Limitations Flashcards
TOLD Runway slope Limits: +/-___%
TOLD Altitude Limits: -_____ to _____ feet (pressure altitude)
-1000 ft to 10,000 ft (pressure altitude)
TOLD Limiting tail wind component: ___ knots
10 knots
TOLD Temperature limits: -___ C to +___ C
-54 C to 54 C
Maximum zero fuel weight: _____ pounds
230,000 pounds
Maximum taxi weight: _____ pounds
336,000 pounds
Maximum takeoff weight (flaps down): _____ pounds
333,600 pounds
Maximum in-flight weight (flaps up): _____ pounds
331,000 pounds
Maximum inflight weight with the reserve tanks empty: _____ pounds
280,000 pounds
Maximum normal landing weight (600 fpm sink rate): _____ pounds
247,000 pounds
Maximum landing weight (360 fpm sink rate): _____ pounds
326,000 pounds
N1 Continuous Operation
25% - 107%
Maximum Allowable N1
N1 idle below ___% is a sign of possible engine malfunction
N2 Normal Idle Operation
58% - 62%
N2 Continuous Operation
57% - 101%
Maximum Allowable N2
Ground idle RPM is ___ - ___ N2, standard day, with no bleed air, generator or hydraulic pump loads
58% - 62%
EGT Continuous Operation
340 C - 510 C
EGT Caution
510 C - 575 C
Maximum Allowable EGT
575 C
During engine start, if EGT is rising rapidly or exceeds ___ C, shut down the engine
450 C
On takeoff, an EGT between ___ - ___ C is not necessarily a malfunction to abort at high speed
575 - 600 C
Oil Pressure Normal Operating Range
40 - 60 PSI
Undesirable Oil Pressure (Caution)
35 - 40 PSI
Minimum Oil Pressure (Idle)
It may decrease to ___ psi during rapid engine deceleration
35 PSI
30 psi
Maximum Oil Pressure
Following rapid advances of throttles to T/O or GA may indicate as high as ___ psi
60 PSI
65 psi
Oil Temperature Continuous Operation
40 - 132 C
Recommended Oil Temperature
80 - 100 C
10-Minute Max Operation Oil Temparature
132- 143 C
Maximum Allowable Oil Temperature
143 C
___ minute(s) on, ___ minute(s) off for 1st starting attempt
1; 1
___ minute(s) on, ___ minute(s) off for subsequent starting attempts
1; 5
Use of the engine ignition system should not exceed ___ minutes
10 minutes
Ignition should be set to _____ for takeoff, emergency descent, minimum fuel approach, any engine-out approach, and flight through volcanic ash
Ignition should be set to _____ for turbulence, entry into icing, compressor stall recovery, and practice approach to stall recovery
1 or 2
Bleed Air System Normal Start Pressure Range
25- 60 PSIG
Cabin Air Duct Pressure Normal
4- 20 inches
Maximum Cabin Air Duct Pressure
20 inches
Maximum (inflight) Cabin Differential Pressure
8.6 PSI (+/- 0.15)
Cabin Differential Pressurization relief valve
9.42 PSI (+/- 0.15)
Utility Hydraulic System Precharge
2000 PSI
Utility Hydraulic System Maximum Pressure
3500 PSI
Utility Hydraulic System Pump output, no load
2850 - 3150 PSI
Utility Hydraulic System Minimum Pressure under load
2400 PSI
Brake Hydraulic System Precharge
750 PSI
Brake Hydraulic System Normal Range
750 - 3150 PSI
Brake Hydraulic System Maximum Pressure
3500 PSI
Auxiliary Hydraulic System Precharge
2000 PSI (not indicated on rudder gauge)
Maximum Auxiliary Hydraulic System Pressure (as read on rudder gauge)
3500 PSI
Auxiliary Hydraulic System Pump output, no load (as read on rudder gauge)
2750 - 3150 PSI
Auxiliary Hydraulic System Write-up required(as read on rudder gauge)
2200 - 1400 PSI
Auxiliary Hydraulic System Maintenance required (as read on rudder gauge)
1400 PSI or less
Auxiliary Hydraulic System Rudder deboost range (as read on rudder gauge)
2100 - 2400 PSI
Aircraft Generator Load, Continuous operation
261 amperes per generator
Aircraft Generator Load, 5-second operation
348 amperes
Aircraft Generator Frequency
400 (+/-20) hertz (as limited by using equipment)
Aircraft Generator Voltage
200 (+/-8) volts
External Power Frequency
400 (+/-20) hertz
External Power Voltage
200 (+/-8) volts
External Power Load
265 (+/-25) amperes for 5 to 7 secs, main receptacle only
Minimum Airplane Battery voltage for APU start
22 volts
Minimum Airplane Battery voltage for flight
