E8 L3 Environmentals Gauge Flashcards
Stage of compression tap off for wing anti-ice
9th stage
Stage of compressiong tap off for conditioned air
15th stage
Normal regulated system pressure by bleed valve
45-60 psi
Bleed air valve driven toward closed (temperature)
Bleed air valve closed
Pre-cooler bypassed
Precooler valve fully opened
> 425°F
Pre-cooler discharge temp OVERHEAT illuminates
505°F (+/-10)
FIREWALL CLOSED light illuminates
70-80 psig
FIREWALL CLOSED light extinguishes
73 (+/-1) psig
OVERPRESSURE light illuminates
83 (+/-2) psig
OVERPRESSURE light extinguishes
76 (+/-2) psig
ACM temperature output
35 (+3/-2) °F
35 degree control valve fully open
35 degree valve closed
Primary heat exchanger bypass valve
Maintain 60°F compressor inlet temp
Temp LEAK light illuminates in engine strut downstream on firewall SOV