Limbic System Lecture Flashcards
Limbic Structures
1) highly interconnected structures in medial part of the telencephalon
- lie between neocortical association areas and hypothalamus
2) major route for info transfer b/w neocx and hypothalamus
Functions of limbic system
Emotion and memory
Olfactory Bulb Diagram
1) processed in several regions of cerebral cx
2) Olfactory sensory neuron (CN1)
- extends through cribriform plate and olfactory epithelium
- receives sensory
3) Info is transmitted from the olfactory bulb by:
- Mitral relay neurons
- Tufted relay neurons
- travel in lateral olfactory tract
4) Mitral cells project to 5 different regions of olfactory cortex
- anterior olfactory. nucleus->contralateral olfactory bulb via Medial Olfactory Stria and Anterior Commissure
- olfactory tubercle
- piriform cortex
- Amygdala
- entorhinal cortex
5) Tuft cells
- > anterior olfactory nucleus (primarily)-> contralateral olfactory bulb via medial olfactory stria and anterior commissure
- olfactory tubercle
6) Pheromone pathway
- Vomeronasal organ (not conscious)-> Accessory olfactory bulb
- where mitral cells-> only amygdala
Olfactory-sense of smell
1)all sensory communicates with thalamus
EXCEPT Olfactory
-communicates w/gray matter then go to thalamus
2) strong communication to memory and emotion
3) Strongest memories are with smell
Pheromone pathway
1) Big sexual driver in animals NOT humans
- not a conscious smell
- no learned
2) Vomeronasal organ-> Accessory olfactory bulb
- contain mitral cells that only project to amygdala (sexual desire)
Entorhinal Cortex
1) Major input to hippocampus
- declarative memory
Septal Area
Pleasure Center
NTs involved with pleasure and addiction
1) Dopamine
2) endorphines
3) Enkephlins
4) Serotonin
Nuclei for Addiction and Pleasure
1) Basal Nucleus of Meynert (BNM) aka substantia innominata 2) Nucleus acumen 3) Septal Nuclei 4) Ventral Tegmentum Area 2,3,4=addiction
Basal Nucleus of Meynert
1) AKA substantia innominata
2) Part of limbic system
- influences emotion, motivation, and memory
3) Sends Ach efferents through the cortex
4) Degenerates w/Alzheimers
- basis for memory loss
Nucleus Accumbens
1) major role in addiction
2) Dopamine receptors
3) Drugs like cocaine enhance dopamine activity in this nucleus
Septal Nuclei
1) Major role in addiction
2) pleasure center
3) When stimulated=euphoric feeling->orgasm
Ventral Tegmentum Area (VTA)
1) Located in midbrain
2) Strong projections to:
- Nucleus Accumbens
- Limbic system
- prefrontal cortex (judgement and behavior)
- insular cortex (behavior)
3) Addiction
Fimbria of hippocampus
1) efferent fibers to maxillary bodies
Major Afferents to hippocampus
1) Cingulate GYRUS
2) Entorhinal cortex (MAJOR)
3) AMygdala
4) Hypothalamus via fornix
5) Septal area-via fornix
Major Efferents from hippocampus
1) Frontal Cortex
2) Nucleus accumbens
3) Septal Nucleus
4) Mammilary Bodies
5) Thalamus
6) Amygdala
7) Hypothalamus
8) Entorhinal cortex
Uncinate Fasciculus
Tract from frontal cx to temporal lobe
-only has minor input to hippocampus
(minor afferent)
L Cingulate Gyrus
- function
- anterior lesion
1) Maternal instinct
2) Lesion
- right sided emotion facial paralysis for involuntary movement
- voluntary movement not affected
Facial expression doesn’t match emotion