24 volts
Emergency Airplane battery only operation
30 minutes
APU Normal operating speed
100% RPM
APU Overspeed
110% RPM
APU Underspeed
95% RPM
APU Normal Operating Temperature
330 C
APU Maximum Allowable Temperature
675 C
APU Caution Temperature (yellow)
605 C - 675 C
APU continuous load
348 amperes
APU 5-minute load
406 amperes
APU 5-second load
580 amperes
APU Generator Frequency
400 (+/-7) hertz
Minimum voltage for APU Start
22 volts
The APU battery is a ___ volt, 44 amp-hour nickel-cadmium unit located in the _____ main wheel well compartment
Maximum Operating Speed
350 KIAS from SL to 25,800 feet
M .84 above 25,800 feet
Max airspeed with MACH trim inop (& emerg descent)
M .79; (M .825)
Do not exceed ___ KIAS with flaps extended to 14 degrees
223 KIAS
Do not exceed ___ KIAS with flaps extended to 25 degrees
215 KIAS
Do not exceed ___ KIAS with flaps extended to 40 degrees
200 KIAS
Do not exceed ___ KIAS with flaps extended to 50 degrees
195 KIAS
Landing Gear Normal Operating Speed
270 KIAS, M .83
Landing Gear Emergency Operating Speed
320 KIAS, M .83
Landing Gear Extended Speed
320 KIAS, M .83
Max Tire Speed
195 knots groundspeed
Retractable Landing Lights Extension Speed
250 KIAS
Retractable Landing Lights Retraction Speed
No limit
The operating life of the retractable landing lights increases if the lights are retracted below ___
250 KIAS
Fixed landing lights should be ___ (except for momentary checks) unless the aircraft is moving. When a/c is on ground and not in motion, limit operation to ___ minutes
5 minutes
Fuel Dump Chutes Operating Limit
240 KIAS, M .83
Fuel Dump Chutes Extended Limit
275 KIAS, M .83
If aircraft requires more than ___ unit(s) of aileron trim or ___ unit(s) of rudder trim, enter condition on AFTO Forms 781A
At 80 knots, the maximum allowable difference between the pilot and copilot airspeed indicators is ___ knots
4 knots
If more than ___ unit(s) of aileron trim or ___ unit(s) of rudder trim are required, maintenance correction should be made at the next capable station
Maintain ___ clearance to equip being refueled. Maintain ___ to ungrounded electro-explosive devices with weather radar on
10; 40
Do not transmit on the HF radios (on the ground) unless personnel are at least ___ feet from all aircraft surfaces
15 feet
Do not transmit on HF radios within ___ feet of equipment being fueled/defueled or any underground electro-explosive devices
30 feet
Do not transmit on the AN/ARC-186 VHF radios (on the ground) unless personnel are at least ___ feet from the radiating antenna
4 feet
Do not transmit on the AN/ARC-186 VHF radios within ___ feet of equipment being fueled/defueled or any ungrounded electro-explosive devices
24 feet
Do not trasmit on the AN/ARC-210 (TCTO 762) VHF radios (on the ground) unless personnel are at least ___ feet from the radiating antenna
5 feet
Do not transmit on the AN/ARC-210 (TCTO 762) VHF radios within ___ feet of equipment being fueled/defueled or any ungrounded electro-explosive devices
7 feet
Do not trasmit on the UHF radios (on the ground) unless personnel are at least ___ feet from the radiating antenna
4 feet
Do not transmit on the UHF radios within ___ feet of equipment being fueled/defueled or any ungrounded electro-explosive devices
8 feet
In flight, do not transmit on mission radar within ___ feet horizontally or ___ feet vertically from another aircraft
1000; 1000
transmission of the mission radar on the ground is _____ except by radar maintenance personnel using radar maintenance technical orders
Mission radar ground speed envelope
450 +/-60 knots (rule of thumb)
Re-compute applicable takeoff data if change occurs greater than…
Runway Temp: +/- 2˚C
PA: +/- 500 ft
GW: +/- 5000 lbs
CG: +/- .5%
CFL is increased/decreased by approximately ___ by increases or decreases of…
100 ft
100 ft PA
1,000 lbs GW
With ___ increase in temperature, obstacle clearance calculations will be re-accomplished if obstacle clearance is ___ or less.
