Flight Profiles Flashcards
Normal Takeoff/Climb
PM - "Positive Rate" PF - "Gear up, Speed mode" PM - selects gear up and Speed mode PF - "Climb \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_" 400' AGL - PF - "HDG mode or NAV mode" PM - selects HDG or NAV mode PF - "HDG or NAV" 600' AGL - PF - "AP On" PM - Selects AP ON, "AP On" Acceleration Altitude (1000' + AFE) Calls for or selects speed bug 250Kts or appropriate speed PM - at V2 +12 PF - "Flaps 8" PM - at V2 + 20 PF - "Flaps 1" PM - at Vt - 15 PF - "Flaps up, set CLB Thrust" After takeoff flow items 10,000' or final altitude PF - "After Takeoff Checklist"
Normal Takeoff - Rolling
Note: The PF will hold the brakes and stand up the thrust levers until approx 79% N1, then release the brakes. Once the engines are spooled up, the PF will call "Set Thrust". The PM will continue to push the thrust levers forward to the TOGA detent and call "Thrust Set". PF - Set thrust PM - Thrust set.............."80 Knots" PF - "Checked" PM - "V1, "Rotate"
Area Arrival/ILS Approach to a Full Stop Landing
Get ATIS and advise FA & OPS
Set up cockpit for ________ APPR, Green needles if vectored
PF - “In Range Checklist”, PM - In Range Flows
PF - “ Flaps 1”……..”Flaps 8, Bug 200”……“Flaps 20, Bug Vt”
Verify Green Needles
PF - “LOC 1 (2)” —- Reads FMA Changes
Glide Slope Alive
PF - “Gear Down, Flaps 30, Bug 165” - verify FAF, crossing alt, check for flags
1 dot below glide slope
PF -“Flaps 45, Bug Vapp, Before Landing Checklist, Set MA Altitude
PM - “1000’ Above DA….500’ Above……100’ Above”
PF - “AP Off”
PM - “Approach lights in sight”
AT DA…….PF - “Continuing”
PM - “Runway in sight, _____o’clock”
PF - “Going Visual”
PM - “90kts……60kts”
Area Arrival Non-Precision Approach (Excluding Final Segment)
Get ATIS and advise FA & OPS
Set up cockpit for ________ APPR, Green needles if vectored
PF - “In Range Checklist”, PM - In Range Flows
PF - “ Flaps 1”……..”Flaps 8, Bug 200”……“Flaps 20, Bug Vt”
Verify Green Needles
PF - “Flaps 20’ Bug Vt”………“VOR 1 (2)”, reads FMA changes
Completed 3 NM prior to FAF
PF - “Gear Down, Flaps 30, Bug 165” - If 2 engine APPR
PF - “Gear Down, Flaps 20, Bug Vref, Before Landing Checklist, Set my next altitude” - If single engine APPR
Completed 1 NM prior to FAF
PF - “Flaps 45, Bug Vapp, Before Landing checklist, Set my next altitude” - If 2 engine APPR
NOTE: At .3 NM prior to fix, PF will select VS mode to initiate the descent by the fix. When the FMA shows “ALTS CAP”, the PF will call out “ALTS CAP, set my next altitude,” the PM sets the next altitude, PF looks for and calls “ALTS”
Non-Precision Approach - Final Segment
NOTE: AP must be off prior to descending below 400 AGL PM - "1000' MDA....500'......100'......ALTS CAP.......Minimums" PF - "Set Missed Approach Altitude" PM - "Approach Lights in Sight" PF - "Continuing".......Continue to VDP PM - ".3 prior to VDP PF - "AP Off, Leaving MDA" PM - "Runway in sight, \_\_\_\_\_\_o'clock PF - "Going Visual"
REJECTED TAKEOFF (Maneuver will be performed prior to V1)
NOTE: FO can call “Abort, Abort” for engine fire/failure. All other malfunctions should be brought to the Captain’s attention.
