Life in a Totalitarian State Flashcards
What is the main aspect of a Totalitarian State?
There was no personal freedom for people to do what they wanted.
What were the main aspects of the Nazi Police State? (3)
Protection Squad, SS.
Security Service, SD
Gestapo, Secret Police.
What were the Concentration Camps used for at first?
Suspected opponents of the Nazis or people in society that were not pure.
Who was considered ‘not pure’ in the new state? (3)
Jews, Gypsies and Homosexuals.
How was the legal system used?
To deliberately find suspected opponents of the Nazis guilty of crime.
How did the Nazis reach an ‘agreement’ with the Catholic Church?
They signed the ‘Concordat’ which promised the Nazis would not interfere with the Catholic Church if the Catholic Church accepted Nazi rule.
When was the Concordat signed?
July 1933.
How did Hitler try to control Protestant Christianity?
He put a Nazi in overall charge of the independent Protestant Churches.
Who was in charge of Nazi propaganda?
Josef Goebbels.
How did the Nazis use the press?
Censored stories they didn’t want.
How did the Nazis use the radio? (2)
Put Hitlers speeches on the radio.
Manufactured a cheap radio called the ‘Peoples Receiver’ which meant everyone had access to the radio.
How did the Nazis use rallies for the support?
They were made bigger and bigger and were filmed to appear spectacular.
What was the importance of the 1936 Olympics for propaganda?
They used the Olympics to show off a strong and powerful government.
They built a new Olympic stadium in Berlin that could hold 110,000 spectators.
How did the Nazis use culture and art to influence and control behaviour? (2)
The art of Otto Dix was burnt.
They removed thousands of paintings from galleries.
How did the Nazis use culture and literature to influence and control behaviour?
They censored and burned books that they did not agree with or that challenged the Nazis.
Who was Joseph Goebbels?
Reich minister of propaganda and public enlightenment.
When did Joseph Goebbels join the Nazis and when did he begin to oversee propaganda?
1922 and 1928.
What happened to the press under Nazi control?
They flourished under the Nazis - but they had to provide views which the Ministry agreed with or would face the consequences.
How was censorship used in the Press?
Journalists were told what they could not publish.
How was propaganda used in the press? (2)
They were given regular briefings containing the information the government were willing to release.
Were sometimes given direct instructions on what to write.
What happened to newspapers who opposed Nazi views?
They were closed down, there was no real free press in Germany.
What happened to the Radio under Nazi control?
Goebbels used the power of the radio in Nazi election campaigns.
After 1933 he censored radio stations and used them to broadcast Nazi propaganda.