100 ft
Increase rotation speed ___ knots for every ___ knots of tailwind.
4 knots
10 knots
When increasing rotation, takeoff, or climbout speeds for gusts on takeoff, the maximum allowable increase is ___ knots
When correcting approach speed for headwind and gusts, the total wind correction must not exceed ___ knots
A/R airspeed from level off until 2 NM
M .76 or 310 KIAS, whichever is lower
A/R airspeed at 1 NM
M .72 or 290 KIAS, whichever is lower
A/R airspeed at 1/2 NM
M .69 or 285 KIAS, whichever is lower
A/R airspeed in contact
M .66 or 275 KIAS, whichever is lower
inner extension limit
6 ft
center extension
12 ft
outer extension limit
18 ft
left/right azimuth limits
center azimuth position
upper vertical limit
center vertical position
Approximately 30˚
lower vertical limit
inner extension limit
6 ft
center extension
13 ft
outer extension limit
21 ft
left/right azimuth limits
center azimuth position
upper vertical limit
center vertical position
Approximately 30˚
lower vertical limit
A maximum of ___ KC-10 aerial refuel transfer pumps should be used during refueling to prevent over pressurization of refueling system
Flap indicators may read +/- ___ of actual flap position
Flaps will not be extended above ___
20,000 MSL
Leading edge flaps extend and retract as the _____ trailing edge flaps pass through the _____ position
6 (+/- 3)˚
If the mach bell rings before ___ or ___ is indicated, the point at which the bell begins to ring is limiting
The airplane battery is a ___ volt, 31 amp-hour, lead acid unit located in the _____ section
right lower nose
Rudder pressure should be approximately ___ when rudder is set to the high range and ___ when rudder is in low range
3000 psi
2250 psi
Altimeter must read within ___ of known elevation (RESET/STBY modes)
75 ft
Allowable tolerance between both RMDIs is ___
Allowable difference between the RMDI and an HSI repeater (on the same compass system) is ___
During the ADI test, the indicator should display ___ right bank and ___ nose up pitch
Gaseous O2 pressure should be _____
290-430 psi
LOX convertor stores ___ of LOX at a nominal pressure of ___
75 L
300 psi
Oxygen level low light comes on at or below ___ or when the system pressure is below ___
7.5 L
42 psi
Utility hydraulic reservoir is located in the ___ main wheel well
All airplanes have an extended filler neck and an expansion tank which has a capacity of ___
6.9 gal
Hydraulic fluid above the ___ level replenished the auxiliary hydraulic system reservoirs
3.2 gal
Rudder boost low pressure light indicates pressure in supply line to the rudder power unit is below approximately ___
Armed with _____ flaps down ___ or greater and rudder hydraulic pressure in the high range
2500 PSI
Yaw damper disengaged light will come on when rudder pressure drops below ___ or yaw damper _____ power is lost or when certain circuit _____ occur within the yaw damper circuits
1200 psi
Auxiliary and utility hydraulic pump low pressure lights come on when pressure decreases to approximately ___
The lights go out when pressure increases to approximately ___
1100 psi
1200 psi
When fuel temperature is ___ or below, turn fuel heat on for ___ prior to T/O
1 min
If engines have been operating at idle thrust for ___ or more, fuel heater may be operated with engines at idle
Otherwise, fuel should be increased to ___ before the heaters are turned on and maintained at ___ for ___ after the heaters are turned off
5 min
1500 pph
1500 pph
2 min
Fuel heat should be ___ for takeoff
Turn on engine anti-icing during ground operations whenever icing conditions exist for takeoff (OAT ___ or lower with visible moisture present)
If the nose cowl anti-ice valve does not open in ___ at idle thrust, increase thrust to ___ N1
Do not exceed ___ N1 - if valve does not open within ___, valve has failed
1 sec
1 sec
Do not use wing anti-ice for takeoff or until reaching ___
1000 AGL
The oil pressure caution light will come on at ___ or ___.
It will go out at ___ on increasing pressure.
32 +/- 2 PSI or 50 PSID
36 PSI
Oil pressure caution light should go off within ___ seconds after engine reaches stabilized idle
Fuel flow at light-off above ___ pph indicates impending hot start (normally less than ___ pph)
Fuel flow peaks at _____ pph during engine acceleration and stabilizes at ___ pph at idle
A rise in EGT should occur within ___ seconds after start lever is adanced