Lifestyle/healthy living with diabetes Flashcards
What is meant by a healthy lifestyle?
Eat well and balanced diet don't smoke regular physical activity moderate alcohol no recreational drugs good work/life balance dealing with stress
Change that happens when you are diagnosed with diabetes
medication/injections blood testing diet/weight loss physical activity hypos illness travel, hobbies, work friends and family
Problems with young people and diabetes
want to be same as peers festivals sex/contraception learning to drive tattoos/piercings leaving home recreational drugs nights out/alcohol
Healthy eating and diabetes
no diabetes diet
can eat simple CHO in moderation
Dietary consideration in diabetes
CHO is main consideration in maintaining glycaemic control
weight loss
Glycaemic index
a figure representing the relative ability of a carbohydrate food to increase the level of glucose in the blood
Importance of CHO counting in type 1 DM
quick acting insulin dose
dose to cover CHO in food
correction dose if [BG] is high
need to know how many units of insulin for 10g CHO for you!
Eating disorders in type 1 DM
common - young women diabulimia miss insulin doses recurrent DKA high morbidity and mortality
Does alcohol increase or decrease glycogenolysis?
Why does alcohol lead to a rise and then rapid fall in [BG]?
a lot of calories - high
reduce glycogenolysis
Alcohol limit for diabetes
same as general population
more than 2-3 units raises risk of a hypo
Advice for recreational drugs
Avoid measure [BG] avoid dehydration do not omit insulin/CHO munchies and control
Recommended levels of exercise in genera population
2.5 -3 hours moderate/week
75 mins vigorous per week
strength training
Children exercise recommendation
60 mins a day
How do we help people increase physical activity?
talk about it
Tips for exercise in diabetes
reduce insulin before and after eat more - CHO different insulin regimen reduction hypo risk encourage
Sedentary time
time spent sitting
die quicker
get up and moving
Driving and diabetes
carry CHO
measure [BG] 2 hours before and every 2 hours
no driving until 45 mins after hypo
inform DVLA if on insulin
hypos, vision, neuropathy
strict medical review for group 2 license eg bus/lorry
work and diabetes
no police/armed forces
2012 disability discrimination act
up to employer eg blue light rapid response
hobbies/work to consider carefully in diabetes
scuba diver
driver for work
Holidays and diabetes
carry insulin with you insurance monitor glucose fluids reduce risk of gastroenteritis adjust insulin for time zones