86 ft
Aircraft length?
76 ft
Aircraft height?
26 ft
Pavement required to do 180?
67 ft
Nose wheel steering while taxiing?
60 degrees left or right of center
Max nose-wheel steering deflection over 30 kts?
7 degrees
How many flight data recorder & CVR do we have?
- They are combined units. FDR and CVR in one unit. We have 2 of them
Can you erase CVR in flight?
How long does the FDR record for?
25 hours
How long does the CVR record for?
2 hours
When are the FDR and CVR powered?
Batteries on. They are both powered of the left and right essential bus.
How many life rafts?
How many quick access recorder do we have?
- Powered on with the battery on.
Is the maintenance page available in the air?
How long is the rotation symbol displayed for?
Brakes release to 3 secs after liftoff
How many radar altimeters do we have?
RA’s are inhibited below 1000 ft. True or False?
Low altitude awareness symbol is available below what altitude?
550 ft
When operating at an airport not in database, terrain inhibit must be used. True or False?