Life Calling Chapter 5&6 Quiz (Part 1, Ch.5) Flashcards
Who stated β I donβt want to come to the end of my life and find that I only impersonated myselfββ¦?
Parker Palmer
What forms the first element in our unique design?
Our strengths
What are the five important domains in our lives?5οΈβ£
1) physical strengths,
2) emotional strengths,
3) intellectual strengths,
4) psychological strengths,
5) spiritual strengths.
With each of the five important domains in our lives, where do these strengths take shape from?3οΈβ£
1) The gifts that are inherent in our lives
2) The attitude we adopt and maintain about a strengths domain
3) From what we learn about the strengths domain, and finally from the skills that we develop through practice.
What is an ASSEST? (vocab)
useful or valuable quality or thing that is an advantage or resource
What is ATTITUDE? (vocab)
disposition or feeling a person adopts or has with regard
to a person or thing
What is DECLINE? (vocab)
to deteriorate, dwindle, fail in strength, vigor, character,
power, value, etc.
What is DESIGN? (vocab)
combination of plans, organization, details, features, and structure of an entity
What is DOMAIN? (vocab)
an area or range of personal distinctness characterized by specific qualities
What is FEELINGS? (vocab)
sensations experienced when one is stirred internally from non-physical sources
What is GIFT? (vocab)
a special ability or capacity, natural endowment, talent
What is HOLISTIC? (vocab)
of or relating to holism (a theory that the universe and
especially living nature is correctly seen in terms of
interacting wholes)
What is MEDIOCRITY? (vocab)
condition of being only ordinary or of moderate quality;
neither good nor bad; barely adequate
What is SENSIBILITY? (vocab)
capacity to respond to or be susceptible to sensory stimuli
What is SKILLS? (vocab)
excellence in performing in an area in which a person
has training, competence, expertise, and experience
What is STRENGTHS? (vocab)
qualities or features that bring power, force, vigor, or
What is SUCCESS? (vocab)
achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted
What is SURVIVE? (vocab)
to endure, live through, get by, or merely subsist
What is SYNERGISTIC? (vocab)
the interaction of elements in such a way that when they
combine, they produce a total effect that is greater than
the sum of the contributions made by the individual
What is TALENT? (vocab)
a special natural ability or aptitude that produces a
capacity for achievement or success
What is THRIVE? (vocab)
to flourish, grow or develop vigorously, achieve
something desired, planned, or attempted
What is UNIQUENESS? (vocab)
state of being the only one or the sole example; single;
solitary in type; having no like or equal
What is WEAKNESS? (vocab)
quality or feature that is inadequate or defective
What is WILL? (vocab)
the power of control that the mind has over choosing
oneβs own actions
We live in a society that gives a lot more emphasis to _________ than to _________
Conformity ; Uniqueness
What two perspectives do strengths need to be examined by?2οΈβ£
1) from an assets-based perspective
2) a holistic perspective.
Explain the Assets-Based Perspectiveβ¦
-it produces far greater effectiveness in our lives.
What is a liabilities-based perspective?
-it is focusing on the areas of our weaknesses that will never make us effective or successful.
We will greatly increase our ability to thrive in life by doing what?
-by focusing on identifying, building on, and utilizing our strengths.
What is leveraging?
- a term borrowed from the financial world.
- it means the use of various financial instruments or borrowed capital to increase the potential return on an investment.
- the best way to deal with weaknesses as well.
we need to look at our strengths with a ________ perspective.
When. we look at our strengths with a holistic perspective, what will it give us?
-Clarity that will ensure that we do not overlook areas of strength that may be less obvious to us.
What is a common problem among many strengths-based approaches to human uniqueness?
They employ a narrow, often singular focus looking at one aspect of uniqueness.
Who was a psychologist at Harvard University, that proposed a theory he called multiple intelligences?
Howard Gardner
What did Howard Gardner advocate?
the idea that human capacities need to be evaluated across a broad spectrum and placed these in seven categories summarized in Table 5-1.
What are Gardnerβs seven intelligences?
Linguistic- Words and language Logical-Mathematical Logic and numbers Musical Music, sound, rhythm Bodily-Kinesthetic Body movement control Spatial-Visual Images and space Interpersonal- Other peopleβs feelings Interpersonal- Self-awareness
What are Gardnerβa Four Other Possible Intelligences?
Naturalist Environmental concern
Spiritual Truth and values
Existential Ultimate issues
Moral Sanctity of life
What is Gallupβs StrengthsQuest?
- focuses individuals on strengths rather than weaknesses, believing that top achievers understand their talents and strengths and build their lives on them.
- StrengthsQuestTM leads each person in an exploration of natural talents in 34 different themes.
What are the 34 different themes mentioned in Gallupβs StrengthsQuest?
Achiever, Activator, Adaptability, Analytical, Arranger
Belief, Command, Communication, Competition
Connectedness, Consistency, Context Deliberative
Developer, Discipline, Empathy, Focus, Futuristic
Harmony, Ideation, Includer, Individualization, Input
Learner, Maximizer, Positivity, Relator, Responsibility
Restorative, Self-Assurance, Significance, Strategic, Woo
Explain the 34 different themes mentioned in Gallupβs StrengthsQuestβ¦
- They combine attributes from a broad variety of aspects that go into a personβs makeup.
- Provides a synergistic approach to looking at strengths that is valuable
What are Physical Strengths?
The capacity of our lives that gives our body dis-
tinct features and enables us to perform actions with our body.
What are Emotional Strengths?
The capacity of our lives that enables us to cor-
rectly experience and use feelings and sensibility.
What are Intellectual Strengths?
The capacity of our lives that enables us to acquire knowledge and develop an ever-expanding understanding of this knowledge in a manner that produces wisdom.
What are Psychological Strengths?
the capacity of our lives that enables us to exercise our will in deciding on courses of action.
What are Spiritual Strengths?
the capacity of our lives that enables us to discern
and respond in service to the mysterious inner leading of God.
Where does our society tend to put their focus on?
physical and intellectual strengths
What are gifts and talents?
-capabilities and features in a strengths domain that came
into our lives without our own doing.
-We were basically born with these.
What are three critical actions will help develop gifts and talents into strengths?3οΈβ£
- Adopt a positive attitude about all five strengths domains.
- Learn about the gifts and talents we have.
- Practice the skills associated with a gift and talent.
What does PSALMS 139:13-16 state?
βFor you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my motherβs womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when
I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were
written in your book before one of them came to be.
What three ideas stand out in particular in Psalm 139:13-16?3οΈβ£
- God was and continues to be intensely involved in our creation as people.
- God made us to be awesome creatures.
- Godβs involvement in our lives began before we showed up and it continues on throughout all of our days.