TOGA & RWY HDG Verified
PF - Standup thrust levers to 79% N1, release brakes, “Set Thrust”
PM - “Thrust Set”………80kts”
PF - “Checked”
PF - “Abort, Abort” - Captain performs the abort procedure
FO - Advises tower after transfer of controls
NOTE: The Captain may elect to take over controls above 60kts, to allow FO to perform duties
NOTE: Aircraft has STOPPED
FO - PA Announcement: “Remain Seated, Remain Seated, Remain Seated”
NOTE: If evacuation is necessary, follow Emergency Evacuation Procedures - CRM for emergency or Abnormal procedures
C - “After Landing Checklist”
Takeoff with Engine Fire/Failure at or After V1
TOGA & RWY HDG Verified
PF - Standup thrust levers to 79% N1, release brakes, “Set Thrust”
PM - “Thrust Set”………80kts”
PF - “Checked”
PM - “V1”
PF - Rotate smoothly to the FD to maintain V2 and maintain directional control
PM - “Positive Rate”
PF - “Gear Up, Speed Mode, Bug V2”
PF - “CLB _____”, PM selects gear up, speed mode & bugs V2
At 400’
PF - “HDG mode or NAV mode, 1/2 Bank on”
PM - Selects HDG or NAV mode, and 1/2 Bank
PF - “HDG or NAV” - follow single engine departure procedures per dispatch release
At 600’ - include “Re-Bug V2”, if speed is below V2 or >V2 + 10
PF - “AP On”
PM - “AP On”
At 1000’
PM - “Acceleration Altitude”
Continue via: Normal Takeoff/Climb then Area arrival precision/non-precision
After Takeoff with Engine Failure at or After V1 to Acceleration Altitude
(without Auto-relight, i.e Single Engine)
At Rotate: rotate smoothly to the FD to maintain V2 and maintain directional control
PM - “Positive Rate”
PF - “Gear up, Speed mode, Bug V2”
PM - selects gear up and Speed mode, and Bug V2
PF - “Climb ________”
400’ AGL - PF - “HDG mode or NAV mode”
NOTE: When using a lateral mode rather than TO or GA, 1/2 Bank must be selected at speeds less than V2 + 10 KIAS below acceleration altitude.
PM - selects HDG or NAV mode
PF - “HDG or NAV”
NOTE: Follow single engine departure procedures per dispatch release
600’ AGL - PF - “AP On”
NOTE: Include “Re-Bug V2” if speed is below V2 or V2 + 10
PM - Selects AP ON, “AP On”
PM - “Acceleration Altitude”
Continue via: After Takeoff with Engine Failure At/After V1 from Acceleration Altitude
After Takeoff with Engine Failure at/after V1 from Acceleration Altitude
Flaps 8/20 degrees (Without Auto-relight, Single-engine)
PM - "Acceleration Altitude" PF - "Alt", selects Alt and reads FMA change At V2 + 12 PF - "Flaps 1" At Vt -15 PF - "Flaps up, 1/2 Bank Off" At Vt PF - "Speed mode, Set MCT Thrust" PF - " I have the radios and controls. Reference the QRH for Single Engine Procedures" Call tower, declare an emergency if not already established Silent After Takeoff flow items PF - "After Takeoff checklist" Continue via: Single Engine ILS
After Takeoff with Engine Fire/Severe Engine Damage at or after V1 to Acceleration Altitude
At Rotate: rotate smoothly to the FD to maintain V2 and maintain directional control
PM - “Positive Rate”
PF - “Gear up, Speed mode, Bug V2”
PM - selects gear up and Speed mode, and Bug V2
PF - “Climb ________”
400’ AGL - PF - “HDG mode or NAV mode”
NOTE: When using a lateral mode rather than TO or GA, 1/2 Bank must be selected at speeds less than V2 + 10 KIAS below acceleration altitude.
