed
290-310 KIAS / .82-.85 M
whichever is lower
Max Flap Speeds:
- Flap 1
- Flap 5
- Flap 10
- Flap 20
- Flap 25
- Flap 30
Flap 1 - 280
Flap 5 - 260
Flap 10 - 240
Flap 20 - 230
Flap 25 - 205
Flap 30 - 180
Max Flap Altitude
APU Restrictions
Cannot be started inflight
Cannot be used for electricity inflight
Max altitude 20,000’
Can power 1 pack up to 15,000’
Battery switch must remain on
You are ready to taxi in N741CK. What is the maximum the aircraft can weigh?
You are in N745CK and have just received your weight and balance form. The zero fuel weight shows 612,754. Is any action required?
You must remove enough payload to return the ZFW within limits.
610,000lbs (BCF)
611,000lbs (ERF)
You are in Europe. It is a grey and rainy day. Your intended landing runway is not shown as grooved on the 10-9A airport chart. Braking action is reported as a “.30” on a Tapley report. What is your maximum recommended crosswind component?
20 kts
You are conducting a Category III approach. The approach chart indicates a threshold crossing height of 39 feet. What is the significance?
The maximum autoland threshold crossing height is 40 feet
You are conducting an RNAV approach, using VNAV as the pitch mode. When must the autopilot be disconnected?
50 feet below DA
What is the maximum permitted depth of dry snow for takeoff? For landing?
• Takeoff – 2.4 inches
• Landing – 4.0 inches
You are in Amsterdam on a grey and rainy day. The runway is wet and the breaking action has been reported as “4”. What is the maximum crosswind component for landing?
30 kts
You are conducting an ILS approach to a runway with a prevailing visibility of ¾ nautical miles. Is the flight director required to be on?
** No**
What must a person do to enter the main deck in flight?
He or she must carry a portable oxygen bottle to enter the main deck in flight.
You are conducting a flight with a payload that requires ballast fuel to bring the zero fuel weight CG within limits. What is the maximum amount of required fuel that can be shown on the flight release?
Approximately 244,000 pounds (244,416 @ 6.7
The batteries for the emergency lighting system are charged by?
DC Bus 4
Fully charged Emergency Lighting batteries should provide light for?
15 minutes
- What is the MGLW of the ERF?*
- BCF?*
- 653,000lbs (ERF)*
- 652,000lbs (BCF)*
What is the main deck cargo door open, what is the wind limit?
The supernumerary oxygen system provides how many minutes of O2 at what cabin altitude?
195, 25,000’
The PBE has a maximum duration of what?
15 mins
How many supernumeraries are we authorized to carry on the upper deck?
20, but no more than number of seats installed.
What color of the PBE paper indicator signifies a failed vacuum seal, requiring the unit to be replaced?
Maximum Runway Slope?
+/- 2%
Flight Manuevering Load Acceleration Limits:
Flaps Up?
Flaps Down?
- Flaps Up: +2.5g to -1.0g
- Flaps Down: +2.0g to 0.0g
What altitude must the autopilot be disengaged for a single channel ILS?
100 FT AGL
Max Crosswind Components
Landing? Takeoff?
Dry Runway?
Wet Runway?
Standing Water/Slush?
Cat 1 Auto-land
Cat II/II Auto Land
Condition - Takeoff / Landing
- Dry Runway? 40 / 36
- Wet Runway? 25 /30
- Standing Water/Slush? 15 / 20
- Snow? 15 / 25
- Ice? 15 / 15
- Cat 1 Auto-land? / 25
- Cat II/II Auto-land? / 15
Continuous ignition must be used when encountering WAITR:
Water or slush
Max Starting temperature (Unlimited)
Max Starting temperature (Max. Transient 40 seconds)
Max Takeoff temperature (5 Minutes)
Max Continuous temperature
Max Oil temperature (Continuous)
Max Oil temperature (Max. Transient 15 Mins)