Life In Nazi Germany Flashcards
Three Ks
attitudes to woman, Kinder Kuche and Kirche
Law for encouragement of marriage
Married couples loan of 1,000 marks - 9 months wages
June 01 1933
250 marks of for each child
Cross of Honor of the German Mother
Bronze 4-5 children
Silver 6-7
Gold 8+
law for infertility
Divorce laws were adjusted to allow annulment if a spouse was infertile.
Contraception and abortion were restricted for “Aryan” women but promoted for those deemed “undesirable.”
Lebensborn program
Established by the SS to increase the birthrate of “racially pure” children.
Provided homes and financial support for unmarried Aryan mothers.
Encouraged SS officers to father children with women considered genetically fit.
Birth rate 1932 - 38
15/1000 - 19/1000
Female employment 1933 - 39
rose by 2.4 million despite being cheap labourers
1933 - women banned from having professional jobs
ran classes and radio shows to teach women how to run their home.
compulsory membership nazi youth
1937 - all aged 10+
Nazi Teachers Assosciation
made in 1929
compulsory in 1937
Hitler youth membership 1939
10% resisted
public construction projects
1936 olympic stadium
7,000 KM autobahn
National labour service
RAD made compulsory for all from 18-25 for 6 months in 1935
Compulsory for women from 18-25 in 1939
unemployment numbers 1933 - 39
5,000,000 - 300,000
Hjalmar Schact
credited with solving great depression
fired in 1937, did not believe germany could grow armed forces at the rate hitler desired
4 year plan
1936, prepared for war
Its two aims were rearmament (building up supply of military weapons) and self-sufficiency (needing no support).
Germany wanted self sufficiency, so wanted less imports
decreased as people became richer
by WW2 importing 20% of its food
1/3 of materials by WW2 despite Ersatz - substitutes
War industry by ww2
made up 1/4 of employment
weekly wage from 1932-39
rose 25%
20% food rise
not really improved workers
The cost of food increased. This meant they did not feel the increase in wages.
Working hours increased from 1936 onwards.
If a worker complained about working conditions, they would be ‘blacklisted’. This means they would struggle to find employment.
The four-year plan led to food shortages.
germans woman enterprise
Nuremberg Laws
In 1935, the Nuremberg Laws banned marriage or sexual relations between Aryans and non-Aryans.
Any mixed-race children were sterilised (medically operated on so they could not have children).
The Reich Law on Citizenship stated that Jews were no longer allowed to be German citizens and lost their rights.
The Reich Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honour stated that Jews could not marry German citizens.
SS Race Farms
SS men would deliberately have children with aryan women
Untermenschen heirarchy
Slav persecution
Made to feel uncomfortable
not many governmental plicies but some like The Polish Decrees (March 1940)
where slavs in poland had lower wages and stricter condtions
Roma persecution
From 1933 onwards, gypsies were arrested and sent to concentration camps.
In 1938, all gypsies had to be registered and medically examined. If they failed this test (which was designed so that most did fail) then German citizenship was removed and they could no longer travel.
From 1939, gypsies were told they would be deported.
From 1940, gypsies were deported to labour camps. From there some went to Chelmno death camp.
From 1942, the Nazis ordered all gypsies to be deported.
By the end of the war, 85% of German gypsies were killed. This was 25% of the whole European Roma population.
Beggars nazi
sent to do hard labour
Law for the Prevention of Hereditary Diseased Offspring
from 1933
300,000 disabled sterilised
from 1939, euthenasia introduced
100,000 killed secretly
1936 Jews
banned from entering professions such as doctors, vet, teacher etc
1939 Jews
Men had to add israel to name
Women add Sarah
J stamped on passports
Jews moved to live in ghettos
1000+ built in USSR and Poland
starvation and disease
Einsatzgruppen (SS killing squad)
killed jews found in USSR
1,000,000 +
Final Solution
decided in 1942 at Wannsee conference
60% of jew deaths post this point
6 death camps built overseen by Himmler
Operation Reinhard
October 1941
This was a plan to kill every Jew in the ‘General Government’ district of Poland.
3 new extermination camps built
Sobibor 1943
Jewish prisoners killed 11 SS guards, led by Alexander Pechersky. 240 of the Jews who escaped Sobibor on the 14th of October 1943 died, however, 60 escaped and survived the war.