Limitations Flashcards
Nose wheel steering
Rudder pedals - 8 degrees
Tiller - 80 degrees
Turning Radius
80’ 1”
Max ramp weight
82,750 lbs
Max T/O weight
82,500 lbs
Max Landing weight
73,500 lbs
Max Zero Fuel Weight
70,000 lbs
Min flight weight
45,000 lbs
Cargo weight limits
FWD - 850 lbs
CTR - 850 lbs
AFT - 4375
Headset must be worn
Below FL180
Max airport pressure altitude
10,000 feet
Takeoff, landing, and operating limits (for pressure altitude above 8,000 feet and CABIN ALT WARN HI displayed.
One pilot must use oxygen from TO until message goes out, and landing until the airplane has vacated the runway after landing. The regulator should be set to the normal (N) position
Max operating altitude
41,000 feet
Max temp for T/O and landing
ISA + 35 C
Min temp for takeoff
ISA - 40 C
Engine type
GE CF34-8C5
APR arms when thrust is within _____ of scheduled thrust setting
APR Activates on takeoff if:
Thrust levers are in TOGA detent
Either normal, flex or GA power is programmed
Engine fail (N1 rpm differ by 15%
APR Activates on GA if:
OEO operations, or Engine failure (N1 RPM differ by 15%)
Set OEO fuel scheduling for MCT by:
Placing thrust levers in the Max Power detent
Engine thrust
APR - 14,750
Non-APR - 13,560
Cold soaked definition:
- 30 degrees C (22 F) or below for more than 8 hours
Cold soaked engine prep
Motored 60 seconds
Fan rotation observed
Thrust reversers cycles - 2 seconds or less
Engine warm-up
IDLE - Normal operating range
Do not exceed 75% N1 for 2 minutes or until in normal operating range whichever is longer
Engine ground start
ITT below 120 degrees C
Engine air start
ITT below 90 degree C
Do not accelerate engine until oil pressure has stabilized ???
Below 116 psi
Engine to engine N2 split?
Not be greater than 2% N2
If N2 is ______ or less with an OAT of _______ do not accelerate above idle
57%, - 20 degrees C
Min N2 for start
Min N1 for start
Min oil temp for start
- 40 degrees C
Min oil pressure min steady state
25 psi
When the engines are operating and oil quantity is below ______ or engines not operating and oil quantity is below ____ the L(R) OIL LEVEL LO status message is displayed
57%, 80%
Oil level is checked?
3 minutes - 2 hours after every engine shutdown
EICAS limit display status message colors
Green - Normal operating range
Amber - Caution range
Red - Max and min limitations
Continuos Ignition Must be used when:
T/O & LDG on contaminated runways
MDT or HVY rain
MDT or HVY turbulence
Vicinity of TS
Engine starter cracking limits:
1st & 2nd attempts - 90 seconds on, 10 seconds off
3rd - 5th attempts- 90 seconds on, 5 minutes off
Engine starter cracking limits (flight)
1st attempt - 120 seconds on, 10 seconds off
2 - 5 attempts - 60 seconds on, 5 minutes off
Engine dry motor cycle (ground)
1st attempt: 90 seconds on, 5 minutes off
2 - 5 attempts: 30 seconds on, 5 minutes off
Air start limits:
Windmill and starter assist 21,000 feet and below
Rapid Relight: 10,000 feet and below
Max fuel imbalance between main tanks:
Takeoff - 300 lbs
Flight - 800 lbs
Gravity fuel total:
14,810 lbs
Pressure refueling:
Total: 19,595 lbs
Mains: 7,492 lbs
Center: 4,610 lbs
Max fuel in center tank with less than ________ lbs in each main tank is _______ :
4,400 lbs, 500 lbs
Min fuel in each main tank for GA:
600 lbs
Min engine fuel temp limit for takeoff:
5 degrees C at engine inlet
Min temp for bulk fuel takeoff limit:
Jet A - 30 degrees C
Mixing of certain fuel types is permitted per CFM: T or F
APU Min temp cold soaked start:
- 40 degrees C
APU min battery voltage for start:
22 volts
APU max number of start attempts:
3 per hour
APU Min time between start attempts:
2 minutes
APU min time before pneumatic load:
2 minutes
APU max ops altitude
APU max starting altitude:
APU max altitude for bleed air:
APU ALT to use bleed air for engine starts:
APU max gen loading _____ KVA to _____:
40, FL410
APU max airspeed with door open & APU not running:
220 KTS
Ground icing requirements:
Cowl Anti-ice on in icing conditions or when OAT 10 degrees C or less and operating on RWY and/or TWY with snow, ice, slush, or standing water. Wing Anti-ice must be on when: OAT is 5 degrees C or below and visible moisture in any form is present (1sm vis) and/or OAT IS 5 degrees C or below and RWY is comtaimented with slush, snow, or standing water
In-flight icing:
Cowl Anti-ice on in icing conditions or ICE is annunciated by the ice detector system. Wing Anti-ice must be on when annunicated by the ice detection system or in icing conditions and IAS is less then 230 KTS
Holding in Super-cooled Large Droplet Icing conditions or operating in severe conditions is:
Continued operations in areas of super-cooled large droplet is:
Max RWY slope is:
+/- 2 degrees
Max tailwind component:
10 KTS
If cargo is in the cargo compartment the flight must be within ______ minutes of a suitable airport
Flap speeds:
1 & 8 degrees - 230 KTS
20 degrees- 220 KTS
30 degrees - 185 KTS
45 degrees - 170 KTS
Can flaps be used enroute?
