What are four reasons people would want to leave England to settle in the New World in the 17th Century?
1, Population increase:
-Increase in crowded cities
-disease, low food supply
2, The poor looking for economic freedom
3, Religion: In England, split between Protestants and Puritans
4, Criminals, Africans stolen for labor in the New World
What is an indentured servant?
Someone who agreed to work without pay for a specific number of years in exchange for a free trip to the New World
What is the difference between a Puritan and a Separatist? Which group founded Plymouth? Which group founded Massachusetts Bay Colony?
Separatists want to separate Anglicans from the Christians or Church of England, Puritans want to Purify the Church of England. The Pilgrims founded Plymouth. The Puritans founded Massachusetts Bay Colony
Be able to name and explain three historical events that may have helped cause the Salem Witch Trials.
-Economic problems made people worry and there was hysteria
-Having the Charter revoked made people burn witches
-King Philip’s War made everyone worried and there was paranoia
Who was Roger Williams?
Puritan Minister in MA Bay
What were two beliefs of Roger WIlliams, and why were these controversial?
1, Religious freedom - anyone can be any religion, believed their religion was the best
2, Can’t take land from Native Americans without paying, didn’t think that Native Americans deserved the same right as them
Who was Anne Hutchinson?
Puritan woman in MA Bay
What was one of her beliefs, and why was it controversial?
Everyone has a direct connection to God, went against what people said and did
Which two New England colonies were created by settlers leaving the Massachusetts Bay Colony?
Providence Rhode Island, and Connecticut
What happened in King Philip’s War? Why was it important to history?
Approx. 600 colonists and 3,000 American Indian lives lost
50 of 90 English villages were attacked
Considered the deadliest war in history of European Settlement
Which colonies were known as the Middle Colonies?
New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware
- What are three defining features of the Middle Colonies?
Diversity: Known for big cities and a mix of people and cultures
Religious tolerance
Rich soil
Which colonies made up the New England colonies?
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Providence Rhode Island, and Connecticut
Which colonies made up the Southern colonies?
Virginia, Maryland, Carolinias, Georgia
What are two defining features of the Southern colonies?
Economy based on “cash crops”: crops grown to be sold for money
Because of this:
>Fewer families
>More slave labor
What year was Charles I beheaded?
Who was in power in England right after the Civil War? What was his reign like?
Charles II becomes king → Gives away a lot of land to the people who stayed loyal - starting English colonization again
What was the Restoration, and who took power at this time?
Monarchy is restored, King Charles
What was the first permanent English colony in the New World?
What year was Jamestown founded?
What was the first European settlement in the Americas?
Santo Domingo
What year was Santo Domingo founded?
What was the first permanent European settlement founded in a present-day U.S. state?
St. Augustine
What year was St. Augustine founded?
What year did New Amsterdam become New York?
Why did the Spanish attack Fort Caroline?
1, Wanted to kick France out of Spanish land
2, Didn’t want protestants there
What did New Amsterdam profit from?
Fur trade
What did Virginia (and Jamestown) profit from?
Virginia and Jamestown profited from tobacco
What did the Carolinas/Charleston profit from?
The Carolinias/ Charleston profited from the successful shipping industry
Santo Domingo:
Santo Domingo: Hispanolia, Spain, to find gold and spread religion
Fort Caroline
Fort Caroline: Florida, French Protestants, A settlement for protestants
St. Augustine
St. Augustine: Florida, Spain, to keep the land Spanish and to spread European catholicism
Quilombos Palmares
Quilombos Palmares: Brazil, Escaped slaves, To have a free society for themselves
Jamestown: Virginia, England, For profit
Quebec: Canada, France, for profit
Santa Fe
Santa Fe: New Mexico, Spain, wanted to expand New Mexico
Plymouth: Massachusetts, English Separatists, For religious freedom
New Amsterdam
New Amsterdam: New York City, Netherland, For profit
Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico: Puerto Rico, Spanish, to find gold
Providence, Rhode Island
Providence, Rhode Island: Rhode Island, Roger Williams, Religious freedom for all
Charleston: South Carolina, England, For profit
Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania, Williem Penn, Religious freedom for all
New Heaven
New Haven: Connecticut, John Davenport and Theophilus Eaton, for religious freedom for the Puritans
New Orleans
New Orleans: Louisiana, France, For profit and trade
Savannah Georgia:
Savannah Georgia: Georgia, James Edward Oglethorpe, to make utopia for debtors in England
Be able to name and explain four different reasons why a settlement might succeed, and be able to describe examples from specific settlements other than your own for each of these four. (I.e. ONE of your four successes could be: Good location is one reason a settlement might succeed. An example is that Plymouth had a good location because ______, which _____.) Be as thorough as you can.
-St. Augustine had a good military base because the architecture was really good which helped them win a bunch of attacks against pirates.
-Jamestown had a good profit from tobacco because everyone loved it, which made Jamestown have more money.
-Charleston was a great trading post because they could import and export with many different countries which made them very rich.
-Santa Fe made a very big profit from slavery because they sold the slaves, which made them very rich.
Be able to name and explain four reasons why a settlement might fail, and be able to describe examples from specific settlements other than your own for each of these four. The example above can be a model, but choose a failure instead. Be as thorough as you can.
-Fort Caroline had a muddy location because it was on the mouth of the St. Johns river which didn’t help them grow crops.
-Quebec was taken over by the British because they wanted the trading post that Quebec has which, after that, Quebec became a British colony
-Providence Rhode Island had a bad relationship with its neighboring colonies because the other colonies believed their religion was the right religion and that everyone should be that religion which made a lot of conflict
-New Amsterdam was a dutch settlement but not a lot of dutch wanted to settle there because there were a lot of conflicts with the Native Americans, which made them give New Amsterdam up to the English.