PM - selects HDG or NAV mode
PF - “HDG or NAV”
NOTE: Follow single engine departure procedures per dispatch release
600’ AGL - PF - “AP On”
NOTE: Include “Re-Bug V2” if speed is below V2 or V2 + 10
PM - Selects AP ON, “AP On”
PM - “Acceleration Altitude”
PF - selects Alt and reads FMA change, “ALT”
Continue via: After Takeoff or Missed Approach with Engine Fire/Failure
After Takeoff or Missed Approach with Engine Fire/Failure from Acceleration Altitude - Flaps 8/20 degrees
PM - “Acceleration Altitude”
PF - “Alt”, selects Alt and reads FMA change
At V2 + 12
NOTE: Flaps 20 Takeoff, at V2 + 12 - “Flaps 8”, at V2 + 20 - “Flaps 1”, at Vt - 15 - “Flaps up”
PF - “Flaps 1”
At Vt -15
PF - “Flaps up, 1/2 Bank Off
At Vt
PF - “Speed mode, Set MCT Thrust”
PF - “ I have the radios and controls. Reference the QRH for Single Engine Procedures”
Call tower, declare an emergency if not already established
Silent After Takeoff flow items
PF - “After Takeoff checklist”
Continue via: Single Engine ILSi
Single-Engine ILS
Get ATIS and advise FA & OPS (Advise appropriate parties)
Set up cockpit for ________ APPR, Green needles if vectored
PF - “In Range Checklist”, PM - In Range Flows
PF - “ Flaps 1”
Base leg or procedure turn
PF - “Flaps 8, Bug 200”……“Flaps 20, Bug Vt”
Verify Green Needles
PF - “LOC 1 (2)” —- Reads FMA Changes
Glide Slope Alive
PF - “Gear Down, Bug Vref for Flaps 20, Before Landing Checklist, Set Missed Approach Altitude”
verify FAF, crossing alt, check for flags
PM - “1000’ Above DA….500’ Above……100’ Above”
PF - “AP Off” - Before 110 AGL
PM - “Approach lights in sight”
AT DA…….PF - “Continuing”
PM - “Runway in sight, _____o’clock”
PF - “Going Visual”
PM - “90kts……60kts
Missed Approach Single-Engine Go Around to Acceleration Altitude
PF - “Missed Approach or Go Around, Set TOGA Thrust, Flaps 8”
PM - “Positive Rate”
PF - “Gear up, Speed mode, Bug V2ga”
PM - selects gear up & speed mode & rebuts V2ga as required
PF - “CLB”
At 400’ - NOTE: when using a lateral mode other than TO or GA, 1/2 Bank must be selected at speeds of less than V2ga + 10KIAS below Acceleration Altitude
PF - “HDG mode or NAV mode, 1/2 Bank On”
PM - selects HDG or NAV mode, and 1/2 Bank mode
PF - “HDG or NAV —Follow Missed Approach Procedures”
At 600’
PF - “AP On, White needles, Auto tune, NAV mode” —Include “Rebug V2” if speed is below V2 or >V2 + 10
PM - “AP On”
PM -(Acceleration Altitude)
PF - “Alt” - selects Alt and reads FMA change
Continue via: Missed Approach Single Engine Go Around from Acceleration Altitude
Missed Approach Single Engine Go Around from Acceleration Altitude
PM - “Acceleration Altitude”
NOTE: Flaps 20 Takeoff, at V2 + 12 - Flaps 8, at V2 + 20 - Flaps 1,
At Vt - 15 - Flaps Up
PF - “Alt” - PF selects Alt and reads FMA change
At V2 + 12
PF - “Flaps 1”
At Vt - 15
PF - “Flaps Up, 1/2 Bank”
At Vt
PF - “Speed mode, Set MCT Thrust”
Call tower declare emergency if not already accomplished
(silent) PM - Missed approach go-around flow
Continue via: Single engine ILS
Non-Precision Approach (Final Segment with Missed Approach)
PF - “Missed Approach/Go-Around, Set TOGA Thrust, Flaps 8”
PM - “Positive Rate”
PF - “Gear Up, Speed mode”, follow missed approach procedures
PM - selects gear up & speed mode
PF - “CLB ______”
At 400’ AFE
PF - “HDG or NAV mode”
PM - selects HDG or NAV mode
PF - “HDG or NAV”
At 600’ AFE
PF - “AP On, white needles, Auto-tune, NAV mode”
PM - “AP On” - selects WAN & AP On
PM - At 1000’ AFE - Acceleration Altitude
PF - Calls for or selects speed bug 200 KTS
At V2ga PF - "Flaps 1" At Vt- 15 PF - "Flaps up, Set Climb Thrust" Continue via: Area arrival Precision or Non-precision
Missed Approach