Max altitude for flap extension?
15,000 feet
When holding in icing conditions, flaps must be _______ ?
Max speed for turbulence?
280 KTS, 0.75 MACH
Max gear extension?
220 KTS
Max gear operational speed?
220 KTS
Max gear retract speed?
200 KTS
Max tire speed on ground?
195 KTS
Max crosswind component?
700 - 27 KTS dry, 15 KTS slippery
900 - 22 KTS dry, 15 KTS slippery
ADG supplies power to:
ADG bus to AC Ess bus to ESS TRU to ESS BUSS and DC BATT bus ( thru ESS TIE), ACMP 3B, Flaps/slats, pitch trim are available, Stab ch 2
ADG deploy speed with no time limit:
Max speed for windshield wiper operations or parked in non-parked position?
250 KTS
Maneuvering Limit Load Factors?
Flaps up: -1.0 to 2.5 G
Flaps down: 0.0 to 2.0 G
Max differential pressure is:
8.7 psi
Maximum negative differential pressure is:
- 0.5 psi
During taxi, takeoff and landing, the pressure differential must not exceed?
0.1 psi
The cabin must be completely depressurized prior to -____________ ?
Opening any doors
Max single pack operation altitude?
Autopilot use below 600 AGL is PROHIBITED, except?
Precision - 80 feet AGL
Single-engine precision - 110 feet AGL
Non-precision/Visual - 400 feet AGL
During RNAV departures and arrivals the autopilot must be -_______ ?
Using _______ sub mode during appr is not permitted?
_________ mode use during VOR approaches is not permitted:
General load altitude limit (feet):
0-41,000 feet
Generator Load limitation each main:
40 KVA
General APU limitation:
40 KVA
120 amps
CRT display max time (ground) DC power only:
5 minutes
Wing and/or cowl anti-ice selection is _________ with the APU as a bleed source in manual mode:
Multi-function flight spoilers use Min altitude _______, Min Speed ________?
300 AGL, Vapp + 10 KTS
Min Multi-function flight spoilers altitude for stabilized approach:
1000 feet
Are thrust reversers approved to be used in flight?
By _______ KIAS reverse thrust must be reduced to idle?
Both stall protection systems switches must be _______ for all phases of flight:
When on the ground and stationary, the taxi lights must be turned off after ________?
10 minutes
FMS is approved for use only during _______ and _____________ phases of flight:
Enroute, terminal, non-precision approach
Approaches prohibited using the FMS:
What does the FMS message “NO APPR” mean when it is displayed on the PDF?
FMS must not be used past the FAF
Takeoff is prohibited with _________________ adhering to any critical surface:
Ice, snow, frost, and slush
Takeoff is permitted with a maximum of 1/8 inch of frost adhering to ____________ caused by ___________ in the wing:
The underside of the wing, cold-soaked fuel
RVSM required equipment?
1 operational autopilot
1 operational Altitude Alerting System
2 Altitude Reporting Transponders, 1 must be operational
2 operational ADC’s
OAT above ________, delay WSHLD to LOW until after ________?
30 degrees C, takeoff
Max cruise MACH number during flight in RSVM airspace is ______?
0.82 MACH
Cross bleed start:
Thrust lever Min ______ psi
Min _______ N2
Switch to AUTO
42 psi
80% N2
Engine start sequence: too many steps!!!!
Fuel pumps ON, Check boost pump INOP light out
Boost pump light ON, FUEL PUMP ON advisory message comes on
FUEL LO PRESS caution messages out, XFLOW INHIBIT not on
Engine - START, applicable START light on
Engine status - isolation valve opens, both pack valves close
Associated start valve opens, ATS engages,
50% - ATS Disengages, start valve closes, PAC/ISO valves previous
Fuel pumps (both) OFF, observe FUEL LO PRESS caution on for. On-operating engine
FUEL LO PRESS caution (2 min max) displayed on the non-op engine
Dry motor non-operating engine max 30 seconds
Applicable FUEL LO PRESS caution should be displayed, if not-check valve failed
Fuel pumps (both) ON, L and R BOOST PUMP ON - lights come on
L and R BOOST PUMP INOP lights go out
L and R FUEL PUMP advisory message comes on
Applicable FUEL LO PRESS caution message goes out
SE taxi engine bleed
Only associated PACK
Bleeds may be transfer to APU when:
Automatic bleed operation restored by: