History HUGE test Flashcards
What is a colony
A country or area under the political control of another country, usually far away.
What were the three motivations the Spanish had for colonizing in the New World? Be sure you can explain these motivations.
God - Religion Gold - Riches Glory - Fame
Which resources in the New World was Spain particularly interested in?
Gold silver land
Which resources in the New World was France particularly interested in?
When was New Spain established, and which Native American group was defeated in order for Spain to begin colonizing?
Established in 1521. The English were attacked by the Spanish armada and then New Spain and France started colonizing.
What did the Treaty of Tordesillas determine, and between which two countries?
It determined who got what land. The deal was between Spain and Portugal and the deal was that Spain would Receive all the land west of their imaginary line off the coast of Africa, and Portugal would receive all the land East of that line.
What was the Spanish Armada?
1588: King Phillip of Spain assembles 130 warships which is the Spanish Armada
Which country defeated the Spanish Armada?
The English defeated the Spanish Armada
Which indigenous tribe did the French not have a good relationship with?
The French did not have a good relationship with the Iroquois
What explorer’s were sponsored by Spain
Ferdinand Magellan, Juan ponce de leon, Hernan cortes, Francisco pizarro, Cabeza de vaca, Estevanico,
What explorer’s were sponsored by France
Cartier, Champlain, Sieur de la Salle
What explorer’s were sponsored by England
Sir Frances Drake, Henry Hudson, James Cook
What explorer’s were sponsored by The Netherlands
Henry Hudson
What explorer’s were sponsored by Portugal
Vasco de gama, Amerigo Vespucci
What explorer’s were sponsored by China
Zheng He
What did Zheng He do
He brought treasures to China and he had fleet ships that were very big some of the biggest and he gave wealth to China.
What did Vasco Da Gama do
He found trade routes and he found a water route between Europe and India along with bringing wealth to India.
What did Amerigo Vespucci do
He proved that Americas are a second continent, not the indies. He also got America named after him and got it put on a map in 1507.
What did Juan Ponce De Leon do
He was the first person to step foot in Florida in 1513 along with naming Florida because of its nature and claiming it for Europe and lastly sailing with Christopher columbus.
What did Hernan Cortes do
He conquered the Aztecs in 1521 and created New Spain, a new colony.
What did Francisco Pizarro do
He Conquered the Incas in 1532 and founded the city of Lima which he founded in Peru. Inca is in present day Peru.
What did Cabeza De Vaca do
He mainly went to the southwest United states along with him being the first European to explore the southwest and Texas. He also was a slave on part of his journey and was only one of 4 to survive and make it back home.
What did Estevanico do
He was the first North American to come to America along with being 1 of 4 people to return home.
What did Sir Frances Drake do
He was the first English person to completely circumnavigate the world along with raiding the Spanish many times but in 1588 he defeated them and it was very successful.
What did Cartier do
He was the first French person to get to Canada along with trading to the French colonization.
What did Champlain do
He founded/made a colony Quebec in 1608 and started the first fur trading post in Canada.
What did Henry Hudson do
He found the Hudson River in 1609 for the Dutch which led to Dutch colonization in the area.
What did Sour de la Salle do
He claimed Louisiana territory around the Mississippi River for France.
What did James Cook do
He charted the side of Australia and mapped the area out which led to England colonizing australia.
What did Mary Kingsley do
Discover 65 species of fish for Europe and 3 of which were named after her along with self-founding herself as a woman.
What did Matthew Henson do
He was the first person to Reach the North Pole along with putting a flag on top of it.
Where did Zheng He go
He mainly went around the Indian ocean and coast of Asia and Africa.
Where did Vasco Da Gama go
He mainly went to India.
Where did Amerigo Vespucci go
He mainly went to Brazil/South America.
Where did Juan Ponce De Leon go
He mainly went to Florida.
Where did Hernan Cortes go
He mainly went to Mexico.
Where did Francisco Pizarro go
He mainly went to Central and South America / mostly Peru.
Where did Cabeza De Vaca go
He mainly went to the South west and the United States.
Where did Estevanico go
He mainly went to Southwestern U.S
Where did Sir Francis Drake go
He went Around the world/circumnavigated the world.
Where did Cartier go
He mainly went to Canada.
Where did Champlain go
He mainly went to Canada.
Where did Henry Hudson go
He mainly went to North America.
Where did Sour de la Salle go
He mainly went to the Midwest US.
Where did James Cook go
He mainly went to Islands in the Pacific Ocean.
Where did Mary Kingsley go
He mainly went to West Africa.
Where did Mathew Henson go
He mainly went to the North Pole.
What year was the Spanish Armada defeated?
The year 1588
What year did Pizarro overthrow the Inca Empire?
The year 1532
What year did Henry Hudson find the Hudson River?
The year 1609
What year did Juan Ponce de Leon first land in Florida?
The year 1513
What year did the American continent first appear on a European map?
The year 1507
A conqueror especially one from Spain conquering Mexico and Peru in the 16th century.
Coureurs de bois
French traders who lived among the Native Americans.
Northwest passage
A water route through North America, connecting the Atlantic and Pacific ocean.
The ideas of colonies existed to make the home country wealthy.
What was one reason the French generally had a better relationship with the indigenous people than the Spanish did? Be able to explain.
They set up trading posts. The French were trading with them instead of killing them and the French were generally nicer.
Which European country had the largest empire in North America at the end of the 17th century (1600s)?
France was the largest empire in North America.
Name and explain two conflicts Spain and England were facing with one another in the 16th century, before the Spanish Armada was put together.
Spain wanted to make England Catholic again and that the English raided Spanish ships for gold.
Who assembled the Spanish Armada and why?
The great fleet was sent by King Philip II of Spain in 1588 to invade England.
What was the impact of the defeat of the Spanish Armada?
Spain weakened and so its power over the New World England and France started colonizing.
Name and be able to explain at least four ways that European colonization impacted the indigenous people of North and South America.
Guns, tools, and weapons wheat, horses and cattle. They also carried diseases against which the Indian peoples had no defenses.
Which European country seized New Netherland from the Dutch, and why?
The English seized New Netherland along with naming it New York and they did it because King Charles II wanted more settlements, more lands rich in natural resources, and control of the fur trade.