Max crosswind?
Maximum average crosswind 30 kt, gusts not exceeding 40 kt.
Max tailwind for takeoff and landing?
10 kts
Max takeoff and landing pressure altitude?
-1,000 ft /+ 14,000 ft
Min and max runway slope?
+/- 2 %
Maximum operating altitude?
51000 ft
Max crosswind for takeoff and landing on contaminated runway?
10 kts
When is an avionics warm-up is required before take-off?
For SAT < -31 °C
When is engine warm-up is required before engine start?
For oil temperature < -40 °C, engine warm-up is required before engine start
370 Kts
M 0.9
VA (alternate or direct laws)?
218 Kts
Slat/Flap speeds?
SF1 - 200 KIAS
SF2 - 190 KIAS
SF3 - 180 KIAS
Max flap extension altitude?
20000 ft
Tire maximum operating speed?
195 Kts groundspeed
80 Kts
One engine inop - 84 kts
Both engines operating - 84 kts
81.3 kts
200 kts
245 kts
Min and max flight load limits?
Flaps up = +2.5 to -1
Flaps down = +2 to 0
Max N1?
Max N2?
Max continuous N1 for takeoff?
Max continuous N2 for takeoff?
Max continuous N1 for takeoff transient?
Max continuous N2 for takeoff transient?
Max ITT for air and ground start?
950 c
Max continuous ITT?
920 c
Max ITT for takeoff?
920 c
Engine warm time up before takeoff?
4 minutes
Max tailwind to start engines?
15 kts
Max crosswind to start engines?
25 kts
Continuous maximum reverse thrust is limited to how many seconds?
30 seconds
Maximum reverse thrust in static condition should be limited to how many kts tailwind?
20 kts
Flight altitude is limited to what altitude after dual booster pumps failure without XBP cross feed?
25000 ft
Are there any flight altitude limitation after booster pumps failure with XBP cross feed?
Max fuel capacity?
31940 lbs
Min and max oil pressure at ground idle?
Min - 20 psid
Max - 145 psid
Min and max oil pressure at or above flight idle?
Min - 35 psid
Max - 145 psid
Transient oil pressure?
200 psid for less than 4 minutes
Min oil temperature to start engines?
-40 c
Min oil temperature above ground idle?
25°C if SAT < 5°C
16°C if SAT ≥ 5°C
Max steady state oil temperature?
141 c
Max transient oil temperature?
146°C for less than 5 minutes
Once activated the Wing anti-ice system (WING ANTI–ICE) must remain ON for at least how many minutes unless the crew has visual confirmation that the slats are completely free of ice?
5 minutes
Max differential pressure?
10.2 psi
Min differential pressure?
- 0.3 psi
Should the apu be operated in flight?
Above what altitude should you not enter the baggage compartment and make sure to have the door closed and latched?
FL 400
Minimum height to engage autopilot after take-off or go-around?
400 ft
Minimum height for autopilot operation during approach with vertical path reference (ILS-CAT1)?
80 ft
Minimum height for autopilot operation during approach without path reference or in VGP?
120 ft
Minimum height to engage autothrottle in climb after take-off?
400 ft
Minimum height to disengage autothrottle at landing?
50 ft
Should the autothrottle be engaged for take-off and landing?
Can the auto throttle be armed on the ground for takeoff?
When using TO guidance mode for take-off, autothrottle can be armed on ground for
auto-engagement at 400 ft.
Polar operations are limited to which latitudes?
Polar operations are limited to 85° North or 85° South.
Max number of passengers?
Max crew members?
Max takeoff weight?
70000 lb
Are power backs approved?
Max weight baggage compartment?
Approximately 1900 lbs
Max ZFW with full fuel?
38260 lb
Should you fly in prolonged icing conditions with slats/flaps extended?
RAAS should be inhibited if planning to take off or land on runways less than how many feet?
5000 ft
Can you run the APU while deicing?
Rolling take-off is prohibited on contaminated runways. True or False?
For operations on contaminated runways, can you use FMS performance calculations?
No. Performance must be determined using Contaminated Runway Operation Charts.
Max severe turbulence penetration speed?
300 kts or M 0.8
Can you do a rolling takeoff while in low visibility operations?
Can you use the HUD for takeoff with RVR less than 400 ft?
What are the polar operation limits?
Polar operations are limited to 85° North or 85° South.
While conducting RNP approaches to
LNAV or LNAV/VNAV minima, can you proceed direct to the FAF?
Does the auto pilot have to be used to do a CAT II approach?