PF - "Missed Approach/Go-Around, Set TOGA Thrust, Flaps 8" PM - "Positive Rate" PF - "Gear Up, Speed mode", follow missed approach procedures PM - selects gear up & speed mode PF - "CLB \_\_\_\_\_\_" At 400' AFE PF - "HDG or NAV mode" PM - selects HDG or NAV mode PF - "HDG or NAV" At 600' AFE PF - "AP On, white needles, Auto-tune, NAV mode" PM - "AP On" - selects WAN & AP On PM - At 1000' AFE - Acceleration Altitude PF - Calls for or selects speed bug 200 KTS At V2ga PF - "Flaps 1" At Vt- 15 PF - "Flaps up, Set Climb Thrust Get ATIS, advise FA & Ops Set up the cockpit for \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ approach Verify green needles if vectored TXR Brief TXR In range flows PF - "Go-Around Checklist" Continue via: Area Arrival Precision or Non-precision
Missed Approach with Engine Fire or Severe Engine Damage
PF - “Missed Approach/Go-Around, Set TOGA Thrust, Flaps 8”
PM - “Positive Rate”
PF - “Gear Up, Speed mode, Bug V2”
PM - selects gear up, speed mode, & Bugs V2
At 400’ AFE
PF - “HDG or NAV mode’ 1/2 Bank On”
PM - selects HDG or NAV mode, & 1/2 Bank
PF - “HDG or NAV”
At 600’ AFE
PF - “AP On, white needles, Auto-tune, NAV mode”
PM - “AP On” - selects WAN & AP On
PM - At 1000’ AFE - Acceleration Altitude
PF - “Alt” Selects Alt and reads FMA
Continue via: After Takeoff or Missed Approach with Engine Fire/Failure from Acceleration Altitude
High Altitude Stall Recovery Technique
Pitch angle……….Reduce immediately until stick shaker stops
Bank angle……….Reduce immediately to 0
Thrust………………MAX (Firewall, if appropriate)
Flight spoilers……Retract
When aircraft energy status allows:
Pitch angle………..Increase smoothly to minimize altitude loss
Thrust………………………….Reduce to appropriate setting
Aircraft configuration……..Adjust as appropriate
Flaps Up/Gear Up
Entry - Maintain altitude until the first indication of a stall.
PF - First indication of stall: “Max thrust, HDG SYNC”
PF - Rolls wings level
PM - “Positive Rate”
PF - “Bug 200KTS”
PF - Will recover at entry altitude and monitor speed trend to maintain 200KTS.
PF - The PF will verify HDG and ALTS on the FMA, and may then call “ AP ON”
PM - The PM will reply “AP ON” of selected
Flaps 8/Gear Down
Entry - Maintain altitude until the first indication of a stall
PF - First indication of a stall - “Max Thrust, HDG SYNC”
PF - Rolls wings level
PM - “Positive Rate”
PF - “Gear Up”
PF - At V2 + 12: “Flaps 1”
PF - At Vt - 15: “Flaps Up, Bug 200KTS”
PF - Will recover at entry altitude and monitor speed trend to maintain 200KTS.
PF - The PF will verify HDG and ALTS on the FMA, and may then call “AP ON”
PM - The PM will reply, “AP ON” if selected
Flaps 20/Gear Down
Entry - Maintain altitude until the first indication of a stall
PF - First indication of a stall - “Max Thrust, HDG SYNC”
PF - Rolls wings level
PM - “Positive Rate”
PF - “Gear Up”
PF - At V2 + 12: “Flaps 8”
PF - At V2 + 20: “Flaps 1”
PF - At Vt - 15: “Flaps Up, Bug 200KTS”
PF - Will recover at entry altitude and monitor speed trend to maintain 200KTS.
PF - The PF will verify HDG and ALTS on the FMA, and may then call “AP ON”
PM - The PM will reply, “AP ON” if selected
Flaps 45/Gear Down
Entry - Maintain altitude until the first indication of a stall
PF - First indication of a stall - “Max Thrust, HDG SYNC”
PF - Rolls wings level
PM - “Positive Rate”
PF - “Flaps 8, Gear Up”
PF - At V2 + 12: “Flaps 1”
PF - At Vt - 15: “Flaps Up, Bug 200KTS”
PF - Will recover at entry altitude and monitor speed trend to maintain 200KTS.
PF - The PF will verify HDG and ALTS on the FMA, and may then call “AP ON”
PM - The PM will reply, “AP ON” if selected
Limits: 45 degree bank (-/+ 5 degrees)
250 KTS (+/- 10KTS)
Altitude (+/- 100 feet)
PF - Target airspeed 250KTS, target N1 setting 70%, cruise configuration with cruise checklist complete.
PF - Brief PM
PF - PF turns AP OFF, and calls for FD OFF. PF smoothly rolls into a 45 degree bank turn
PF - Through 30 degree bank, PF will add 2-3% N1, and maintain a pitch attitude of 2.5 degrees above the horizon to maintain altitude
PM - Calls out 15 degrees prior to rollout
PF - Through 30 degrees of bank, PF will reduce N1, 2-3%
PF - Commands HDG MODE then verifies ALTS CAP before requesting AP ON.
PF - Will state HDG selected and AP ON.