Engine Start Flashcards
Duct pressure required for engine start
25-60 psi
For cross starts, up to ___ N2 can be required to obtain minimum duct pressure of ___
As a technique, set power for ___
80% N2
25 PSI
35 PSI
No N2
Engine will not turn
Start valve fails to function
Start valve manual operation
Do not move start lever to start without ___
Definite indication of N1 RPM (either visually, or on engine instruments)
Where is the no N1 rotation procedure?
Engine Start Procedure Figure 2-2
Stop start
Fuel flow at light off is normally _____
Less than 1000 pph
Where is the no oil pressure procedure?
Engine Starting Procedure Figure 2-2
(Continue motor) stop start if no oil pressure observed within 30 sec of start initiation
Where and what is the no cutout procedure?
Engine Starting Procedure Figure 2-2
If starter fails to cutout by 40% N2, FE calls NO CUTOUT; pilot calls STOP START
Start lever CUTOFF
Close wing isolation valve and remove bleed air source by 45% N2
Sustained fuel flow of _____ at light off indicates a possible hot start
1400 pph
EGT does not rise within 20 seconds after start lever is moved to START
Wet or Hot Start
Gen LOW RPM light extinguishes at ___
57% N2
N1 idle RPM
25% minimum
Max Idle EGT
N1 or N2 not increasing or increasing slowly while EGT is increasing
Hung Start
OIL PRESS caution light should extinguish within ___
If it doesn’t extinguish, ___
30 seconds of engine stabilizing at idle
- Increase N2 to 90%
- With oil pressure at 40-55 psi, light should extinguish.
- If light does not extinguish, or comes back on when power is reduced to idle, shut down the engine
Engine Starting Procedure Figure 2-2
EGT rising rapidly or above 450°C
Wet or Hot Start
Note time in the following ranges
Move start lever to idle at ___
35% N2 when engines indicate a normal start
Ignition should occur within _____ and is indicated by _____
20 sec
Rise in EGT
Fuel flow peaks during engine acceleration at _____
1600-1800 pph
N2 should reach idle RPM of ___ within ___
2 minutes of start lever to idle (no load)
If generator under load does not stabilize, remove load and allow additional 5 minutes to stabilize
If engine does not stabilize at idle, move start lever to CUTOFF and alert maintenance
N2 RPM must be at least ___ to bring first two generators online
Fuel flow stabilized at idle at _____
1100 pph